
Well-Known Member
I took a Afghani Hindu Kush out today and planted it at site C. It's about 18" tall; I bent it over as well to try and get some vertical side branching. I'll post pics later this week.


Well-Known Member
cool site...checked it out for myself. According to the sunrise/sunset, it won't hit 12/12 until September 26...
Does that mean that's when my plants will start flowering?

september 26 is my b-day how bout dat but i have a satori girl thats flowering outside as we speak


Well-Known Member
hey're doing awesome and taking alot of tips and pointers for my own SOG grow next year. For my first grow I'm just sticking with traditional growing to get my feet wet. I'm scribed, I want in on this ride. Can't wait to see your finished crop! Good luck and thanks in advance for all your help!


Well-Known Member
Wow I've been so busy, sorry I haven't posted any pics up. I'm going out there now so I will post some pics tonight for sure!


Well-Known Member
no... well... yes... not all of them but I had three sites and now I'm down to one. I went from 30 plants to 8. I tried everything to keep these girls from getting eatin but nothing worked. everything I tried just seemed to make it worse. I went from 3 strains to one. just lost a lot of interest. the remaining 8 are doing great but somehow it just doesnt make up for what happened. If I remember I'll take my camera out there with me next time and get some pics posted of them...

They just started flowering about a week ago.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear that man.
I only have 3 plants outside right now. If I lost any I would be pretty down.
I'll stick around incase you post pics.


I hear beer works really well on the slugs. Just half bury a few cups about 4 feet away in a perimeter around the grow. Fill them 3/4 of the way with beer and the greedy f'ers fall in and drown!
love it


Well-Known Member
I think he was having trouble with small animals too.
I like to pick my site around or inside of small clusters of weeds. If the weeds give off and odor it is a plus but make sure the plants near where you are putting your plant aren't being eaten and don't have insect problems.


Well-Known Member
Haven't posted on here in a while but the plants are doing great! The animals finally started leaving my plants alone right after I gave up on them. They are now 3-4 weeks into flower and are looking amazing. In recent weeks I have also put out a few more plants and I now have a total of 10 and I'm back up to three strains... El Diablo QC, Thai Super Skunk, and Afghani Hindu Kush. I'll post some pics but keep in mind that these are about a week or so old and the smallest one is now triple the size that it is in the picture.


BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
Very nice man... Yea thats what sucks about growing in the wild so many little fucking creatures atleast one is goin to find them sweet smellin plants!!!:leaf: I got like 12 plants left and they are all doin well but they on the side of my crib... Lucky me my parents dont give a FUCK!!! EVERYONE SHOULD LOVE MARIJUANA ITS BEAUITFUL!!!:weed: GOOD LUCK the rest of the way bro.


Well-Known Member
Very nice man... Yea thats what sucks about growing in the wild so many little fucking creatures atleast one is goin to find them sweet smellin plants!!!:leaf: I got like 12 plants left and they are all doin well but they on the side of my crib... Lucky me my parents dont give a FUCK!!! EVERYONE SHOULD LOVE MARIJUANA ITS BEAUITFUL!!!:weed: GOOD LUCK the rest of the way bro.
Thanks Blazed, I'm going to put up some chicken wire around them next year so I don't have to worry about this anymore.