Well-Known Member
Fat people are unnatural. Human body wasn't designed to carry 300+ pounds. Should we get rid of them too?Thank you at least you know its unnatural.. Now why would want something unnatural apart of our society?
Fat people are unnatural. Human body wasn't designed to carry 300+ pounds. Should we get rid of them too?Thank you at least you know its unnatural.. Now why would want something unnatural apart of our society?
Ok if they were born that way why were they chosen to be that way.. What makes someone born that way that is nonsense man no one is born gay it doesn't add up. If it was a part of nature there would be gay animals and I dont see any accept for some lab rats scientist made gay by changing how their brains work which is why I truly believe gay people have mental problems that intensive counseling could fix
Constantine took out the gay stuff from the bible to make people like Santorum happy. Jesus was flaming. I mean, he did have 12 guys follow him like a bitch in heat. Even the son of god has needs. Just ask catholic priests.... Its in the bible that God dispises homosexuality because it is sin in which he did not create us.
I have to say your lying no where in nature are there homosexual animals there are a sexual not homosexualI've talked to some gay people before and they all say it's just who they are, it's not really chosen. I've seen a TV segment on Discovery about homosexuality in nature and it showed a few different species and then mentioned a few others. The proof is out there. Also, homosexualty is not about the mind - it's about the emotions and feelings towards their loved ones....there's nothing mental to to fix. What you suggest is brainwashing have to say your lying no where in nature are there homosexual animals there are a sexual not homosexual
How do you know that? Scientists have found out about this phenomena called epigenes. These are envirinmental factors which can be genetically be passed on but are not part of DNA. These factors can last a few generations before going away. Those homos could be releasing epigenes which latch on like a virus and infecting unsuspecting evangelical christians making their offspring gay. The only way to know for sure is eliminating all gays so there's n longer a gay epigenome factor.There will always be gay people. It's part of nature. They don't have to breed to promogote gay people in the world. Most gays come from heterosexual couples. Gay people who choose to have children more often than not have heterosexual children. In nature, it isn't necessary for each member of the species to reproduce. Different members of animal societies fill roles that don't necessarily mean they have to breed. It's survival of the species, not the individual.
I have to say your lying no where in nature are there homosexual animals there are a sexual not homosexual
that's ironic because i wouldn't want my kids to be exposed to hateful bigots like you....They are human beings that are living taboo I wouldnt want my kids exposed to that sh1t man it is in no way normal... women were made for man why humans always gotta fuck sh1t up... Take a look at yourselfs
do you also not believe in clouds? automobiles? nylon?I dont believe in homos man...
the bible was written by people, genius.... Its in the bible that God dispises homosexuality because it is sin in which he did not create us.
homosexuality exists in almost every species in nature.Ok if they were born that way why were they chosen to be that way.. What makes someone born that way that is nonsense man no one is born gay it doesn't add up. If it was a part of nature there would be gay animals and I dont see any accept for some lab rats scientist made gay by changing how their brains work which is why I truly believe gay people have mental problems that intensive counseling could fix
Makes more sense than this bumper sticker I once saw which said, "God doesn't believe in atheists." That was ironic on so many you also not believe in clouds? automobiles? nylon?
how can something that occurs in nature be unnatural?Gays should be able to do whatever they want. Who cares if they get married. Some of the nicest guys I've met have been gay.
However, that doesn't change the fact that it is unnatural. No matter how hard you try, you're not going to pop out a little one.
everything you said made no sense in what species do you see homosexuals wtf are you spewing manhow can something that occurs in nature be unnatural?
i need to listen to big-brained geniuses like you more often. then i would realize that menopause and infertility are also unnatural.
humans, for one.everything you said made no sense in what species do you see homosexuals wtf are you spewing man
Another head in the sand religious bigot. What a surprise.everything you said made no sense in what species do you see homosexuals wtf are you spewing man
weren't you just over in another thread urging that we nuke pakistan off the face of the earth?Another head in the sand religious bigot. What a surprise.
Yes. Yes i was. And we should. If you can't play nice you shouldn't be allowed to play at all. Muslims have proven that they cannot play nice. Pretty simple equation.weren't you just over in another thread urging that we nuke pakistan off the face of the earth?