Okay I would have to say that doing a 12-12 grow seems like me. A lot less messing around. i have read about 60 pages so far and there is a ton of information for a new guy like me. All I have ever done is grow outside on the balcony. Now that I have moved house (too close to inlaws) and my kids starting to notice things I think it is time to start growing indoors. I am only growing for personal use and I use about 10-15 grams a month so a small quick grow like this seems to be my ticket (that is if I can convince the wife that it is money well spent).
So I have a few questions about the gear I was thinking of. I would like to grow 2 plants at a time (hoping for around 60 grams dry ... as I seem to end up sharing a lot when I grow). I am not looking to upgrade into the future so am I on the right track or will I need more and bigger (or can i get away with less and still do well)?
I was thinking of getting a homebox S which is 80cm by 80cm and 160cm tall or do you think with this method I could use a smaller tent like a homebox xs which is 60 x 60 by 120cm? The smaller is easier for me to hide but if the larger is what I will need with HPS lights then I will go that direction.
I am thinking of a 400watt light. Will that be good for 2 plants in the small grow room? If I went with a homebox xs would a 250watt bloom light get the same results?
Of course with all this I will need a carbon filter, fans etc. I have made a list of things I am thinking of but I would love some advice before showing everyone my shopping list.
i have my ak48 seed just waiting for a room to grow in.