''' The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Voting Thread '''

last response to negative hints,allegations etc.it was clear to me early on that this plant could b heavy and upon weighing it I figured there would b controversy.I could have easily avoided it by posting a false weight,70-80g or something but that would have been dishonest.this is only my 5th grow so I'm still a newbie.I myself don't really understand why the yield was so big.my biggest yield to date was my first grow w 2 white/amnesia plants in Sep 5g containers,124g under the same light.my best guess is #1 genetics ,#2 how much oxygen she was given.those were main deviations from my normal grow.one of the many things I learned from this grow is that root mass isn't as important as I thought.the roots had 3 different sources of oxygen,a medium stone in the bottom of res,a mini stone in bottom of cup & water farm feeder delivering oxygenated water.there was also no other medium in the cup but the rockwool and clay in a 3" net pot.I brought my water level up as high as I could in the res to maximize the amount of root growth and maintained it as the plant drank by adding water filled bottles daily as the level dropped.during most of the grow I had to add 1 gal of nutes every 3 days.that computes to 42 oz per day,she was also super bushy which contributed to her appetite.that's the best explanation I can give,more than some deserve imo.there are some that will refuse to believe and I can't do anything about that.my votes: #1 old school,#2 franjan,#3 hyroot,#4 Sgt.
^^^Boy don't I feel like a POS now :oops:. But if it's any consolation that plant and a lot of the others make me feel like the shittiest grower in the world :(. Seriously. Maybe I just can't.....
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I Don't Have A Vote :peace: The Reason Is I'm Providing The 3 Watt Custom Spectrum Panel. As Soon As My Website Is Done I Will Let Y'all Know. Its Nothing Special Just My Own Custom Touches And I Guarantee You it Will Be Very Affordable :weed:
Sponsors can still vote:wink:
@farmasensist I've decided that I won't mind hosting the next (and being the first 2 time winner) I have some ideas of who I'd like to see offers of support from. Despite a few bad apples, I enjoyed hosting #6; trust that I like growing more though! Thanks for the vote, and I look forward to seeing you in #8. Hosting or fighting for another top spot, I'll be there!
Alright, I have been waiting for everyone or as many people as possible to post their final post here in the voting thread before I voted in order to give everyone who finished an equal chance for votes. I'm not sure who all still hasn't posted their final post here but this is coming to a close and so must the final votes. There may have been some better contenders for votes, again I am unsure who still has yet to post and I am not going to go back and wade through the competition thread looking for those who haven't yet as this is the voting thread where final posts are to be made, and if they weren't than in my eyes the lack of interest or what not means you weren't looking for votes.

Now onto how I have voted. First and foremost you of course had to make a final post here in the voting thread for everyone to see, I then look at bag appeal/appearance, and descriptions as well as smoke reports, after all we can't physically smell, see, or taste everyone's grows in person so this becomes important to me as I try and get an overall picture, thus a nice report restating the basics such as you posted when you first started the comp with what genetics, lighting, medium, nutes, etc. and a good after description and smoke report. IF this is not done then things are left to the imagination for us voters. and lastly but still a consideration yield, this I usually consider last as it's not the most important to me.

My votes as follows:

1st- JimmyIndica---- Great job overall, tight structure, frosty spears, good trim and nice pics. and not a bad yield as well.
2nd- Frozenchosen-- another great grow, frosty and love the description, (this is what I was looking for explained in my criteria)-
3rd- Onehitdone- Good job, your overall better description received you a third place spot. GFS_Nic also great job, could have had 3rd as well. and just beaten out with due to lesser final description.

4th- Would be overall mentions in no particular order--- GFS_Nic, Hyroot, Bellcore, needsomebeans, stangrows, and farmasensist, congrats on finishing for your first competition.

Congrats to everyone else who finished and hope to see many of you next competition.
sorry for the lag its been chop time, hash making time, soil mixing time , plus life..,. I keep passing out early on the couch.

It was a toughy. Half of the finishers looked premature o_O imo. They definitely should have gone another 2-3 weeks.

My votes are based purely on quality of what I wanted to smoke the most. I personally grow for trichomes and flavor over yield. I'm a hash lover:hump:. There were 5 I really liked. But I can only choose 3.

1. Snowboarder 396
2. Frozen Chozen
3. One Hit Done

One that looked pretty good but he killed his chances with the smoke report :wall:, darn vegan eagle fans....:P but he gets the blue ribbon. He needs some new gear

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I did a quick tally and @FrozenChozen is in the lead with 25 points with the nearest competitor @JimmyIndica with 16.
@OneHitDone 13 @PSUAGRO. 12 @stangrows 11 @hyroot 9 @GFS_Nic 9 @Old-School 8 @sgt john 7 @snowboarder396 7 @bellcore 6 @JRayV 5 @FranJan 4 @nvhak49 3 @farmasensist 2 @The Dawg 2 @needsomebeans 1 @TimeToBurn 1 @6ixclouds 3

Today's been busy for me but I'll be back with my vote a little later. We have a little time left to vote but I'm shutting it down in a few hours. If you haven't voted please do so now.
I've been keepin Tally... What did I miss?

I thought I got everyone's votes... Can't seem to find where you came up with the differences...

By the way, Thank you everyone who voted for me! I really appreciate the support! If it ends like this, I'll be the first 2 time champion! And technically, they're back to back right?!
Well if any other than The Dawg wanted to... All contestants, Sponsors, and Host, were allowed to vote if Im not mistaken... Just because the option is there doesn't mean they wanted or had to go for it...
I've been keepin Tally... What did I miss?

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I thought I got everyone's votes... Can't seem to find where you came up with the differences...

By the way, Thank you everyone who voted for me! I really appreciate the support! If it ends like this, I'll be the first 2 time champion! And technically, they're back to back right?!
I went through it pretty quick, but I'll look again, by the way congrats 2 time champion! Watching your entry I knew you had another solid entry. I had you and hyroot tied for first but you get my first place vote because of the whole package, nice plant, pics and final post. Your skills really show through these cup grows. Hyroot had another great entry also, I found myself staring at it the most. I'm not necessarily about yield. Hyroot had the most fire looking entry but for me it's also about a solid looking entry and at the end skillfully selling it. Big props to both of you. For third I have to go with my buddy IMIUBU, he watched me do two of these and decided to join in the fun. His entry was worthy of at least one vote.

Going down the line everyone deserved votes. Some great entry's. As for blue ribbon, I had so many, there was so much quality left, I narrowed down to three. Psuagro, good people had that crooked do I say beautiful? Entry. Really liked it. Then theres Fran Jan, not only grew a great plant, always an entertaining post. Lmfao at so many of them, another good dude I hope you keep doing these comps. But my blue ribbon goes to The Dawg, good people with a great heart. You deserve a big shoutout. So many others had great entry's and always posted on time and I thank you for that. Sponsors were allowed to vote also but don't always choose to do so. I still want to thank Gorilla seed bank, Midweeksong, Inda Gro lighting, Area 51 lighting, Heavenbright lighting, Greengator filters and The Dawg for being there for us. Voting is closed, this rounds in the books. I'll get back to everyone tomorrow to start finalizing things.
WooHoo! Thanks guys! The kind words are awesome, I have some big ideas for #8! The registration thread will go up soon. In the mean time, tell your friends, and think happy thoughts as I scour the interwebz for more potential sponsors... If any of you have ideas or industry connections that may be interested, feel free to pm me! For all of those that are curious, I will be doing my best to remain true and consistent with the rules laid out in these past 7 party cup grow comps., very few of the participants have had any kind of issue with the way I run it! I hope to see you all back again for a smooth number 8!
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