The Art of The Auto


Well-Known Member
I am intrigued mossy. I remember you talking about this setup but I don't remember if you had used it before or were trying it out now. Either way I will be keeping an eye on it.


Active Member
the blue himalaya diesel beans i got everyone of them popped that i tried but them damn russian rockets only 1 out of 4 popped. The seed case suck on it and choked it out even after i gently cracked it open some to try and avoid it.


Well-Known Member
did you notice on mine..they Amber too..
Couldn't miss it my friend, there is something interesting going on there.
Now that i have this i want to take a shot in trying to burst that.
Got a sewing needle just for the job.......if it contains scent ill be able to pick it up on the needle.


Active Member
Ha ha..sorry I got interupted....
I saw you asking about the air-block...
1 of the large ones.
Placed in the Top 1/3rd of the pot..because I want it for the germ/tap root.
Give them the oxygen/energy to Dive to the bottom of the pot.

See the first photo..I'm putting the pencil through the side of the pot to make a hole for the air-pipe...
handy with the polystyrene pots.

I turned the air-stone on it's back...coz I figured that when you water all the water and compo particles would clog it up...when you water from above.

put a good 1/2 inch of perlite below it..right across the width of the pot..
and 1/4 inch above..

Thinking that the perlite would have a lighter density that the moist compo above and below...
so the oxygen would spread across the body of perlite creating an air pocket..right across the surface
Before it penetrated the compo.

I put them on the air at the same time as the water when I go to the beach in the morning.
Dual hook-up.

I can see/feel a difference in the top layer of compo...
and although the main drying effect is directly above the air-block...
I can feel the difference right across the surface..

The compo is Puffed..has lots of air...

a top Crust that drops when you water it...

So..the equipment is doing it's job...
just gotta see if it Does make a difference.

BTW..I added a non-return valve on the plant pot umbilicus...
with it being in the soil..
I didn't want anything nasty travelling back up the air-hose and contaminating the Pump.

Just trying it out was FullD's idea..he saw it in another thread..I Think.

When I harvest..I'll have a look at how the roots have reacted to it..if they have moved towards it or away..
and I may amend it then..on the results...

IF it is Good..I may add another air-stone into the bottom 1/3rd of the pot...
and use the lower one as I think the roots have hit the bottom.

Couldn't miss it my friend, there is something interesting going on there.
Now that i have this i want to take a shot in trying to burst that.
Got a sewing needle just for the job.......if it contains scent ill be able to pick it up on the needle.
I was thinking along the same line...
thought if I could get a pair of the fine pointed/surgical tweezers in and Nip the bubble..
IF it IS terps/essential oil..
I would be able to smell it.

E Rosenthal says THC is we have a fine definition point.


Well-Known Member
Teflondummy, very nice buds. I was wondering what strain that was impressive yeild. Thats more than I get of my current Chocolope and Kahuna grows, and they take twice as long.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I play on live. I was on everyday for 3-4 hours minimum with MW2. I haven't played black ops any where near as much but I still stay at the top of the lobby leader boards.:twisted::leaf:
Elusivethe end, add me lol it would be sweet to have a fellow grower to play with and chat about our ladies lol


Active Member
Wow..teflondummy...just spotted it.......

Good morning all. I am digging all the tric shots. I wish I had a better camera. Ant way I just got finished cutting one down. She was short and dense, 140 grams wet. I don't care what photo period growers say about auto yields, that is impressive for 65 days of growth
Mighty growing my have it all going on......:clap:

What sized pot....?



Active Member is Snow White doing....?

I have my fingers crossed...
All for the Love of AF.

(don't can amend that in the rolls......).....:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Weeeelllll...we will be Testing that root drop theory come spring..
that big pot has a 28 inch DROP on it.....:o

Yup..lets Me know your Theory works too m8..Brilliantly....:clap:
I can't grow like that in small pots...

Hey hisser Bro....
all the girls look the lst system you are doing...
Photo 4 where you have the Bad Betty bent back..she looks like a Black bud...:weed:

Never waste an experiment nc...come in a share it with US.....:clap:
We appreciate it..kudos.

Now..summers observations...

Mi5 colours in Cold ONLY...
JEM does both.

Colour in JEM is Not cold dependant...
Mi5 and JEM share genetic heritage...
JEM Should pull and stabilise the Colours in Mi5..without too much trouble.

The other observation...Mi5 has a hermie problem...and an AF problem
JEM is actually Hard to hermie..and is so far up the F's...carries a Strong AF dominance...

Sounds like a Marriage made in Heaven eh...?
If only we knew someone that had made the cross....mmmm....mmmm.....mmm......:hump:

Joker..did you get the pressie you wanted...?

HBS...Hope you had a Good one m8...
Dana is looking Beautiful.....Well Saved......:clap:
You know Moss man..
Looking through all of my HT mags I've noticed a lot of the Kush type plants in the pics have cloven leaves...
'Just a kush trait?

I've not had a Hermie problem but out of 20 regular MI5 I got 19 males & 1 micro female...
I still have some Mi5 pollin, I think may hit a JEM with it and see if I can't pull out a Purple or Red pheno...

I have just lost faith in a lot of seed companies because of the damn thieving, Seems I hear about a new scam-strain every week!
Glad we have true Breeders to rely here:)

I'm going to see if I can't pull off some macro Trich shots for you lot... No promises, I seem to suck at the trich shots.haha
So this morning I wake up and check on my plant to find it dead after 4 days above soil. Im thinking i either killed it with giving it light last night or well, that is my only guess. Im truly crushed considering it took almost a month for my Fast Bud bean to get here. Either way, trial by fire I guess. I wanna try a second go round but am now scared of the fast bud.

John Mondello

Active Member
OK.. after getting my SCUBA gear for the page dive (couldn't hold my breath long enough this time)

Muggles..apparently is an Old Americanism for dope plants..or dope smokers....
you never heard this before? you need to see the movie homegrown with hank azaria and billy bob thorton - killer flick... I'll be glad to share if you ike

Nothing like christmas when the kids still believe in santa..Magic.
Fave memory was when my son was about 6 and got the bike he wanted...
he was shaking like a pneumatic drill from head to toe..
That image is just too funny... I could see my son reacting like that... I only wish they were just growing out of it... they are 350 miles away and the ex wouldn't let me have them for christmas, this year, either... bitch! and come to find out... her and the new hubbie got drunk and had a big fight for christmas day and ruined christmas for my kids... god I wanna..... nevermind... you get the idea! (thanks for the vent session)

Dude, John, sorry I missed this yesterday. Doh! Freaking awesome bro! I clicked play and as soon as I heard it was Little Wing, I paused, reloaded the bowl, hit play, and proceeded to enjoy.
Oh and at 6 minutes, I chuckled because as soon as I saw your mother plant(?), I did the same thing, lol.
Lol... glad u liked the vid... and yes thats a mother plant who got heat stressed... she's coming out soon I think.. dont wanna transmit that stress downline.

I was thinking along the same line...
thought if I could get a pair of the fine pointed/surgical tweezers in and Nip the bubble..
IF it IS terps/essential oil..
I would be able to smell it.
E Rosenthal says THC is we have a fine definition point.
This terps trichs stuff interests the hell outta me!

FD- you couldn't post enough trich shots! lol It's great study for me unil I get my own scope - well that and my little 30x loupe.. :)


John Mondello

Active Member
So this morning I wake up and check on my plant to find it dead after 4 days above soil. Im thinking i either killed it with giving it light last night or well, that is my only guess. Im truly crushed considering it took almost a month for my Fast Bud bean to get here. Either way, trial by fire I guess. I wanna try a second go round but am now scared of the fast bud.

Light wouldn't do it... what did you change? do you have any pics? we'll help you fix whatever problem you had... now worries m8!
Light wouldn't do it... what did you change? do you have any pics? we'll help you fix whatever problem you had... now worries m8!
I didnt change a thing. I dont exactly have a true exhaust system running. The two leaves were showing but were not totally developed yet either. Any guess to what may have done it? It was about 88 degrees when i found it.