Can we see the bottom of that solo cup lifted out of there?Update#2,I'll try and get the runt in a cup this week.I still haven't seen the tap root.
Brother OneHitDone Armor Is Starting To Crack Causing Him To Sweat Profusely Causing Him Great Pain And Discomfort.What happened to the spreadsheet updates so we have some idea who is in and out?
Not a chance Dawg, just trying to get some idea of how many rings this circus has now that the dust has somewhat settled after the germination windowBrother OneHitDone Armor Is Starting To Crack Causing Him To Sweat Profusely Causing Him Great Pain And Discomfort.
What happened to the spreadsheet updates so we have some idea who is in and out?
Heres my Friday update. They're both doing pretty good, The berry bomb is having a slight mag def. so I added some domolite lime to her today so hopefully she'll green up in the next few days, but she isn't wasting anytime growing a bud site. I bought some neem oil and made up a mix to spray the plants and tops of the soil I'll probably put it in some water next time I water them. But it seems to be working pretty good against the fungus gnats I really hope to get rid of them. They've reeked enough havoc in my cabinet.
Add that to the water before watering or top dress pots?
Add that to the water before watering or top dress pots?