The allowable maximum amount of 10 mg of THC per edible should be lowered to five mg, says the Canad

Too efficient. The government wants to make you intervolved as much as possible. Too efficient and they come for you man. Run.
Want a cookie or a gold star in that case?
Hero biscuit

because he's still here and seems very bitter about it

SO you went through it just to come be a dick online and use being a two time cancer survivor to somehow justify it?
Most people would be humbled by that experience and not try to judge anyone going through the same thing. Instead you decided to do the opposite and somehow turn your " two time cancer survivor " into a small dick pissing contest?
Seriously go back to your cesspool and lets hope third times a charm ya goof.

Cheers :)
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back to the original discussion....whenever the government steps in to protect the public from the public it becomes a fiasco
By the governments logic
why not just cap everything at its lowest possible denominator 1mg that way no one can take too much and a standard medical dose would be 100's of units....
reminds me of a Mitch Headberg joke:
"Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something."
This is where places like shoppers drug mart, or other pharmacies should be able to sell "medical" cannabis, where with a prescription, you could get much larger doses.
There's a reason that even things like Tylenol, Oxycontin, and other medications come in varying strengths: different people react differently to medications.

What is being suggested is, and I quote directly, "erring on the side of caution". You can always take more if you need to, but once you take a dose, that's it. There's no going back.

THC as medication is new to everybody and gets newer to a wider audience every single day. For people to get so bent out of shape over being responsible just goes to show how irresponsible, narcissistic and worthless they really are.

This is all new to all of us. I have no problem whatsoever with having to take two pills rather than one, or eat two gummies rather than one, or eat two cookies rather than one if it is for the greater good...which this SUGGESTION WHICH ISN'T EVEN LAW YET really is.

But do keep screaming out like the drug addicts you are about the "GIMME DAT FULL DOSE DADDY!!! I'M A GONNA WITHDRAWAL IF'N I DON'T GETS IT!!!"
You cant even see it can you? MEDICAL. Our government just wants to pad their fucking pockets MORE, because they lost so much revenue the first year is nothing more than a cash grab....if you know ANYTHING at all, just stop. 5mg doses at prob 12- 15 bucks knowing them.
That is incredible amounts of money a WEEK for most medical users...get bent .
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo.....there's enough hands in the pot already.....

So what's your solution? Sell massively high doses in the rec stores? I mean, you are complaining about the legal limit in the govt store bought stuff, so I assume you'd be open to a solution to that but it seems not. You can always make your own, at any dose you like, so if you don't want to purchase it from a legal source then where is the problem to start with? Any illegal source wouldn't be abiding by the limit anyhow...
shoppers drug mart...the most judgmental pharmacy out there....especially if you once had opiate prescriptions with them...
they were the ones who wanted nothing to do with cannabis,while Harper was trying to kill the mmar, but the moment the "closed door network" decided the Lp's would be the sole growers for medical cannabis they(shoppers) were lobbying to try and become the sole medical provider at the retail level.
blah blah blah corporate weed and blah blah blah corporate retail pharmacy...we need neither...
So what's your solution? Sell massively high doses in the rec stores? I mean, you are complaining about the legal limit in the govt store bought stuff, so I assume you'd be open to a solution to that but it seems not. You can always make your own, at any dose you like, so if you don't want to purchase it from a legal source then where is the problem to start with? Any illegal source wouldn't be abiding by the limit anyhow...
show people what they can do for themselves!! :idea:
Dont need unions or corps selling OUR HERB
Its is the PEOPLES PLANT after all
How GW patented MN and the USA wit a patent on THC :lol:
How the fuck they figure they can patent MN is BEYOND ME so
FUCK EM WE DONT NEED THEM ANYWAY Never have either:idea::weed:(: