The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
and a bsb with extra br will be weaker. the bsb x cb was better than the str8 bsb, and add black rose to that. it is no longer dank just purple weed.


Active Member

NL 5 x Haze (Sensi Seeds), 12/12 from Seed, 150W HCI 942 (Veg + Flower)...the plant has been stunted for 2 weeks due to me not watering enough in their airports, otherwise I'll guess she'd be a little bigger.


Well-Known Member
yo del is there any stage at the beginning of 12/12 from seed in which cuttings can be taken?


Well-Known Member
i like your grow from seed. im going to try that next. ive only grown from clones but i ike the results i see from your pics.....
However Frank Zappa hated pot heads and drug users of all sorts so I say F Zappa and your pic lol


Active Member
just wanted to throw up a couple of pics from my 12/12 wappa plantwappa 26th june 2weeks since pistils appeared.jpg2 weeks since pistils started..... and 1 plant of unknown strain it is from a white seed wae black/brown markingsDSCF0014.jpg(if some one could I,D it for me i would be very happy)it is the seed at the top of the photo white bagseed 26th june 3 weeks since pistils appeared.jpg it is 3 weeks since pistils appeared on it , but it is going mental wae bud growth, i gave this plant 10 days of cfl for 12 hrs and 600 hps for 12 hrs ,nothing but 12/12 600 watt hps on 3 plants i think they look good,I go by the bio grow feeding chart .week 3.. they are at least 4 feet tall and very healthy looking ! but what do i know?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Just Tossed One Fem GDP In the flower room from seed. I have 3 of her sisters in the Veg. Room under 400w HPS light. Can't wait to see how much long the one from seed will take compared to her sisters who will Veg for 3 weeks and be tossed in the flower room with there little sister later. all in Roots Organic Coco with some of there soil mixed in. This will be a great learning experience . Love you all
