The AltarNational Garden

Oh it's you! haha!

Good to see you still up brother.

I'm alright! I shut down myself tho, for now anyway. Had a mite infestation from some crappy clones I got from a friend... bug mistake! (that was a typo but I left it, heh.) So I shut down all together and bleached the shit out of everything and put it all in storage. Found a good caregiver who is giving me really decent prices on good fire... and trying to cut way back anyway so it works out. I am hoping to get set up as a caregiver down the road still though. Going to be at least a move in the works before that though.
Irie If I had known it was you I would not have responded cryptically the first time. ;)

And hello sir Gigs! Good to see you still here as well!

I lost interest in posting here recreationally when it became a facebook clone with endless tirades of meme-threads. :P (I could point fingers of blame at certain member(s) who arrived just prior to this change but I think I'll just hold me tongue...)
Not to mention I literally just spent 9 months straight under heavy sublimator hits. heh. It was pretty intense. I'm kind of chronically dehydrated and am starting a break now, as of about five days ago. I think I might just sell the thing. It's amazing in terms of hit density but I can't take the tolerance hike. Then again, it's a perfectly viable oil rig. ;) We'll see, we'll see.
I basically hit the ground running after our kid was born and haven't stopped to breathe in 9 months. Finally catching up on a lot of nerve-recooperation, extra sleep, reading, et cetera. But mainly I want to shift my behavior so that it's easier to keep the habit out of view, so to speak. My plan is to go heavy on tinctures and edibles and kick the oral fixation once and for all.
Haha Yeahhhhhhhhhh nice to hear that everything is still alright wit ya man!
Sorry to hear about the damn mites tho! I could have only imagined the struggle damn :/
I got all kinda bugs atm, but luckily nothing peskier than some loitering fungus gnat lol.
It must be the Neem cake that got em not wanting anything to do with the plants...

Speak of losing interest in posting, I've not really lost interest as much as I've found it less and less necessary you know? But it does feel good to catch up man! Reminds me of the good ole days haha!

And speaking of cutting back, I've cut wayyyy back too! Stopped smoking tobacco with the weed(Dutch style spliffs), and sure enough, I'm good smoking once a day straight weed, versus the 4 a day, when I was smoking spliffs.
So My tolerance is slowly but surely gone back down haha! I was SMOKING MAN, so I can relate to the tolerance situation. BTW, I still haven't had a dab..Does that make me a noob? hahahahaha

But man, I'm sure you'll be fine since you still got all the pieces to the puzzle.
Sometimes change is exactly what we need you know?! Meanwhile I've been doing the same shit all along lol!
And I'm not sure how old the little one is at this point, but it's never too late for a congrats, so cheers bro! Hope you find all the joy in the world in being a pop, and getting your body back rested, and in the swing of normal things.

I get notifications whenever you post, so if you do pick up the mic again, I'll be around my brother :)
I'm sending you some good vibes tho bro, and whenever you ready to come outta the dark, I got a flashlight for ya!
He's just around 9 mo's now.

Thanks a lot for your response man, it's good to know I got friends round these parts still! Haha. I was on a serious binge for a while there... with the sublimator I could power through my own tolerance like a train. It was crazy. I ended up with some physical symptoms I do not dig, including some weird pressure and blockage in my ears from too much coughing. Between that and the effect it has on my singing voice it is totally not worth it to stay at that rate of usage. Really crazy actually. I worry that I literally endangered my livelihood at this point. It will take a bit of time to get back to a clear voice, for sure. I work pretty well with the rumbles tho, lol.
Between the influx of stupid posts in the off-topic forums and the gaining of confidence in my own skills, I cut out a lot of posting for sure... and while I did like talking to you guys in here (here I am!) a lot of it sort of wound down overall. Also, let's be frank, I'm way more confident in what I speak and type when I'm not chronically sublimated all day every day. Does a number on my nerves after a while and I just decide to withdraw and not post publicly for a while usually. Then when I get my head cleaned up a little I'm like "Oh yeah, it feels awesome to express myself!" haha.
Haha I know what it's like to be "out of it" for a bit due to whatever is going on in life so I can relate man.
Glad you managed to get a hang on things and see it through tho also. Our bodies are resilient machines lol.
Not much you can throw at it, that it can't take, so I'm sure in time the voice will be back to full strength man!
In the mean time all you can do it keep moving forwards!

And yeah man, when I think back to it haha, those were the days around these parts haha.
Can't count the number our hours I spent on here haha. Posting like a noob who knew it all just that quick haha.
Maybe there will come a day when we can all party again haha!

Until then brother
Officially in the industry in California for about a year now brother! Making my way back to the forum game haha! Hope all is well and hope to hear from you brother.

What's up my guy? You still check this forum?

How bout my other old grow buddies?? All y'all still here?

I felt downright weird reading some of these old posts. I was writing small books for posts back then apparently. Now thanks to ig I've lost the touch of lpng format expression and discussion.

Still growing strong. Better every try. I'm all LED now. About to do a hard reboot because pm got in on a bad clone, but generally have had a lot of good results since these old days. And I thank each and every one of you for helping to get me educated.
JD wassup bro!?!?! long time no see. hope all is well with the both of you!
both of you guys do great work and have some truly epic journals.
i havent grown anything in quite a while, need some
you 2 are perfect motivators, ill just go back and look at strains you guys ran thru the years. make my choices from your smoke reports.

altar whats up with some pics and such
Still here but only as an advisor. With legalization came the revocation of personal growing rights. Looking for some land in a better location.