The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
yeh but you can fit 4 of those in the same area as 1 large pant.. 4 different strains if you like = same yield...
You could also grow 4 autos (flower on 18/6 or 20/4), or grow 4 plants and train them to fit in that area, or grow 1 plant and get 4x the yield in the same base area. There are tons of tricks, going 12/12 from seed is more of a handicap unless one can only grow 12/12 because of temp issues or something. Now that autos are out here there is little reason to go 12/12 from seed, unless of course you can't get an auto in the variety you want. I would totally go 12/12 from seed in a SOG of non feminized seeds though so I would waste as little effort on males as possible.

Sry I probably come off as hating 12/12, I really don't. I just don't see it being a useful as it used to be. Obviously it has its pros and cons liek everything, the biggest pro being what you said about growing more strains in a smaller space


Well-Known Member
why are you here?


You could also grow 4 autos (flower on 18/6 or 20/4), or grow 4 plants and train them to fit in that area, or grow 1 plant and get 4x the yield in the same base area. There are tons of tricks, going 12/12 from seed is more of a handicap unless one can only grow 12/12 because of temp issues or something. Now that autos are out here there is little reason to go 12/12 from seed, unless of course you can't get an auto in the variety you want. I would totally go 12/12 from seed in a SOG of non feminized seeds though so I would waste as little effort on males as possible.


Well-Known Member
why are you here?

I am here because I had a suggestion, and then someone asked if there were any downsides to 12/12 from seed so I told them (less yield). Then you said something implying I said something, so I felt I had to clarify. Then you offered up a good reason for using 12/12, and I offered up a possible thing that would work better than 12/12 (if the strain was available), because again someone was having a hard time seeing any downside to 12/12 (and in a 12/12 from seed forum they should get an answer to a 12/12 from seed question). You didn't even need to make your point, because in that first post up there I said one of the reasons for 12/12 is to keep a plant small (that means more plants in a smaller space like you said).

You're the one name calling and drawing this out needlessly, lets just stop talking about it ok?

*I originally dropped by to let people know they could get more out of 12/12 by using Mykos. Its a micro bugger that adds hairy extensions to your roots which lets your plants get way more out of the dirt than they could before (my plants are lasting more than twice as long before showing nute deficiency in the same soil). I figured since 12/12 plants don't get as much time to grow roots as normal plants (they grow less efficiently in flower than in veg), that Mykos would be a very good thing for 12/12 from seed folk. These things trade resources they bring to the root for sugars from the plant, so you get a plant that will last a lot longer in the same soil and it grows a lot easier (I'm having issues with too many nodes too quickly, but I'm also using a super soil and powerful LED)
real shit idk why u hating on ppl here. MY FIRST grow so i appologize im no expert. ive researched plenty but dont have experience. every legit grower is a begginer at one point so idk why the fuck u on a forum thats made to help ppl. looks like you could care less about ppl trying to learn


Well-Known Member
You could also grow 4 autos (flower on 18/6 or 20/4), or grow 4 plants and train them to fit in that area, or grow 1 plant and get 4x the yield in the same base area. There are tons of tricks, going 12/12 from seed is more of a handicap unless one can only grow 12/12 because of temp issues or something. Now that autos are out here there is little reason to go 12/12 from seed, unless of course you can't get an auto in the variety you want. I would totally go 12/12 from seed in a SOG of non feminized seeds though so I would waste as little effort on males as possible.

Sry I probably come off as hating 12/12, I really don't. I just don't see it being a useful as it used to be. Obviously it has its pros and cons liek everything, the biggest pro being what you said about growing more strains in a smaller space
Who the hell wants to grow autos, not me. 1212 from seed rocks, you can go from seed to harvest in 11/12 weeks, grow different strains at once, keep em small compact bud machines and grow what ya like. Sounds like a winner too me, yes you could add root enhancers along with a host of other stimulants if ya want but is it really necessary i dont thinks so, good base nutes and a booster is all thats needed to get great results.


Well-Known Member
chillout.. it wasn't directed at you.. it was for the troll douchedizzle22...

real shit idk why u hating on ppl here. MY FIRST grow so i appologize im no expert. ive researched plenty but dont have experience. every legit grower is a begginer at one point so idk why the fuck u on a forum thats made to help ppl. looks like you could care less about ppl trying to learn


Well-Known Member
Downside is the plant grows in veg a lot slower than it would at 18/6 or more, its probably more stressful on the plant (they are made to start early in the year not when its time to harvest), yields are smaller, etc etc

the only real reason to go 12/12 from seed is if you need the product ASAP and don't care about the yield ratios, or you need to keep the plants as small as possible with as little effort as possible (perhaps for a PC grow box)
sorry mate your answer is a little wrong ................we dont all grow in pc cases....whats wrong with 2-3 oz dry per plant then? no herms as yet so maybe not that stressfull, you best come back when you have tried it yourself........


Well-Known Member
Ive been looking through here and cant really find a downside from starting 12/12 seed. lol Is there any?
yes you sometimes get a plant that just wont deliver much bud, ive had 12 oz plants before but not many..........the other downside is you get people putting it down when they havent even tried it........funny old world.


Well-Known Member
ahh yeah man. bad news just blew my high lol idk y i had my hopes so high up from bagseed. but yeah i could my problem is theres no way i could install a legit exhaust system. with a 150w would i absolutely need ventalation like that?
150watts is pretty tame............shouldnt have any probs with heat.......just get a fan blowing on it.


Well-Known Member
You could also grow 4 autos (flower on 18/6 or 20/4), or grow 4 plants and train them to fit in that area, or grow 1 plant and get 4x the yield in the same base area. There are tons of tricks, going 12/12 from seed is more of a handicap unless one can only grow 12/12 because of temp issues or something. Now that autos are out here there is little reason to go 12/12 from seed, unless of course you can't get an auto in the variety you want. I would totally go 12/12 from seed in a SOG of non feminized seeds though so I would waste as little effort on males as possible.

Sry I probably come off as hating 12/12, I really don't. I just don't see it being a useful as it used to be. Obviously it has its pros and cons liek everything, the biggest pro being what you said about growing more strains in a smaller space
why buy autos when you can buy the real deal..........


Well-Known Member
If you guys wanna get the most out of 12/12 from seed that you can I'd recommend getting some Mykos and maybe even Azos (they are making a huge difference for my plants, actually too many nodes!). I've never done a 12/12 from seed though, so I'm not sure how much of a difference they would make (but Mykos is basically hairy root extensions for your roots, so that is always a plus with how little time they have to develop them in 12/12 from seed)
mate ive looked at your threads n seen a few of your are obviously new cause you have grown nothing worth looking appear to be a bit of a wind bag, so do yourself a favour get some experience and stop spouting crap about stuff you know nothing about............


Well-Known Member
mate ive looked at your threads n seen a few of your are obviously new cause you have grown nothing worth looking appear to be a bit of a wind bag, so do yourself a favour get some experience and stop spouting crap about stuff you know nothing about............
Damn, gotta love it when del brings the pain... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
looks like he's gone off with his tail between his legs.. see ya later hater
No, I was just sleeping and doing things that didn't involve the internet. I don't know why you guys are over reacting so much, I very clearly and simply explained what I was saying. I never said 12/12 from seed won't get you a good yield, I said it would be less. I said if one can get an auto strain of a plant that it would probably do better on 18/6 than the same strain (non auto) on 12/12 from seed, I said that for the one who was having trouble seeing any downside. I offered up a very helpful suggestion with roots issues of 12/12 from seed by suggesting a supplement of Mykos, there is plenty of proof of that on the internet if you guys don't believe me or their website. I have grown 3 sets of plants, but I have not kept a journal, and I didn't think it would be appropriate to post them in this thread because none of them were 12/12 from seed plants. I've been here longer than some of you, and even the website distinguishes that I'm a teacher and some of you that are hating me for no good reason are stoners/learners (I realize this doesn't mean much when it comes to how long we've followed this website, or how much experience we actually have, so I lets not assume so much of each other ok?. So please don't act like I know nothing, I didn't say anything mean, I didn't say anything false, I offered up pros and cons to 12/12 from seed for someone who asked, I didn't start talking shit wasting posts calling other people bad names instead of being helpful... etc

I haven't seen you guys counter anything I said with anything other than name calling and crap talking. I didn't say anything you guys didn't, what is the big deal?

PS: If anyone wants to see pics of my last 3 grows I can show them, the last harvest was a LED flower even (and the present grow is veggin in LED). Not sure what threads of mine you guys are seeing my plants in because I don't have any journals, and I've hardly shown anything since my first harvest.

PSS: What are the highest yields from what 12/12 from seed you guys have heard of? What strains seem to do better with it? I would like to know some more about 12/12 from seed myself so I'll probably follow this thread for awhile. Might try it with some free seeds. Rep to those that are being helpful and not being harsh for no reason. Sorry I brought up auto, I promise not to do it again...

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS: Ok guys sorry, I realize I was coming off as a hater and I don't mean to. I promise I won't bring up autos, or talk about methods other than 12/12, I really shouldn't of done that I should know better. I'm sorry guys for what I did. I'd appreciate it if we stopped dwelling over what I said and move on. That said, I really think you guys should check out Mykos. I bet it would make a great difference in 12/12 from seed plants as its doing great things for my plants and many others, but I think 12/12 from seed plants would benefit from it most since they don't get as much time to develop their roots. My plants are definitely lasting longer on the same soil (mykos basically adds hairy extensions to roots), and they are getting more nodes because its easier to feed. Azos is nifty too, but it might provide too much N for 12/12 from seed plants as they move into flower mode (so Mykos for 12/12 should be great, but Azos for 12/12 from seed might not be great). I can show some pics of my plants to help prove/explain my points about the Azos and Mykos if you guys say its ok, otherwise I don't have any pics to show as I have no 12/12 from seed plants yet


Well-Known Member
No, I was just sleeping and doing things that didn't involve the internet. I don't know why you guys are over reacting so much, I very clearly and simply explained what I was saying. I never said 12/12 from seed won't get you a good yield, I said it would be less. I said if one can get an auto strain of a plant that it would probably do better on 18/6 than the same strain (non auto) on 12/12 from seed, I said that for the one who was having trouble seeing any downside. I offered up a very helpful suggestion with roots issues of 12/12 from seed by suggesting a supplement of Mykos, there is plenty of proof of that on the internet if you guys don't believe me or their website. I have grown 3 sets of plants, but I have not kept a journal, and I didn't think it would be appropriate to post them in this thread because none of them were 12/12 from seed plants. I've been here longer than some of you, and even the website distinguishes that I'm a teacher and some of you that are hating me for no good reason are stoners/learners (I realize this doesn't mean much when it comes to how long we've followed this website, or how much experience we actually have, so I lets not assume so much of each other ok?. So please don't act like I know nothing, I didn't say anything mean, I didn't say anything false, I offered up pros and cons to 12/12 from seed for someone who asked, I didn't start talking shit wasting posts calling other people bad names instead of being helpful... etc

I haven't seen you guys counter anything I said with anything other than name calling and crap talking. I didn't say anything you guys didn't, what is the big deal?

PS: If anyone wants to see pics of my last 3 grows I can show them, the last harvest was a LED flower even (and the present grow is veggin in LED). Not sure what threads of mine you guys are seeing my plants in because I don't have any journals, and I've hardly shown anything since my first harvest.

PSS: What are the highest yields from what 12/12 from seed you guys have heard of? What strains seem to do better with it? I would like to know some more about 12/12 from seed myself so I'll probably follow this thread for awhile. Might try it with some free seeds. Rep to those that are being helpful and not being harsh for no reason. Sorry I brought up auto, I promise not to do it again...
Of course it will yield less than if a plant had a veg period, thats bleeding obvious also you may well ave been here longer than some but that dont mean shit and all this teacher crap is nonsense as well. Your offering up pros n cons of 12/12 from seed and yet youve never done it, well some teacher you are lol. Your not here to offer any useful input so why bother, the 12/12 from seed thread is just that people who grow 12/12 from seed. You dont so bye bye.


Well-Known Member
Im hydro so Azos and Mykos maybe of no use to myself but thx for the info anyway. Ive looked into root stimilants before i went 12/12 from seed but tbh developing a healthy root mass in hydro is rapid so never bothered. The bigger the roots the bigger the plants and as most of us grow in cabs that may not be good idea, ive been thinking tho of adding co2 to 12/12 from seed plants and see what happens.

richard rahl

Well-Known Member
man.....i can look through this thread at the bud pics every day, lol. i think im gonna order some big bomb and thc bomb next. u say the fems get bigger than the regs? also, has anyone done any experimenting with topping 12-12's, or do they not have enough time to do any good? thanks for the info guys