I don't have the room to try this, but I'm wondering if someone with 2 nice areas or tents might have already done this or would be willing to try it...if not, maybe after I move if I have a bigger place.
Take maybe 4-5 seeds, one per pot, all the same size and medium and put them in the veg tent. Take the first one as soon as it sprouts and move it to 12/12, move the second one after 1 week of veg, next after 2 weeks of veg, etc. until they are all in 12/12.
Take lots of pics and compare growth and end result just to see what the actual sacrifice/gain is per vegging not at all, just for a week, or for more as far as overall time to maturity and dry yield.
I mean, if going to 12/12 from seed causes a 20% drop in yield from waiting a week or two, is it really worth it? If the yields are basically the same, then great...faster finish and less electricity, but I'd be curious to know what gives you the overall most yield per day of growing + cost of growing.
Shit...if someone's willing to document it maybe I'll pay for the seed.