The 10 Idiocies of Atheism



Agreed. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Know what I hate about the "Post Quick Reply" button? I'm finding that these are rarely quick replies.

I was almost mad that I wasted a perfectly good 1/8th of mushrooms on a weed forum "discussing" religion but this has actually been fun. Don't think I could do it for too long though. Ultimately, people who really believe in religion are going to believe what they want to believe. Hmm, how did I get here in the first place? On this thread that is ;)

The fun thing now is for mainstream modern religion to adapt and mingle with science. This is how we get things like the watchmaker fallacy and the puddle fallacy. I attended a colloquies by Alvin Plantinga. He is some big shot at Notre Dame. I truly walked in with an open mind. Maybe THIS will be the argument that can make me believe there is a god. He was trying to argue that we can't trust our cognitive faculties if there was no god. How he got to that conclusion is truly an act of faith, but lets just say I left disappointed, almost pissed off that THIS was the best that modern religion has to offer. Without having any prior knowledge of this fellow's argument, by the time he finished I felt I could debunk his theory that I'm sure he worked very, very hard on. This kind of talk really is an act of faith. Simple as that. There is no science to it and when one tries they fall flat on their face. Ultimately, science could explain 99.99% of everything in the universe, making god essentially redundant and unnecessary, yet those who believe will cling to that .01% and say "THERE! You can't explain THAT! That is proof that god exists!"

Ha, screw religion, lets talk football! My blood is red as well but it tends to bleed over in Merseyside :) As much as I would love to argue my case for Liverpool, I wouldn't have much of an argument today. No one can deny that Wenger is a genius and that Arsenal play some of the most attractive football in the world. Well, perhaps SAF could deny that. Prick.

Let God fight your battles?! That is truly shocking. I just have such a hard time understanding how people could turn to a god to solve their problems. How would shit ever get done if everyone thought like this?

There's that quick reply button again. Damn. I was sure this was gonna be a quick one yet there goes another 40 minutes...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there's some bad signs out there, that really show the weakness one has when they think this life is a petty one, and you are just preparing yourself for somehting more significant or whateverthefuck...

A lot of things like that annoy me, like when someone thanks god for something a person did, for instance... saying "oh thank god those firefighters saved that family".. I hear that and get reasonably annoyed and would make it clear that it was the firefighters that need the recognition..

One question I'd like to ask anyone who is will to actually respond with a sentence they formulated, is what makes their god the real god? Where is the evidence for that? There are more people in this world that aren't Christians than there are... whatever, I'm high and getting too into this, like you said Ivnv, screw religion.

On to the footy! A red huh? You guys are slowly making your way up the table, although this weekend didn't help haha :) You think Roy's gonna stay?

I guess we'll see tomorrow what Wenger can do.. I'm actually too anxious to sleep, even though it's like 20 some hrs from now! haha, either way it'll be a good match. hah yeah, SAF and Mourinho would probably say the same, both are cunts.

btw, how are those shrooms treating ya?


Active Member
Think about it, if GOD did not make us all from the same STUFF then how would we be able to LIVE off the earth???

God made every thing from the same ingredience so that we all could USE the ingredience in their different forms to EAT and LIVE.

It's not evolution it's GOD that did that. IF I was made from MARS material and the plants from Satern then I would not be compatible with THAT food.

So God in his perfection made us all from the same BASE compounds so we would be able to SURVIVE off our OWN compounds.

Its that easy. No evlolution required to figure that out. :)


Active Member
It's like I said before, how do you know an apple tree till you plant the seed?

If it grows up and shows forth fruit of an apple you know it was a good seed and has shown the fruit of it self.

In the same manner, how will you know Jesus if you don't pick up the book? It ANNOYS me when people demand faith and yet won't even accept it when it is given.

Peace out.


Active Member
Science can't even explain the WEATHER. How the hell could it explain every thing else.

If you believe in science at least you are USE to disappointment! :hump:

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Bahaha. I am convinced weed4cash and crackerboy are just trolls. No one could possibly be this stupid and still be able function. Nice one guys. You had most of the board convinced you really thought this stuff. LOL.


Well-Known Member
After that last post, I'm gonna have to agree with gi...

It's not evolution it's GOD that did that. IF I was made from MARS material and the plants from Satern then I would not be compatible with THAT food.

So God in his perfection made us all from the same BASE compounds so we would be able to SURVIVE off our OWN compounds.

Its that easy. No evlolution required to figure that out.
This is pure genius!


Well-Known Member
Whatever. arguing with these guys is boring, one just googles evolution is fake and post videos, and the other, well... nevermind.

have a laugh instead:



Active Member
You have some obvious misconceptions about atheism, let me clear some of this up for you..

The first idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me is that Christians are the cause of all wars. LOL

Christians aren't the cause of all wars. Organized religion provides the medium for people to wage wars and the false justification to live with themselves after they've committed the acts wars require.

The second idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me is 2 hard to have faith! LOL
This forum is an excellent achievement. Now, I don't have to go meet the maker of this FORUM to know he must exist. See, when you see a complex structure it is common sense to say, “There must be a designer.” I don't have to see Him to believe He exists.

Argument from ignorance. "common sense" isn't science. We are a pattern seeking species, we see design in everything. Have you ever seen the "face" on Mars. Exact same process is happening in your brain when you see "design" in everyday objects.

What is the use of faith if everything is clearly "designed" as you say it is? If the creator wanted us to know everything was designed by him faith would not exist.

Teaching Evolution Faith in Schools
How about this one: “The first living cells emerged between four billion and 3.8 billion years ago. There is no record of the event.” That's pretty handy! “Now, look kids, you're going to be tested on this but there is no proof.” You call that science? They just believe it happened. They take that totally on faith.

Abiogenesis is not evolution. The sooner creationists realize that the better off everyone will be.

If you deny the fact of evolution at this point you won't be taken seriously in any aspect of the real world, let alone dictating what kind of education the youth gets, as it should be. Would you want a person who denies the Holocaust to be your kids history teacher? :-?
The Third idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is they want proof of the trinity:

The history of Christianity is based on PERSONAL experiences. That makes it HISTORY not myth. Now evolution is a myth. NO PERSONAL intervention exist!

He said she said anecdotal evidence that happened 30-100 years after the supposed event is not a very accurate portrayal of history, you must agree with that. It does amount to myth.

The standards for proof in science are much higher than the standards of proof in history. For ordinary people to believe it anyway. Personal intervention is not required.

The Forth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is that evolution proves it! LOL

More than 30 years of experimentation on the origin of life in the fields of chemical and molecular evolution have led to a better perception of the immensity of the problem of the origin of life on Earth rather than to its solution. At present all discussions on principal theories and experiments in the field either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance

There is no fundamental difference between a living organism and lifeless matter. The complex combination of manifestations and properties so characteristic of life must have arisen in the process of the evolution of matter. -Alexander Oparin

As for the second quote, yeah, that's exactly what science tends to do, answer questions which provide information for MORE questions. Science doesn't end, it doesn't stop.

The Fifth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is no concept of creation…

Abiogenesis is not evolution. Two completely different theories. One is not dependent on the other. If the theory of evolution was proved wrong today, that would not mean abiogenesis is wrong and vice versa.

The sixth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is propaganda crutches…

Because of the lack of transitional fossils most evolution teaching is supported by only propaganda.

The theory has over a million INDIVIDUAL pieces of fossil evidence collected since the 1800's to back it up. That is a blatant lie creationists tend to support simply because they don't understand how transitional fossils work. They deny that one fossil is a transition to the next and that small changes over short periods of time can add up to large changes over long periods of time.

In school books, kids get to look at pictures of some village a billion years ago where the planet of the ape must have been filmed. LOL

Hopefully you realize it is a depiction of what they believe the planet looked like at the time based on the best evidence available.. you seem to think science is 100% certain about everything. This isn't the case, science admits it isn't 100% certain about anything. Religious people can't seem to accept this.

The sevenths idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is spirits are not real:

These are places that are so haunted that even the US Government recognizes them as haunted.
The proof is in the pudding
But for the rest of you who still are not convinced, why not get the proof from actual proclaimed atheist? Seems a fitting way to show proof if you ask me.
I, personally dislike the term "Atheist", I am a non-believer.
Yes, i do believe in ghosts, I have had more than one experience, which involved a "Ghost".
People can doubt this if they wish, but i know what i have seen (and I was not alone), it was as real as the trees in my yard.
Yahoo Answers: Lou Ciphor Member since: June 14, 2006 Total points: 2,878 (Level 4)

I don't really know what to make of a persons critical thinking skills when they believe a random self proclaimed atheist on yahoo answers giving testimony that he believes he experienced a "ghost" is proof that all atheists believe in spirits... I mean... really..

The eight idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is lying to support their cause...

The textbook says,”Humans probably evolved from bacteria that lived more than four billion years ago.” We started off like bacteria? Yes. They make these family trees and they put them in the textbooks. They tell boys and girls,”Hey boys and girls, we started off like a bacteria and slowly over billions of years evolved to a human.”

Common ancestry is not a lie, look it up.

I was literally going to write this exact post. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Number one idiocy of religious fanatics: Failing to recognize the difference between having faith in an idea backed with empirical, observable, reproducible evidence (aka an educated guess) versus having faith in an idea because somebody wrote it in a book (in the case of the bible, over the span of 1400 years with multiple authors and a fat 400 year gap of nothing, followed by another 50 year gap after the acclaimed resurrection of "the savior") ,with zero empirical evidence to back it ("empirical" didn't even exist then), and is in no way observable (aka blind faith, emphasis on the blind.).


Well-Known Member

cocks fit in hands pretty good too


Well-Known Member

cocks fit in hands pretty good too
I agree. Intelligent design. I don't see how the Bible can harp on about how sodomy is so evil when the creator obviously made the anus penetrable and pleasurable, arguably moreso than the vagina. :hump:


Active Member
Why won't you answer the questions that I asked you as a demonstration about why abiogenesis is not part of the theory of evolution. Once again, why don't you criticize chemists for not having an explanation of how atoms got here? Why don't you criticize nuclear physicists because they don't explain how the electron got here? You are correct, abiogenesis must have occurred, OR life got here somehow, for evolution to have acted on said life FULL STOP. Hell, even different disciplines in evolutionary biology don't necessarily overlap. Saying that we don't know how life was formed and where the first cellular organisms came from, doesn't stop the fact that all life can be traced back to points where there was nothing else for millions of years except for single cell life. If you want to claim that life came from somewhere other than those cells, you have to put forth a better idea, otherwise, considering that our cells are eukaryotic and we share more DNA in common with eukaryotic single cell organisms than prokaryotic bacteria, it stands to reason that like all other life, we share a common ancestor. Since science only deals with things that they have evidence for, there is no shame in saying we don't know were that first life came from but unlike religion, we don't make up answers to make us feel better.
I already did. you should go back and read a little.


Active Member
The reason I have just been spamming the thread is because I already started a thread the discuss these topics and only one person actually wanted to discuss the topics of creation. I raised several issues and made several statements and all anyone wanted to do was throw insults around. So I will do just as everyone else was doing and just post noise. So here is the best video of all.
