The Americas Manifesto

your credibility is low . . . . .. . . . . .i dont believe a word you type really anymore

more like watching the pathological liar kid i knew when i was in high school explain his day
i can go find video rigth now and say it was me . . . . . . how does it make it you at all, did you say hi RIU and UB for being dicks


It will be on MY Youtube channel, with the same video camera as I made all the other videos with. Not just a random video.

And I don't care what YOU think about my credibility. Everyone will be able to see all of this in a few days.

And I know what's up.
I know where I got the trim, and how I made the hash.
I'll do it again for you when I get back to Colorado for the 4/20 Rally.
The more videos the better :lol:
whats the channel ill go see it now?

"FinShaggy" on Youtube.

That video isn't up yet. I haven't even put my harvest up yet.

As I said earlier in this thread, my Windows Video Maker program is broken, and my computer is slow as Christmas.
The video will be up in a few days, once I get my computer fixed.
so how do you dry and make hash properly in 5 days? and move and smoke and sell all of it?

how many lights do you use, what spectrum do they use?and are you using a 12/12 cycle

12 weeks huh, i thought you were in cali 3 months ago? and isnt shiva a 10 week + flower cycle strain how long did you veg?

are you sure you dont wont to admit that its your older stupider balder friend that made those videos?

because that was embarrassing to watch and here you rationalize your thoughts and excuse your Plant abuse?
"the differences (they are bag seeds) between these two plants are this one is this tall and that one is that tall"

listening to you describe scrog is the funniest shit
so how do you dry and make hash properly in 5 days? and move and smoke and sell all of it?

how many lights do you use, what spectrum do they use?and are you using a 12/12 cycle

12 weeks huh, i thought you were in cali 3 months ago? and isnt shiva a 10 week + flower cycle strain how long did you veg?

are you sure you dont wont to admit that its your older stupider balder friend that made those videos?

because that was embarrassing to watch and here you rationalize your thoughts and excuse your Plant abuse?

you should be able to answer without thinking??? i wonder how long it will take you to search the interweb/balder older friend, for the answers

and exatcly how long ago did you move from texas or cali or texas to cali to CO?????
so how do you dry and make hash properly in 5 days? and move and smoke

1. You COULD make/dry ect using the dry ice method

2. I did it with ice and bubble bags. That awesome hash is actually 220 micron. I just caught it in a 90 Micron, threw it on a paper towel. Squished it, new towel, squish, new towel, done.

3. It wasn't 5 days. I smoked some before I left. And left the rest with a friend, and told him he could do wahtever he wanted with it. He said he wanted to try to sell it.

4. He smoked it all now. It's gone.

Go smoke something. And read the Manifesto, and stop grilling me on stupid bullshit.

THAT HASH DOESN'T EXIST ANY MORE. And it's not the topic. I won't reply about it anymore.
no the awesome hash comes from 65-90 micron its called full melt, and takes whole trickomes vs heads like the lower and . . . .all the green shity plant material TOO at 220 like yours

. where do you get your information salvation army gardening center
no the awesome hash comes from 65-90 micron its called full melt, and takes whole trickomes vs heads like the lower and . . . .all the green shity plant material TOO at 220 like yours

There was just a couple felcks of plant material, and it wasn't effective at all to the hash quality, I'll post pictures.

I know NORMALLY people have to use better filters, but the trim I use comes out bad ass at 220.
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at 220 micron the first bag in my bubble bag set . . .. nope . . .. that aint hash thats desperation . . .

you got lots of low grade hash in there . . . kinda like mixing wild turkey and 18 Glenlivet doesnt make sense to anyone

keep growing, its like a daily source of BS

like a trainwreck on repeat

at 220 micron the first bag in my bubble bag set . . .. nope . . .. that aint hash thats...

That's you growing shitty plants, or having shitty trim. It's the first bag in my set too :dunce:

If your plants are so shitty, that your 220 isn't AWESOME. Then your grow SUCKS.

I make 90 micron also, it's just a lot less, quantities not worth taking pictures of.
in your quest for consistently failing everything and repeating those failures day in and day out

just dont do this
That's you growing shitty plants, or having shitty trim. It's the first bag in my set too :dunce:

If your plants are so shitty, that your 220 isn't AWESOME. Then your grow SUCKS.

I make 90 micron also, it's just a lot less, quantities not worth taking pictures of.

you are so stupid its funny

keep it up

its one big joke

and on you
you are so stupid its funny

keep it up

it one big joke

and on you

And now YOU'RE in a corner with nothing relevant left to say.

Have fun talking to yourself.

statement i quoted speaks volumes on your stupidity . . .. . .im not going to do your homework for you

little boy

have fun in your make believe reality

and keep making lesser quality everything

if everything you do is a failure hmm . . . . wonder how that reflects on you