The Alchemist Resource blog site open

Us original Skunk Pharm Research founders launched our new The Alchemist Resource public information blog site on 11-1-2017 and invite ya'll to check us out.
hi Fade

I have been a fan of your guys work for quite a while! That's awesome that you have a new site setup, too bad about what happened with the old one. I could setup an improved site for you guys on Wordpress with a much cleaner modern webdesign look. We can migrate the data from Blogger directly so you keep all your posts and content and migrate it directly, so you don't lose anything. let me know! of course no charge
hi Fade

I have been a fan of your guys work for quite a while! That's awesome that you have a new site setup, too bad about what happened with the old one. I could setup an improved site for you guys on Wordpress with a much cleaner modern webdesign look. We can migrate the data from Blogger directly so you keep all your posts and content and migrate it directly, so you don't lose anything. let me know! of course no charge
Thanks for the offer GN, I'll pass it on to Jose'.

I just write the stuff. We picked Blogger because he feels it has more potential and interfaced better to Google. We were limited with the previous Word Press site.

Do you have a example of what you are talking about that you can share?
Fadedawg, I hope this comes out well for you. Your contributions to the human race are valuable. The fact you share into the public domain in a selfless manner is priceless. I feel the outcome of this will affect all of us in profound ways.
Do you have adequate resources to keep things in the public domain? Have you considered a go fund me?
Fadedawg, I hope this comes out well for you. Your contributions to the human race are valuable. The fact you share into the public domain in a selfless manner is priceless. I feel the outcome of this will affect all of us in profound ways.
Do you have adequate resources to keep things in the public domain? Have you considered a go fund me?
Thanks for the good thoughts! There are currently legal issues with the site, as opposed to financial issues.
Legal issues are expensive. That is financial. There are a lot of us who benefit from your work. I believe in Karma.
Progress is being made, albeit slowly, and I still can't share the details, but can tell you that the latest arbitration schedule has us resolving the issues by 2020 and given the facts, I am positive about the eventual outcome.


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