The 12-12 From Seed Thread

Also can anyone tell me what nutrient regimen the use for 12/12 from seed ? I would apreciate any info .. as i will do a big 12/12 from seed project and dont want to go wrong with it ...
I have a big area .. i want to set up 4 600w and 1 1000w all for 12/12 from seed i want to use 6.5ltr pots. Want to get 1gpw ...

Lot a light there, whats your extraction set up, 5x5 is about the biggest a 600w will cover effectively and 6x6 for a 1000w i think dunno for sure dont use them. Its alot of work man, you going for soil or something else, 1gpw is achievable as long as your setup is good as well as your knowledge, you could have up to 70/80 odd plants in there so you got help or you doing this on your own.
Right well it took a while but i finally decided , 1st seeds to try at 12/12 .... Pyramid seeds Osiris and Dutch Passions Oasis .
Will stick them into germ tomoz morning !
Fuck it, didnt use NL for me beans used other seedbank and went for singles, 26 strains plus a 10 pack of AK48 for a little sog grow. Best get me some nutes ordered today as well or me girls are gonna go hungry.
thanks to the inspiration of this thread im decided to put my red horse seeds (5 weeks veg but very very small plants) into 12/12 as well. might as well see what will happen. gonna give them some good nuts and hope for the best :)
thanks to the inspiration of this thread im decided to put my red horse seeds (5 weeks veg but very very small plants) into 12/12 as well. might as well see what will happen. gonna give them some good nuts and hope for the best :)

dont give em nuts mate lol.....go for it.
wow mate 26 strains ....rock on.......

It was a tough one lol, go with 4 ten packs from NL or singles worked out around the same in £, thought the singles would be a better idea. Might need a tent tho as a temporary grow space, gonna end up with too many on the go and nowhere for them if im not careful.
looks nice that lad sink em all hahaha sounds like my grow lol..go for it dieseeelll
Only one i know is lemon skunk thats a goodun. Mark out an area 5x5 on the floor and see how many pots you can fit in this space, 6.5ltr pots min and hope the strain you pick dont turn into a bush, if your doing a sog grow you want the plants to stay within there pots and not spread.
my poor beaten up el nino..............


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industrial plant
swiss cheese
ultra skunk.....................are now in germ........the 2 reveg bbs will be under enviro from tomorrow.......
ok i reckon if you wre going to veg a while and dont mind tall plants and extra watering, think i prefer my old ones, maybe if i could get some wider shorter 1s or diy them.

Yeah I have 4 Ice from Nirvana in .8 gallon air pots in a mix of Fox Farm Soils under a 395w LED and I definitely have to water them once each day, I usually give each 16-32oz (1 to 2 red party cups) depending on how big the plant is and how heavy they still feel from the day before. I think its worth the air pruning (although someone with a lot of plants might not want the extra work), I've seen a couple little comparison grows and peoples air pot plants almost always look more impressive than those in regular pots (those that didn't usually didn't have enough time to fill the pot with roots). Airpots can be more messy and the plant will probably want water more often, but your plants should do better in an air pot than a normal pot without any air pruning. They're thirsty because they have more roots to feed and the soil airs out a bit more than regular pots.
both my lsd's are popped! one popped and i was startin to worry bout the other one, but lo and behold, it popped a couple days later and gave me a suprise.....anyone tell me bout this?

also some pics of the tiny budsites my scraggly white dwarf(the one i moved out of my box to go 12-12) is developin.

both my lsd's are popped! one popped and i was startin to worry bout the other one, but lo and behold, it popped a couple days later and gave me a suprise.....anyone tell me bout this?

also some pics of the tiny budsites my scraggly white dwarf(the one i moved out of my box to go 12-12) is developin.

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its possible you have twins, I see it every couple months. Most likely though it was another seed. It happened to me once until I realized that I had forgotten about a seed I thought wouldn't pop but then it did after I added another seed. You could try and figure out if you have twins or not with a pair of tweezers and very carefully chipping away at the soil. I was fairly rough when I seperated and transplanted mine (they must have only been popped for a couple days) and they still lived.

Hey who here has done 16oz red party cup 12/12 from seed grows? What sort of yields and plant size came out that? I'm starting to look more and more into 12/12 from seed SOG to make anti cancer oil as it will be a harvested grow in the time it takes to veg 4 plants and then wait another 2-3 months for flower. Thanks for the list of successful 12/12 strains, which would you guys say did best?
twins huh.........would it be fine to leave them be together? im sure only one seed. had 5-2=3 so must be twins!
edit: im doing my first party cups atm, so cant offer any experience, but check out the party cup competition threads. alot of guys on there have grow journals and such with theirs