Update - #Epilouge
So why ruin a good thing and post my final weight results right? RIGHT? OK here it is.

Goddamn not even double digits


!!!!!!!!! Do I get a "Participation Trophy" ?
3x better than my last official cup finish so I guess I got that but I really wanted 14 grams.
Product Review:
First off let's finally put to rest what strain this is. It's a SourD/Sour OG. Definitely. It's just fruitier and less skunky than the few I've grown. I was waiting for the sour smell to kick in while it was growing but it never did. For most of her life she had a more fruity yogurt smell and not the Pinesol sour smell that I'm used to which is why I though she was Goji. Oh well, no biggie just setting the record straight. Finally

Smell - Sharp but sweet skunk odor with a faint fruity B.O. odor mixed with a slightly OG smell after it's broken up. Let's put it this way. At work today I cleaned and rolled a joint of some Goji I previously had grown, put the joint and the rest of the weed into a pill bottle, washed my hands and the scissors I used with alcohol and even did the sink trick* and despite all that after 10 minutes everyone could smell it in the room I twisted it in. Well, I have a bit of a cold and couldn't smell what everyone at work was smelling but I can smell this stuff just fine!
Grade = A
Bag Appeal - A little too hairy, but still mostly solid nugs. Density is good but could be better throughout. Frosting is good. Any purpling is basically gone so that hurts the scoring. Found 2 seeds in the little that I've smoked, that hurts the score too. Basically it's nothing that makes you go WOW on sight.
Grade = C-
Smokeability/Flavor - Surprisingly mellow, with a taste of melon and a clear after-taste with just a hint of sour. Too soon for the taste to shine but again surprisingly smokeable. Room I smoked it in smells skunky, lightly sour but not overpoweringly so.
Grade = B
High - Surprisingly good and potent but I won't weep when I run out. 2 hits gets you where you want to be, much more heady than body. Gets ya dopey. Keeps ya chill. Slightly creepy. Effects last too. Again a proper cure would probably produce an even better high. Sativa heavy high in 14 weeks from seed ain't bad in my book.
Grade = B+
Overall Product Score = B
The smell and high keep it out of C country, I've definitely bought lamer looking weed but as she is now I wouldn't chase down the dealer selling this stuff either. I will be holding onto the big nugget for Christmas day with the family though I might have to smoke it half a mile away from the house. And with my crazy family, that's probably a good thing

And a special message to
@PSUAGRO. Yes P, I can hear your gut laughter bouncing off the
Palisades from my place

. Try to keep it down after 11pm. I got work in the morning. LOL
Congratulations to all entrants, really good job guys. It's gonna take me a good while to figure out who I'm gonna vote for, though I'm pretty sure I've got #1 figured out. And again peoples, MY VOTE IS STILL FOR SALE! Operators are standing by to take your money! ACT NOW!
*The sink trick, for those who never taken chemistry or had to work with garlic, onions, fish or deteriorating old ladies, is when after you're done washing your hands you rub your wet hands on stainless steel, (which is usually the sink and/or faucet in front of you), to remove any lingering odors on your hands like magic. There is one caveat with weed. If your hands are full of resin you'll need to clean the area of the sink, or whatever you are rubbing your hands on, to get the resin that accumulates on the surface of the steel out of the way. It works well after you're done handling weed but not so well if you're trimming out all day. Grapefruit based detergent is what I suggest for that scenario though I guess Simple Green is the more environmental friendly choice.