The Amero.......


Well-Known Member
Is it real? Has anyone seen one? What does everyone think they'll do with the global financial system? I would like to discuss this because I feel some big changes are in the very near future for the financial system & I also noticed in the news lately it seems as though they are refering to the global economy more often than just the U.S.:confused:


Well-Known Member
It looks so real it makes it hard to believe it's fake. I don't know what to think. How would they introduce this? How would people react? I hear that they are having a G20 meeting about the world's financial system today & tomorrow? Could this be in the discussion? Is it coming sooner than we think?


Well-Known Member
How would they introduce it?- Look what's happening now. The value of the dollar fluctuates daily. They'll simply say that each currency is to volitle on it's own and introduce a more stable system.

How would people react?- Some people would love it. Some people would be too stupid to react, and some would be infuriated.

G20- I'm sure. They're discussing how to stabilize world markets. Im sure a new more stable currency is on the docket.

Well the SPP was signed in 2005 by Bush, Fox, and Paul martin. They've had three years to strategize. But who knows...we're just Cogs. Ya know. I anticipate the next 5-10 years will be pivotal.


Well-Known Member
It was talked about alot when the Canadian dollar was rising. In fact 6
months ago the Canadian dollar was damn near the same value of the
American dollar.
But look in the paper, the Candadian dollar has dropped considerably.
For every 1 American dollar you get $1.25 Canadian.


Well-Known Member
for a week or so the canadian dollar was higher. Living in canada and working in the states became a pain in the ass at that point. Im so glad I get more bang for my buck now.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for that article ElBarto! I had doubts about it's authenticity, but couldn't find any real disputes. On the other hand I do believe the world's financial leaders are dicussing the possibility of a modern day Bretton Woods & they will have big changes to announce after their meeting this weekend.