The AltarNational Garden


New Member
hahaha I was like yo, did bro miss the mainlining lol?! I hate the look of untrained plants man! Can't STAND they way they look!
Just seems like so much wasted space...Indoors at least lol. Outdoor is a different story tho lol


Well-Known Member
hahaha I was like yo, did bro miss the mainlining lol?! I hate the look of untrained plants man! Can't STAND they way they look!
Just seems like so much wasted space...Indoors at least lol. Outdoor is a different story tho lol
I just find it fascinating... I feel like training plants as they grow, and then watching them "harden" into solid form, is sort of like some slow-motion-drying clay sculpture or something, LOL. Wicked fun. Mainlining is like a dream come true for me because I'm a huge fan of symmetry and somewhat of a perfectionist, LOL. I love how the stem forms. Can't wait til they fatten up... if you've checked out nugbucket's mainlining thread, you've seen his candle stand made of mainlined stem, LOL. Wicked cool.


Well-Known Member
I've seen that bro. I use to mainline but I got lazy I guess you could say and with the numbers I was running it wasn't work doing them all lol.


Well-Known Member
I've seen that bro. I use to mainline but I got lazy I guess you could say and with the numbers I was running it wasn't work doing them all lol.
I hear ya... I am a "try everything once" dude... lol. New methods each time. First round was synthetic nutes and simple LST. Second round was synthetic nutes and scrog. Third round was organic bottled nutes and uhh... jeez, what did I do last time, lol. Oh right, FIMing. And this time it's living soil and topping/mainlining. :0] Who knows what tomorrow brings :D


Well-Known Member
My creative solution to stems lately has been to whittle and sand the flat end where it was cut into nice packing tools for my vaporizer, with a stirring pick on the other end. :D I'll take pics next time I"m shootin'...


Well-Known Member
I hear ya... I am a "try everything once" dude... lol. New methods each time. First round was synthetic nutes and simple LST. Second round was synthetic nutes and scrog. Third round was organic bottled nutes and uhh... jeez, what did I do last time, lol. Oh right, FIMing. And this time it's living soil and topping/mainlining. :0] Who knows what tomorrow brings :D
Hey bro there is nothing wrong with that. It's how you learn and once you find something that works for you that gets you solid numbers time and time again then you stick with it, until then have fun and learn all you can brotha ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey bro there is nothing wrong with that. It's how you learn and once you find something that works for you that gets you solid numbers time and time again then you stick with it, until then have fun and learn all you can brotha ;)
you know it dude, just testing the waters all around. I'm just a newb at heart. haha.


Well-Known Member
you know it dude, just testing the waters all around. I'm just a newb at heart. haha.
Shit bro I've been growing for just a lil over 8 years now and I still consider myself a newb. The people I learned from though have been growing for 30+ years so they really make me feel dumb sometimes lol


New Member
Haha yes fellas! Gettin better with time like weed and wine haha!
I'm only on my second run technically lol, but I've tried to try as much as humanly possible lol, to get it all in!
I'm feeling what you're doing with the mainlining for sure tho!
Had my hearts set on it, then I discovered the production of topping after the 2nd or 3rd true nodes, which produces an identical end result just about bro!
When you look at the White Widow that I posted on here a few pages back, It's got 6 solid main colas, an NO extra branching. All built off of a single stem structure! Sound familiar lol?
Thinking of building off of that with my next run than if I'm not satisfied, I'll go with mainlining too!
Don't look like it's your first time mainlining either lol. Wonderful what happens when you apply yourself as much as you need to right?! :joint:


New Member
Shit bro I've been growing for just a lil over 8 years now and I still consider myself a newb. The people I learned from though have been growing for 30+ years so they really make me feel dumb sometimes lol
In 8 years I should have my own line-up of breeds haha! Selling on shelves around the world lol!


And I still expect to be one of the OG growers of your first strain lol. Don't forget that :peace:


Well-Known Member
In 8 years I should have my own line-up of breeds haha! Selling on shelves around the world lol!


And I still expect to be one of the OG growers of your first strain lol. Don't forget that :peace:
I've actually already got my first strain :D Hehe :)


Well-Known Member
That widow looks great Sincerely, definitely not arguing with such a method, haha. But I'm already seeing a huuuuge difference between the growth on the C99's that comes from the top node (which was the 4th true node I think) and the growth off the ones coming off a node lower. Unless you're saying they all come off the same node at the top? How are you gettin 6 shoots straight off one node if that's the case?

Edit: Actually, to be fair, the growth difference is prominent on one c99 plant in particular... another shows it somewhat... and the third is fairly even. I'm mainlining judging by how thick the branches off the main stem are getting, but it reflects in the growth of the whole branch.

It's been a challenge to get the lower node branches to come up and even out with the canopy too, so overall I'm definitely a bigger fan of the all-off-one-node approach the mainlining gives.

Again, like i said, unless you're sayin you ARE doing basically the same thing for six heads... just not sure how you get there, as it all multiplies by 2... 1 becomes 2 becomes 4 becomes 8... how'd you end up at 6? Wish I could see the branch structure in that picture!


Well-Known Member
Edit: Actually, to be fair, the growth difference is prominent on one c99 plant in particular... another shows it somewhat... and the third is fairly even. I'm mainlining judging by how thick the branches off the main stem are getting, but it reflects in the growth of the whole branch.
lol... freudian slip. Was supposed to be 'mainly'


New Member
Sounds lovely... my tolerance is out of control! lol.
You and me BOTH FML. And I wanna quit to get it back haha but it's just so easy and nice being able to roll spilff after spliff bra.
Surprised you haven't turned into some Kolossus by now lol.

And even tho my tolerace is off the wall, don't make me wanna go smoke some crack or meth or shit and get higher lol.
What they fuck are they talking about a gateway drug?!


Well-Known Member
You and me BOTH FML. And I wanna quit to get it back haha but it's just so easy and nice being able to roll spilff after spliff bra.
Surprised you haven't turned into some Kolossus by now lol.

And even tho my tolerace is off the wall, don't make me wanna go smoke some crack or meth or shit and get higher lol.
What they fuck are they talking about a gateway drug?!
Haha... I like a good stimulant buzz but I learned a long time ago to just stick to weed because it's fairly harmless compared to the sort of stress heavier stuff can put on ya physically! Now if I want a good stimulant buzz I grow out more sativa ;)

But yeah, my tolerance is pretty bad but I am being so good in the sense that I have been stickin to my vaporizer even though my tolerance is thru the roof... usually when I get to this point I start smoking anyway just for a "high variety" to help diminish the tolerance slightly... but this time I"ve been pretty steadfast... I've only smoked a few bong loads since harvest, and it was mostly because I had some scissor hash to deal with. :D