***The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Thread***

Another sunday............................update time(#3) on my crappy PP bitch.

001.JPG 002.JPG 013.JPG ..........had to boost her up to the light today, she wasn't doing anything in the shade. Now it's truly an engineering marvel

003.JPG 004.JPG ............hoping for a turnaround, she told me not to give up on her........will see

good luck growers
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The lemon kush x hashberry will be my cup for the rest of the competition. The purple widow is a male, the lemon kush is female but looks like shit and the strawberry blue x lemon kush is female and looking good. I will probably put the three losers outside and make some seeds. Might just kill the lemon kush.

Brother OneHitDone Armor Is Starting To Crack Causing Him To Sweat Profusely Causing Him Great Pain And Discomfort. :P
Not a chance Dawg, just trying to get some idea of how many rings this circus has now that the dust has somewhat settled after the germination window :mrgreen:
1 6ixclouds
2 AlaskanMedMan
4 bellcore
5 BI66ER420
6 bicit
7 cherrybomb74
8 farmasensist
9 FranJan
10 Frozenchozen
11 GFS_Nic
12 hyroot
13 illiadtatoo
15 jerryb73
16 JimmyIndica
17 JRayV
18 KineBoisen420
19 Michael Huntherz
20 needsomebeans
21 nvhak49
22 old_school
23 onehitdone
24 psuagro
25 puffenuff
26 Scotch089
27 sgt John
28 snowboarder396
29 stangrows
30 The Dawg
31 timetoburn
32 vibrantgreengenes
33 ZoBudd

Don Geno is eliminated for not posting in 2 weeks. I went thru this kind of fast but I've updated entry's and only showing @puffenuff a little late, I have to check again. Other than that nice work everyone, also for hydro growers that have hidden cups let's see all of what's going on so lift the cups out of the buckets also @stangrows lets see a full cup and root check please.
Sorry to front people off but us teachers have to make examples in front of the whole class!!!
Heres my Friday update. They're both doing pretty good, The berry bomb is having a slight mag def. so I added some domolite lime to her today so hopefully she'll green up in the next few days, but she isn't wasting anytime growing a bud site. I bought some neem oil and made up a mix to spray the plants and tops of the soil I'll probably put it in some water next time I water them. But it seems to be working pretty good against the fungus gnats I really hope to get rid of them. They've reeked enough havoc in my cabinet.

Add that to the water before watering or top dress pots?

I top dress and incorporate some in new soil mixes. I also sprinkle some in any drip trays or anything that has standing water in it aside from reservoirs. Takes about a week or 2 but one day you'll walk in with no gnats... like you never had a problem to begin with. .. it's wonderful. I haven't tried making a 'tea' with these yet. Though I imagine you could since they're designed to be effective in standing water. It's supposed to be corn granules coated with an inactivated bacteria of some sort. So I don't know if you NEED gnat larvae in order for them to proliferate.
Oh ok thank. I have the dunks of these too but I'll try out the bits too and see if they make a difference and I'll try them the teas I make too. The neem oil seems to be working pretty well but they're still coming back its redic.