The 90s Didn't All Suck - Just Mostly

I remember like it's today when I heard this track on Mtv along with this video. I was very young and didn't know that this was one of the anthems of the whole era I was about to dive into. So when I hear the notes from this track anywhere, I get goosebumps. It's a pity that it's hard to find tracks from that time now, so I often use youtube to mp3 converter. But I always have something new in my playlist!
Compared to the present the 90's were CAREFREE,they encapsulated 25-35 for me,I was raised on late 70's Aerosmith/Kiss and the SO/CAL vibe Eagles/Fleetwood Mac then the Hair Metal era which was a bit over the top but only had a FUN/PARTY/CHICKS vibe that was harmless.The 90's grunge scene??,liked some of the music but DARK,guess it was a response to the over the top LA scene,but almost all the 90's iconic singers are gone already,they sang and lived the darkness,Kobain,Staley,Cornell,and others already departed The rise of "reality" in your face trash TV has had a influence up to today w/rudeness and the degradation of manners in society along w/a fascination and enjoyment w/the trainwrecks of strangers lives. But considering the state of the world today,I'd look back to the 90's more fondly now than when I was actually there.