The 10 Idiocies of Atheism


Active Member
Don’t get me wrong guys. I’m not making fun of you because of your belief, I’m just saying your ideas can be just as seemingly stupid as OURS.

The first idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me is that Christians are the cause of all wars. LOL
Christian Pasture dedicates his life to helping gang members turn their life around:
Hurricane Katrina survivors praise help of faith groups five years on
#1 Drug rehab a Christian Center:

The second idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me is 2 hard to have faith! LOL
This forum is an excellent achievement. Now, I don't have to go meet the maker of this FORUM to know he must exist. See, when you see a complex structure it is common sense to say, “There must be a designer.” I don't have to see Him to believe He exists.
Teaching Evolution Faith in Schools
How about this one: “The first living cells emerged between four billion and 3.8 billion years ago. There is no record of the event.” That's pretty handy! “Now, look kids, you're going to be tested on this but there is no proof.” You call that science? They just believe it happened. They take that totally on faith.
The Third idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is they want proof of the trinity:

If any one could prove to me that Jesus Christ was not raised from the dead than I would not have a right to my faith. (1corinthians 15:14)
Christianity is a history of EVENTS that the writers knew of in time-space dimensions. Jesus was a man they KNEW personally. This was not a myth or made up. The writers of this man KNEW him personally, or they knew the people that KNEW Jesus. The history of Christianity is based on PERSONAL experiences. That makes it HISTORY not myth. Now evolution is a myth. NO PERSONAL intervention exist!
The Forth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is that evolution proves it! LOL

confessions from actual evolutionists
The theory of evolution faces no greater crisis than on the point of explaining the emergence of life. The reason is that organic molecules are so complex that their formation cannot possibly be explained as being coincidental and it is manifestly impossible for an organic cell to have been formed by chance.​

Alexander Oparin

More than 30 years of experimentation on the origin of life in the fields of chemical and molecular evolution have led to a better perception of the immensity of the problem of the origin of life on Earth rather than to its solution. At present all discussions on principal theories and experiments in the field either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance
The Fifth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is no concept of creation…

Jeffrey Bada

The following statement by the geochemist Jeffrey Bada from San Diego Scripps Institute makes clear the helplessness of evolutionists concerning this impasse:
Today as we leave the twentieth century, we still face the biggest unsolved problem that we had when we entered the twentieth century: How did life originate on Earth?​

The sixth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is propaganda crutches…

Because of the lack of transitional fossils most evolution teaching is supported by only propaganda.
In school books, kids get to look at pictures of some village a billion years ago where the planet of the ape must have been filmed. LOL
And the Atheist think we make shit up…evolution 2.jpg
Evolutionary Family Tree Hoax

evoluton propo.JPG 
The sevenths idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is spirits are not real:
These are places that are so haunted that even the US Government recognizes them as haunted.
The proof is in the pudding
But for the rest of you who still are not convinced, why not get the proof from actual proclaimed atheist? Seems a fitting way to show proof if you ask me.
I, personally dislike the term "Atheist", I am a non-believer.
Yes, i do believe in ghosts, I have had more than one experience, which involved a "Ghost".
People can doubt this if they wish, but i know what i have seen (and I was not alone), it was as real as the trees in my yard.
Yahoo Answers: Lou Ciphor Member since: June 14, 2006 Total points: 2,878 (Level 4)
The eight idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is lying to support their cause...

The textbook says,”Humans probably evolved from bacteria that lived more than four billion years ago.” We started off like bacteria? Yes. They make these family trees and they put them in the textbooks. They tell boys and girls,”Hey boys and girls, we started off like a bacteria and slowly over billions of years evolved to a human.”
The Lie Exposed
These family trees that they put in the textbooks are pure propaganda. There is not one shred of scientific evidence for any of them. Even Mary Leaky, who believes in evolution, says, “All of those trees of life with the branches of our ancestors-that's a lot of nonsense!” Even Stephen Gould from Harvard University (where they 'pahk the cah in the yahd' [Boston accent]). Stephen Gould said, “The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks are not the evidence of fossils.” They make it up folks! It's pure imagination.
The Damage Done
Now, let me see if I'm reading this tree right. Is this thing trying to tell the kids that the humans on the left over here and the birds and the crocodiles and the snakes all have a common ancestor? Wouldn't you say the average student is going to look at that chart and believe that they all have a common ancestor?

The ninth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is no holidays.
Sorry April Fools Day does not count! LOL
The tenth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is they treat atheism like religion.
Don’t get me wrong guys. I’m not making fun of you because of your belief, I’m just saying your ideas can be just as seemingly stupid as OURS. Peace out!​



my favorite is the third. they sure are idiots for wanting you to explain some logically inconsistent medieval nonsense. you have to take it on faith, right? says the confidence man to the dope...


Well-Known Member
You have some obvious misconceptions about atheism, let me clear some of this up for you..

The first idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me is that Christians are the cause of all wars. LOL

Christians aren't the cause of all wars. Organized religion provides the medium for people to wage wars and the false justification to live with themselves after they've committed the acts wars require.

The second idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me is 2 hard to have faith! LOL
This forum is an excellent achievement. Now, I don't have to go meet the maker of this FORUM to know he must exist. See, when you see a complex structure it is common sense to say, “There must be a designer.” I don't have to see Him to believe He exists.

Argument from ignorance. "common sense" isn't science. We are a pattern seeking species, we see design in everything. Have you ever seen the "face" on Mars. Exact same process is happening in your brain when you see "design" in everyday objects.

What is the use of faith if everything is clearly "designed" as you say it is? If the creator wanted us to know everything was designed by him faith would not exist.

Teaching Evolution Faith in Schools
How about this one: “The first living cells emerged between four billion and 3.8 billion years ago. There is no record of the event.” That's pretty handy! “Now, look kids, you're going to be tested on this but there is no proof.” You call that science? They just believe it happened. They take that totally on faith.

Abiogenesis is not evolution. The sooner creationists realize that the better off everyone will be.

If you deny the fact of evolution at this point you won't be taken seriously in any aspect of the real world, let alone dictating what kind of education the youth gets, as it should be. Would you want a person who denies the Holocaust to be your kids history teacher? :-?
The Third idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is they want proof of the trinity:

The history of Christianity is based on PERSONAL experiences. That makes it HISTORY not myth. Now evolution is a myth. NO PERSONAL intervention exist!

He said she said anecdotal evidence that happened 30-100 years after the supposed event is not a very accurate portrayal of history, you must agree with that. It does amount to myth.

The standards for proof in science are much higher than the standards of proof in history. For ordinary people to believe it anyway. Personal intervention is not required.

The Forth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is that evolution proves it! LOL

More than 30 years of experimentation on the origin of life in the fields of chemical and molecular evolution have led to a better perception of the immensity of the problem of the origin of life on Earth rather than to its solution. At present all discussions on principal theories and experiments in the field either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance

There is no fundamental difference between a living organism and lifeless matter. The complex combination of manifestations and properties so characteristic of life must have arisen in the process of the evolution of matter. -Alexander Oparin

As for the second quote, yeah, that's exactly what science tends to do, answer questions which provide information for MORE questions. Science doesn't end, it doesn't stop.

The Fifth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is no concept of creation…

Abiogenesis is not evolution. Two completely different theories. One is not dependent on the other. If the theory of evolution was proved wrong today, that would not mean abiogenesis is wrong and vice versa.

The sixth idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is propaganda crutches…

Because of the lack of transitional fossils most evolution teaching is supported by only propaganda.

The theory has over a million INDIVIDUAL pieces of fossil evidence collected since the 1800's to back it up. That is a blatant lie creationists tend to support simply because they don't understand how transitional fossils work. They deny that one fossil is a transition to the next and that small changes over short periods of time can add up to large changes over long periods of time.

In school books, kids get to look at pictures of some village a billion years ago where the planet of the ape must have been filmed. LOL

Hopefully you realize it is a depiction of what they believe the planet looked like at the time based on the best evidence available.. you seem to think science is 100% certain about everything. This isn't the case, science admits it isn't 100% certain about anything. Religious people can't seem to accept this.

The sevenths idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is spirits are not real:

These are places that are so haunted that even the US Government recognizes them as haunted.
The proof is in the pudding
But for the rest of you who still are not convinced, why not get the proof from actual proclaimed atheist? Seems a fitting way to show proof if you ask me.
I, personally dislike the term "Atheist", I am a non-believer.
Yes, i do believe in ghosts, I have had more than one experience, which involved a "Ghost".
People can doubt this if they wish, but i know what i have seen (and I was not alone), it was as real as the trees in my yard.
Yahoo Answers: Lou Ciphor Member since: June 14, 2006 Total points: 2,878 (Level 4)

I don't really know what to make of a persons critical thinking skills when they believe a random self proclaimed atheist on yahoo answers giving testimony that he believes he experienced a "ghost" is proof that all atheists believe in spirits... I mean... really..

The eight idiocy of atheism that they all show on to me, is lying to support their cause...

The textbook says,”Humans probably evolved from bacteria that lived more than four billion years ago.” We started off like bacteria? Yes. They make these family trees and they put them in the textbooks. They tell boys and girls,”Hey boys and girls, we started off like a bacteria and slowly over billions of years evolved to a human.”

Common ancestry is not a lie, look it up.



Well-Known Member
The infinite idiocy of weed4cash. What does "show on to me" mean?

Learn how science works. Then read what scientists say about evolution, not what creationist websites tell you about the claims of science. Would you go to an atheist scientist to learn about Jesus and the bible? Then why do you insist on going to non-scientist Xtians to tell you what science claims?

Of course all of this is from a guy that goes on a public internet forum boasting about details of his illegal business. It shouldn't be a stretch for someone to infer his general intelligence level.


Active Member
Organized religion provides the medium for people to wage wars...

Really? And POWER doesn't? What was the Cold War? What about World War 1 and 2? Religious? Hardly. All about politics homie. That's what starts wars. Politics and POWER.

Ok denying a creator in every thing. You use a Mars face to tell me why I believe in Jesus a REAL person??? Have you talked to that Mars face? Because I know I haven't. So that would classify Mr Mars as a MYTH. Keep trying...(:

Abiogenesis is not evolution. YES it is. IN SCHOOLS! That's what I, YOU, and EVERY ONE learned. Don't avoid the FACTS.

The standards for proof in science are much higher. HA! Really? Have you seen a text book for Highschool Biology? I have. Theories about evolution. No proof, just theories. Seems science is not taking it self serious in schools. Care to help me change that?

I don't want to hash out all your remarks. You are a good thinker... but I got this one.

Oh, and what evolution are you saying I am denying. Because all Evolutionist are disagreeing with each other. So really, who is right? Should I find the right evolution to agree with and then would I still be disagreeing with evolution since I don't agree with the other scientist? Maybe they should all have names for their sects. lol

If any one is a free thinker here check out the book Evidence That Demands an Answer by Josh McDowell


Active Member
Thanks for at least admiting athiest don't have it figured out, and that science doesn't answer the great question. You are at least honest.

Also I should say that I know all Athiest don't agree with all athiest. Just as Christians don't agree with all Christians. hench the reason there is a church on four corners of one street in my town. (Called church corner by most people)

So the point here is that Athiest and Christians have and will always have unexplainable questions. And that is why we don't need to make fun of each other. Neither has it figured out to the point where every one is convinced.

Now me, I know what I believe is true. I can't make you believe and this article was not bent on opening your eyes to your folly. Though it was easy to write to say the least. Would people murder, steal, hate, and commit all manner of crime with or with out religion? Yes.

But does religion cause man to be less of a species then if he was not religious at all. No.

Because where a man is given POWER he will almost ALWAYS find a way to abuse that power.
Christians give God the glory, so that can never happen unless the Christian first falls.

Before you say religion is the cause, really look at that religion and decide, is it the religion, or the abuse of power that has caused this?

In my humble opinion, it's prejudice not religion that is destroying our species. That, and an unbridled approach on life. If we don't bridal our passions we will see destruction (divorce, jealousy, drug dependency, murder, hate.) Jesus is the only one who can teach us how to live so that our life is harmonious.


Active Member
Why is it that people keep trying to deny that Abiogenesis has to do with evolution. Abiogenesis is the process that had to have happened for naturalistic evolution to take place. Why is that so hard to comprehend. Without that chemical evolution (according to naturalistic scientists) there would be no life on earth to have evolved. So therefore evolution fully depends on this concept.


Active Member
Like I said before, the bible is an account of people writing down what they saw and heard. These were real people that witnessed real events. History has never been able to do better then that, and that will ALWAYS be better then the Theory of Evolution.

If you don't agree with me on this you might as well denie your great great grandpa!


Well-Known Member
Really? And POWER doesn't? What was the Cold War? What about World War 1 and 2? Religious? Hardly. All about politics homie. That's what starts wars. Politics and POWER.

I think you misunderstood my point. Being a religious person, believing in the things most of them teach gives a person the ability to commit the acts each of these non religious wars require, like killing someone a person has never met based on information that persons state has provided.

I'm an atheist, from my perspective it is never right to do such a thing, except in self defense (which current conflicts like the "war on terror" are not).

Without the crutch that organized religion is, I am left with my own ability to justify the acts which I would undoubtedly commit if I were to ever engage in war for the US. I can't think of any logical reasons to justify the actions our military are currently taking, so I couldn't then be a part of it and keep an honest conscience.

If you are a part of an organized religion, your state can always find a reason to justify the acts they commit against someone they label an ''enemy''.

Ok denying a creator in every thing. You use a Mars face to tell me why I believe in Jesus a REAL person??? Have you talked to that Mars face? Because I know I haven't. So that would classify Mr Mars as a MYTH. Keep trying...(:

What evidence do you have that says a man named Jesus Christ existed? What evidence do you have that supports the idea that this man was the son of God?

"yesterdays religion is tomorrows myth"

The face on Mars was used as an example as to why you believe there is design in everyday ordinary objects. You are a pattern seeking individual, your brain is hard wired to see these things and believe they were designed this way, this is a consequence of the evolution of your brain over millions of years. It's a successful trait that gave your ancestors more protection, more food, more warmth, and it's why you still have it today. It doesn't mean everything was designed though. Think about it, would your God design the HIV virus? How bout the variety of other STD's a person can contract? Is he responsible for designing them too? Malaria, Polio, Yellow Fever.. think of all the nasty things we've discovered, if you are using the argument from design, you MUST conclude that your God designed all these diseases and viruses' too, so the next question I'd ask you is - Why? Why would he do that? What is the point?

Abiogenesis is not evolution. YES it is. IN SCHOOLS! That's what I, YOU, and EVERY ONE learned. Don't avoid the FACTS.

No, it isn't. I'm serious, they are two completely different theories in two COMPLETELY different fields of science.

The theory of evolution is about how life evolves as time progresses.

Abiogenesis is about how the first life came about on Earth.

Evolution is biology...

Abiogenesis is chemistry...

The standards for proof in science are much higher. HA! Really? Have you seen a text book for Highschool Biology? I have. Theories about evolution. No proof, just theories. Seems science is not taking it self serious in schools. Care to help me change that?

I don't know what you really expect.. As I said, science isn't absolutely certain about anything, but if you think logically, there is really NO way of ever being 100% certain about anything, not even who you are or your name or anything. A certain level of faith is involved in every single decision you make, religious or not. What science provides is a way to decrease the probability of choosing the wrong answer. Religion attempts to provide this, but fails at every possible opportunity. The difference, as you already took note of, is that science admits it doesn't have all the answers and can't ever be certain because of my earlier explination, religion lies and subsitutes honesty for comfort, which many of it's followers welcome as well. The skeptical, the people who want real answers to the questions reality provides are unable to do this, it simply is not possible.

Oh, and what evolution are you saying I am denying. Because all Evolutionist are disagreeing with each other. So really, who is right? Should I find the right evolution to agree with and then would I still be disagreeing with evolution since I don't agree with the other scientist? Maybe they should all have names for their sects. lol

The link about evolution I provided is the theory. There's only one theory, but it's really pretty comlicated, and takes a lot of studying to really understand. It's beautiful once you see it, the thoughts it provokes makes organized religions seem tiny and insignificant. The tapestry of life all connected as one is beautiful.

If any one is a free thinker here check out the book Evidence That Demands an Answer by Josh McDowell

I'll get back to you with a book report ;)


Active Member
What evidence do you have that says a man named Jesus Christ existed? What evidence do you have that supports the idea that this man was the son of God?

I do not make it my job to give you faith. That is between you and God. If you don't believe all the prophets of the Bible, why would you believe me?

You say religion is never perfect. You are wrong. Mans interpretation of religion is and always will be wrong. But God and all his prophets speak the perfect religion of God. For us to follow Gods word imperfectly does not qualify GOD as imperfect.

As far as disease goes, would we spread disease if we where
Would disease be as bad as it is if we all weren't cheating?

And think about this, if evolution is so perfect to design the EYE then why can't evolution design your body to be immortal? Strange that evolution missed that one loop hole in it's perfection.....

You say evolution is beautiful, I say, ever look at how other animals are like each other but Humans are only one kind of species. No other species with our thought capabilities look different then us. Ever think of why if evolution was true there are NO other species with higher thinking besides us.....

Kind of odd considering every other animal thinks alike in the kingdom but we have advances abilities.

One of a kind species. That would that make us EVOLUTION FREAKS

I'm heading to bed, have fun with your selves. Watch out for those Evolution Puddles!


Active Member
Why anyone bothers trying to convince people to believe one way or another is just as pointless as believing one way or another.



Well-Known Member
Why is it that people keep trying to deny that Abiogenesis has to do with evolution. Abiogenesis is the process that had to have happened for naturalistic evolution to take place. Why is that so hard to comprehend. Without that chemical evolution (according to naturalistic scientists) there would be no life on earth to have evolved. So therefore evolution fully depends on this concept.
Why won't you answer the questions that I asked you as a demonstration about why abiogenesis is not part of the theory of evolution. Once again, why don't you criticize chemists for not having an explanation of how atoms got here? Why don't you criticize nuclear physicists because they don't explain how the electron got here? You are correct, abiogenesis must have occurred, OR life got here somehow, for evolution to have acted on said life FULL STOP. Hell, even different disciplines in evolutionary biology don't necessarily overlap. Saying that we don't know how life was formed and where the first cellular organisms came from, doesn't stop the fact that all life can be traced back to points where there was nothing else for millions of years except for single cell life. If you want to claim that life came from somewhere other than those cells, you have to put forth a better idea, otherwise, considering that our cells are eukaryotic and we share more DNA in common with eukaryotic single cell organisms than prokaryotic bacteria, it stands to reason that like all other life, we share a common ancestor. Since science only deals with things that they have evidence for, there is no shame in saying we don't know were that first life came from but unlike religion, we don't make up answers to make us feel better.


Well-Known Member
Wow, how stupid is this post?

You do know what atheism is right?
Atheism makes none of these claims.
In fact, atheism makes no claims.

This post is just one big strawman. Why don't you attack atheism for what it really says?
Whatever claims atheists make are also subjective to scrutiny.. But most of all, they cannot be linked to, and are not derived from atheism.

Atheism is a lack of belief in deities. That's it.. Nothing more.. You cannot get from that to claims people who happen to be atheists make.
Atheism has no dogma, it has no cannon, it makes no claims.. You fail, you lose, good day sir.


Well-Known Member
Wow, how stupid is this post?

You do know what atheism is right?
Atheism makes none of these claims.
In fact, atheism makes no claims.

This post is just one big strawman. Why don't you attack atheism for what it really says?
Whatever claims atheists make are also subjective to scrutiny.. But most of all, they cannot be linked to, and are not derived from atheism.

Atheism is a lack of belief in deities. That's it.. Nothing more.. You cannot get from that to claims people who happen to be atheists make.
Atheism has no dogma, it has no cannon, it makes no claims.. You fail, you lose, good day sir.
Give up on the OP. Someone that stupid won't understand that atheism is merely the rejection of a claim. The whole point of Russel's Teapot and FSM make no impression on them. It ends up merely being an inside joke to those that understand logic.

The OP may be hopeless but crackerboy has some hope. He is at least open to the idea that there is no conflict between science or atheism and religion.


Well-Known Member
It's not going to stop me from telling the truth for other people who happen to see this thread..
The more rational information we can spread, the better..