The AltarNational Garden


Well-Known Member
Only because it's a makeshift drying tent made out of my clothing storage shelving, haha... it will go back to being where I keep my clothes once drying's done... haha... someday I will have a real drying tent with lots of hang-things ;)


Well-Known Member
OH ya, I can tell...

You mean rock hard buds right, cuz that's the only thing hard over there. Well the only thing I care to know about haha


Well-Known Member
Thanks dudes... they are lookin pretty good to me...

Wonderful bouqets all around... except NLxNL, smells like almost nothing. But the Kolossus is really a beauty on the palette. The Nor'Easter has a unique spicy/minty edge that really adds to it, I can dig it.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing a back and forth between C99 and Kolossus trying to keep my tolerance down while I wait for my new Sublimator. LoL. They said it'll ship monday. (Today) so that's good. And more strains dry soon so that's good. haha.


Well-Known Member
though I do find that the solo cranked up to 6 gives me totally decent bong rips. It will for sure stay on as a backup and portable. I wish it worked better portable though... without a bottom screen there's always a little bud on the element and it can ruin the flavor. So I always vaporize it almost upside down, which sort of ruins the discretion. Maybe I'll attach a whip.


Well-Known Member
The C99 has such a light essence, it really dances on the palette without ever feeling like it saturates. It's very strong but it's so cerebral. I find myself chasing the dragon with it, vaping a LOT of it in an attempt to ride the snake. heh. This vaporizer doesn't have a high enough setting to satiate my masochism...


Well-Known Member
So I'm thinking about concentrates because of all the larfy buds I'll be harvesting from the bottom... I have been doing butane runs but my tube is only 8-9g's and I always try to let it naturally gas out before I open it and empty it so it takes a while to do much trim.

Options i'm considering include... bubble bags, though I'm hesitant because I've heard it's a delicate procedure without the machine. I've never given it a go myself. But the Sublimator should handle bubble hash just as well as BHO I'd imagine.

Another option (pricier unless I go heavy macguyver on it) is a tumbler for kiefing. I do love me some good kief.

Final option is to just get a bigger BHO tube... heh. That's the cheapest option probably... but the bubble bags are a tempting alternative, I do'nt think it would cost me much (35?) on ebay for a set.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you make some dry ice hash bro?

And you can tell you be smoking that Cindy you're all talkative and shit lol :)

Haha... for sure dude for sure.

I did dry ice then ethanol rinsed it into oil a couple crops ago... the first one I did C99 with in fact. I was a little unsatisfied with the lack of control and/or perception on my part in regards to when I've crossed into no man's land (ie, a lot of plant material coming through with it) ... I might still give it another shot though. If you got tips on keeping it clean let me know...


Well-Known Member
Freeze your material and grind it up fine. Use chunks of dry ice. Then shake lightly not vigorous across a glass table is best or anything smooth.

I usually don't see change until run 3 and rarely see green in my material.

You could always do bubble, it's fun and prob my fave but the return isn't quite as hefty.


Well-Known Member
Freeze fresh or dry? I think I did dry before. Maybe I give fresh a go... we'll see, still have some time. I would like to learn to do bubble hash... but I do like my returns hefty... hmmm... ;)