The Airforce dumped a lot of soldiers bodies in a VA landfill.

im pretty sure every op has an agenda behind it... this is also interesting cause of that drone that fell in iran... is it a way of getting into the iranian gov or was the dude controlling the drone high on some good ass hash and just lost control of

This brings up a question i have. You know how they say a bunch of navy seals died in a shot down helicopter along with Pakistan spec operatives.

I think its BS they just want convince people that they don't exist again.
im pretty sure every op has an agenda behind it... this is also interesting cause of that drone that fell in iran... is it a way of getting into the iranian gov or was the dude controlling the drone high on some good ass hash and just lost control of

this whole story of the drone raises many questions. ive only seen a picture of it but looked to be in perfect condition, almost too perfect for a "downed" aircraft.
why? hes only continuing bush's plans, and he's only spent more than bush, its all part of the same plan to leech us dry of all our wealth, reserves, and will to fight/live.. if you have any faith in the leadership of our country i envy you, having that ignorant innocence was bliss compared to knowing how fucked up the place i call home has gotten over the years.
Yea,,,I have been hearing that same story since I was born,,,I think "Technology",,,has a Lot to do with the problem's we feel,,,Life year's ago was far from cozy,,,like it is today,,,and if you felt it was because the economy seemed so good and job's full,,,just remember it was a scam. Plus there are less job's because of animated machine's in the work place,,,with the population explosion,,,things will not get better or worse than before,,,It's what we all make what we have that makes us happy!
yeah, i saw that too... maybe it wasnt at altitude yet and just a few feet off the ground... i doubt the irannys will be smart enough to use it, but they have said they will send it to china for inspection...

this whole story of the drone raises many questions. ive only seen a picture of it but looked to be in perfect condition, almost too perfect for a "downed" aircraft.
im pretty sure every op has an agenda behind it... this is also interesting cause of that drone that fell in iran... is it a way of getting into the iranian gov or was the dude controlling the drone high on some good ass hash and just lost control of

obama has this whole diversity thing going, and taking in a lot of forign nationals, and innercity kids into governmental mentorship program, there are so many points of entry for our government agencies to be infiltrated because of abamas social programs. that dron happened because of obama's choices. that jackass preaching change, the only changes made have been for the worse.
yeah, i saw that too... maybe it wasnt at altitude yet and just a few feet off the ground... i doubt the irannys will be smart enough to use it, but they have said they will send it to china for inspection...
it wasnt downed, the scuttle in the defense community is that it was landed...
yeah, i saw that too... maybe it wasnt at altitude yet and just a few feet off the ground... i doubt the irannys will be smart enough to use it, but they have said they will send it to china for inspection...

China and or Russia sine those are the only two that can replicate American technology flawlessly. At least that's what the yahoo news article said. But if it goes to china expect short life spans and a warranty only good for 30 days ;)
man this whole world is fucked... once i can afford a 1500 acre ranch, im buying it and living their the rest of my life and saying "fuck you world" and your fucked up ways... grow all my essentials...

China and or Russia sine those are the only two that can replicate American technology flawlessly. At least that's what the yahoo news article said. But if it goes to china expect short life spans and a warranty only good for 30 days ;)
Yea,,,I have been hearing that same story since I was born,,,I think "Technology",,,has a Lot to do with the problem's we feel,,,Life year's ago was far from cozy,,,like it is today,,,and if you felt it was because the economy seemed so good and job's full,,,just remember it was a scam. Plus there are less job's because of animated machine's in the work place,,,with the population explosion,,,things will not get better or worse than before,,,It's what we all make what we have that makes us happy!

things have been a constant downhill slide since GW bush took office.. we had a surplus and a president who like blowjobs.. id rather have a pervert who can balance a checkbook running things than a war mongering cokehead... if any of you remember the 90's things didnt cost as much, and gas was only 95 cents a gallon.. oh and how many wars did we fight? 1 and it was over in less than a year, we've been in iraq for almost 10 years, and were pulling out now without ever accomplishing anything? that tells everyone who went that it was for nothing, and your friends died for bush's kicks. but you may be on to something there peach, technology has not helped us in these matters any way shape or form, i agree that technology has made many things worse for everyone, however on the flipside technology has allowed more people to become more informed, and we have a less ignorant populis due to it. however opinions can prevent the sharing of information, everyone's collective egos need to be destroyed.
China and or Russia sine those are the only two that can replicate American technology flawlessly. At least that's what the yahoo news article said. But if it goes to china expect short life spans and a warranty only good for 30 days ;)

lol no they cant, china uses garbage to make garbage that passes for quality, and russia no longer has the means to manufacture arms, they however have the larges nuclear arsenal in the world.
man this whole world is fucked... once i can afford a 1500 acre ranch, im buying it and living their the rest of my life and saying "fuck you world" and your fucked up ways... grow all my essentials...

Dude, this is an actual dream of mine. Can I grow mean veggies too. Beef chicken u name it. There was a 2200 acre chunk for sale here near me couple years back. Plus a huge ass house 6 bed 6 bath and barn all for 5 million!
sweet, not bad for that price, about 2400 an acre or so... i got a ways to go for that dream to happen, but i aint stopping till i get it... there are a few that i have been eyeing and they are nice properties... till then, i can only dream about my dream

Dude, this is an actual dream of mine. Can I grow mean veggies too. Beef chicken u name it. There was a 2200 acre chunk for sale here near me couple years back. Plus a huge ass house 6 bed 6 bath and barn all for 5 million!
sweet, not bad for that price, about 2400 an acre or so... i got a ways to go for that dream to happen, but i aint stopping till i get it... there are a few that i have been eyeing and they are nice properties... till then, i can only dream about my dream

me too. if only the lottery came my way.

i seen on a show on discovery that the size of San Fernando Valley in cali was half that size! soo 2200 is fuckin awesome. straight up in the middle of nowhere on your own land!
Yea, I remeber the 90's,,,Clinton was great and the GOP did whatever they could to Impeach Clinton,,,Guess what Bush take's over and we are attacked,,,It all boiled down the the Bush family in why we are where were at The old man,,,Head of Cia,,Vice-president,,,and president,,,was the real problem,,,Than American's are stupid enough to let his son take over:wall:,,,Or I mean there slick enough to rig the election system to win:lol:
the military is in the business of killing people. always has been. would YOU trust a hitman?

none of you are shocked by any of this are you?

and who is it that is joining these organizations other then the people themselves?