The 1000 Things To Do While Stoned Thread!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU, the title pretty much sums it up, i'll make the first one (It cant be more than 10 things per post) I hope we will make it to the 1000th thing to do while stoned...........Maybe More
1) Eat Tacobell
2) Jump Off Tall Objects
3) Draw Pictures
4) Talk To Your Plants
5) Watch The History Channel About Drugs
6) Play Video Games
7) Go Snowboarding :hump:
8 ) Text Everyone You Know
9) Go On RIU
10) Watch Episodes Of Intervention


New Member
28.) dirtbike
29.) go on long nature walks with friends
30.) play with explosives
31.) drive around aimlessly with friends listening to willie nelson (countryman album ftw)
32.) watch pineapple express

edit: this thread should get stickied to give people ideas of what to do when there bored stoned


Well-Known Member
33) take dogs for a walk
34)listen to music on your ipod and have a little dance
35)tell stories with friends


Well-Known Member
36. go on a bike ride
37. go on a drive with the windows down
38. drive around and look at christmas lights
39. skydive


Active Member
40. G o to work
41. E at space brownies
42. T alk to yourself

43. H ome Improvements
43. I rrigate plants
44. G o walk around wal-mart
45. H it the bowl


Active Member
49. Drink Woodford Reserve and coke
50. Use Microsoft's worldwide telescope (Plug your computer to your TV for this one)
51. Take pictures of random stuff and photo shop it.
52. forget to go to the bar...
53. Eat Trappey's Peppers on a burger...
54. Smoke and cuddle with a girl in playboy...
55. Drive a sports car at 55mph.
56. Walk around the city...
57. Make a beat...
58. Make dip out of hash butter...
59. Take a Nap...


Well-Known Member
61. Masturbate
62. Write the Great American Novel .. for the 400th time.
63. Write music
64. play music (keyboard and cello)
65. Sit and think
66. Listen to music


j h

Well-Known Member
67. go skate
68. make metal music
69. add new updated or better shit to grow room
70. write poetry
71. read high times or just look at the amazing pics


Well-Known Member
72. Paint
73. Contemplate life, the universe and everything.
74. Stargaze
75. Remember to tell those you love that you love them.
76. Laugh a lot at nothing at all.
77. Gain great satisfaction in life's little pleasures.
78. Doritos.
79. Meditate.
80. Listen to the music rain makes on the pavement or on your roof.
81. Call up a radio station and demand they play your favorite song.