My theory is THCA is grown in a different environment than normal thc and therefore it changes the chemical makeup and removes the psychoactive elements.
My understanding is that it's always all THCa unless it's been decarbed, AKA burned/cooked, then the A leaves and it becomes THC, the euphoric component.
recent crosses have been crossed over and back so many times chasing yeild, fruity terps, bag appeal.. potency took not only a back seat, but it has to walk while the bus dissapears over the cookie crusted horizon.
As a non-grower (i'm jealous, tho) i have been reading/studying/buying this shit for 7 plus years now and come to pretty much the above conclusion.
I've got a few grams left from my last dispo purchase, and haven't lit a jay in 3 or 4 months, because other than a harsh throat burn, wtf's the point?
My understanding is that it's always all THCa unless it's been decarbed, AKA burned/cooked, then the A leaves and it becomes THC, the euphoric component.

As a non-grower (i'm jealous, tho) i have been reading/studying/buying this shit for 7 plus years now and come to pretty much the above conclusion.
I've got a few grams left from my last dispo purchase, and haven't lit a jay in 3 or 4 months, because other than a harsh throat burn, wtf's the point?
It isn't always all thca.

In fact it's rare for a strain to be thca dominant but it is more prevalent in sativas.

They are FORCING plants to be thca by manipulating the plants behavior with different grow conditions. Thats how you make a strain thca.

That's why I don't believe that it converts 100% and even if it did; you're smoking weed that's been picked early and not cured basically what we have all called trash for why ppl suddenly think low quality weed is fire?? I don't understand it at all.

However I did place 1 final order of 3 different thca 8ths - Blueberry- AK47 and Glitter's my final test - if none of them get me high I'm never buying thca again yall can keep that bullshit
recent crosses have been crossed over and back so many times chasing yeild, fruity terps, bag appeal.. potency took not only a back seat, but it has to walk while the bus dissapears over the cookie crusted horizon.
It isn't always all thca.
So, you're saying not all cannabis needs to be decarbed before extracting it? I have read that it always has to be decarbed, but hey, i might be totally wrong, "but i'm a dancing fool".
I know that @GWilliamsCannabis smokes a lot of flower...he is always posting on the what are you smoking thread...

If thca doesn't get him high....something is up.
I personally have not dealt with thca.
I'm afraid it wouldn't get me I haven't bought any.

I do see people buying pounds of it....
I see you tubers claim to get high off of it.
But I have no personal insight...

I plan to test my own personal grow for thca...
But that's about it...
I am stocking up on seeds...
I see too many people complaining about current weed potency.

I know of too many people that are buying pounds...
If they are all getting boof packs...
The future is bleak...

I don't know what the next IT strain is going to be...
I don't know what twist legalization will deal us...
I don't know if sterile beans could happen
But I don't trust anyone other than myself with this plant.

I know killer weed....I smoke dispo weed. Not all of it gets me stoned. So, I hold out for my homegrown.
With some seed breeders that can be hit or miss.

It's all about keeping mothers of fire genetics.
An that falls on OUR shoulders as OG smokers...
Fuck it...put people on their ass with your weed.
Big up breeders that bring the fire.
Run the weed growing pure flames
I am stocking up on seeds...
I see too many people complaining about current weed potency.

I know of too many people that are buying pounds...
If they are all getting boof packs...
The future is bleak...

I don't know what the next IT strain is going to be...
I don't know what twist legalization will deal us...
I don't know if sterile beans could happen
But I don't trust anyone other than myself with this plant.

I know killer weed....I smoke dispo weed. Not all of it gets me stoned. So, I hold out for my homegrown.
With some seed breeders that can be hit or miss.

It's all about keeping mothers of fire genetics.
An that falls on OUR shoulders as OG smokers...
Fuck it...put people on their ass with your weed.
Big up breeders that bring the fire.
Run the weed growing pure flames
Fire weed is still out there - but all this thca is lower quality early picked and most of the time uncured bud.

Like I said I ordered some 8ths for a final test I'll update
I am stocking up on seeds...
I see too many people complaining about current weed potency.

I know of too many people that are buying pounds...
If they are all getting boof packs...
The future is bleak...

I don't know what the next IT strain is going to be...
I don't know what twist legalization will deal us...
I don't know if sterile beans could happen
But I don't trust anyone other than myself with this plant.

I know killer weed....I smoke dispo weed. Not all of it gets me stoned. So, I hold out for my homegrown.
With some seed breeders that can be hit or miss.

It's all about keeping mothers of fire genetics.
An that falls on OUR shoulders as OG smokers...
Fuck it...put people on their ass with your weed.
Big up breeders that bring the fire.
Run the weed growing pure flames
Avoid hype there's yer problem there all bred for looks and taste I think Instagram is one of the worst things for this that pushes it in that direction as well to me there's only one test for potency that matters smoke that shit nothing else can tell you if it is worth a damn the seeds you should all be stocking up on are the building blocks strains and heirlooms and land races hype aint going extinct they are and you aint making nothing new without em bud I fear for the future of the overall genepool too
Thca nugs came + preroll of mendo breath.....I'll update soon once I try any or all of them.....maybe a smoke report on each one. ...I'm HOPING I get stoned but idk.....the AK looks way too indica for my liking....the blueberry and glitter bomb look alright.....not quite as good as I imagined and I'm really not used to buying 8ths because these nugs are super small compared to what I normally get.

I'd say this is 100% equal to dispensary quality near me; which keeps my hopes down lol.....but it did cost half as much as my local dispensary (recreational anyway; equal to medical pricing)
THca will be the dominant cannabinoid in any flower. When heated it turns to delta 9. If you see someone say they have 30% Thca and 30% delta 9, then they have a plant that is 60% thca. Which is absolute nonsense. Thca is the cannabinoid you see in either thca hemp flower, legally grown weed, or anything you grow at home. It all turns to delta 9 when heated. I am guessing they grow it in a cooler environment so the delta 9 doesn't go above. 3%. Regular flower rarely goes above 1% unless it is grown in a very hot environment. So much confusion about this. Oof.

Technicly this is right. You could also cut your plants alot earlier and they would have more thc-a. But it seems like some people have got a high high thc- a mainly producing plant stabalized and are crossing it into lots of diffrent strains making thc-a versions of strains. They are not good at all compared to the proper versions. A short very fast wearing mild little hit. Youll probably end up using three or four times the amount you normaly do and still think wtf.
Alot of people are passing off thcA versions of strains as the originals were i am. And its not good, looks ok though.
I am stocking up on seeds...
I see too many people complaining about current weed potency.

I know of too many people that are buying pounds...
If they are all getting boof packs...
The future is bleak...

I don't know what the next IT strain is going to be...
I don't know what twist legalization will deal us...
I don't know if sterile beans could happen
But I don't trust anyone other than myself with this plant.

I know killer weed....I smoke dispo weed. Not all of it gets me stoned. So, I hold out for my homegrown.
With some seed breeders that can be hit or miss.

It's all about keeping mothers of fire genetics.
An that falls on OUR shoulders as OG smokers...
Fuck it...put people on their ass with your weed.
Big up breeders that bring the fire.
Run the weed growing pure flames

There are already sterile seeds being sold. They say they are breeding triploids and it creates seeds with plants that are serile. Personaly i dont think they have a clue what they are on about , but you can now buy these so called sterile seeds.
Best of the 3 strains I got....this is cherry ak47 to my surprise; tasting of straight up cherries when smoking a joint....excellent flavor and the high lasted a solid 2 hours.

Sorry about the shitty pic but it's dense it's green and purple and white with frost....tastes faintly of blueberry; was hoping for more flavor; however tastes spot on to DJ Shorts Blueberry (the F4 or good pheno of F5)....high was definitely 80% indica relaxing as hell....didn't put me to sleep but body was fully relaxed free of all pain....I know what this strain CAN be; as it's my all time favorite strain; so it leaves me disappointed......but from a non Blueberry lover standpoint this would be a great mid level Blueberry with strong effects but short high.

I've seen way more impressive nugs of this strain in terms of frost....but it's great looking weed regardless.....and even better tasting....a Blueberry grape combo that's very terpy real strong flavor of what I'd call grapeberry lol....with an after taste of gas/diesel/chem can't pinpoint which type of flavor it is because I was so focused on that grapeberry flavor lol....I could smoke on this flavor forever and not be sick of it.....effects are very similar to Blueberry but not as intense....still relaxing but I prefer Blueberry for effect....still really good though.

Disclaimer: although I got high tonight off all 3 of these; I need them to get me high again tomorrow to confirm that these are official and that THCA is official in general.....until then I will not/cannot say where I got these from or recommend them to anyone.
There are already sterile seeds being sold. They say they are breeding triploids and it creates seeds with plants that are serile. Personaly i dont think they have a clue what they are on about , but you can now buy these so called sterile seeds.
I heard they ain't turning out all triploid or sterile so I agree lol
Yes; Blueberry was the highest rated at 27% thca....glitter bomb was 22% and AK was 24%....the AK was my favorite- the blueberry tasted kinda weird with a good blueberry flavor though and good effects the AK was perfect with flavor smoke and high.... glitter bomb was tasty; got me high but was noticeably weaker than the other 2
Yes; Blueberry was the highest rated at 27% thca....glitter bomb was 22% and AK was 24%....the AK was my favorite- the blueberry tasted kinda weird with a good blueberry flavor though and good effects the AK was perfect with flavor smoke and high.... glitter bomb was tasty; got me high but was noticeably weaker than the other 2
Thanks. Did they list any other cannabinod ratios or anything please. I was intrested to see how or if in legal outlets they are specifying just the single thcA or if they maybe are able to just get away with not declaring everything else.