THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana


Well-Known Member
Youd Have To Spend Atleast 20 Years Perfecting This But Yet Again It Could Be Your Lifes Work Not A Bad Thing

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
instead of just putting thc into the plant, why not take the gene that tell the plant to make flowers and howto make flowers, and put that into trees and crap. cause personally I'd rather keep the same old bud. and this way you could walk down the street and pick a bud off the maple tree in your neighbors yard.


Well-Known Member
i didnt read this whole thread but i scientist from florida has done it he actually sent out about 500 seeds to anyone who requested them. havent heard of anything yet so it could be a hoax you'd think that shit would hit the fan. Thing is the feds caught up with him and couldnt charge him cause what he did wasn't against the law


Active Member
[edit] Botanical use

Since chromosome segregation is driven by microtubules, colchicine is also used for inducing polyploidy in plant cells during cellular division by inhibiting chromosome segregation during meiosis; half the resulting gametes therefore contain no chromosomes, while the other half contain double the usual number of chromosomes (i.e., diploid instead of haploid as gametes usually are), and lead to embryos with double the usual number of chromosomes (i.e. tetraploid instead of diploid). While this would be fatal in animal cells, in plant cells it is not only usually well tolerated, but in fact frequently results in plants which are larger, hardier, faster growing, and in general more desirable than the normally diploid parents; for this reason, this type of genetic manipulation is frequently used in breeding plants commercially. In addition, when such a tetraploid plant is crossed with a diploid plant, the triploid offspring will be sterile, which may be commercially useful in itself by requiring growers to buy seed from the supplier, but also can often be induced to create a "seedless" fruit if pollinated (usually the triploid will also not produce pollen, therefore a diploid parent is needed to provide the pollen). This is the method used to create seedless watermelons, for instance. On the other hand, colchicine's ability to induce polyploidy can be exploited to render infertile hybrids fertile, as is done when breeding triticale from wheat and rye. Wheat is typically tetraploid and rye diploid, with the triploid hybrid infertile. Treatment with colchicine of triploid triticale gives fertile hexaploid triticale.
When used to induce polyploidy in plants, colchicine is usually applied to the plant as a cream. It has to be applied to a growth point of the plant, such as an apical tip, shoot or sucker. Seeds can be presoaked in a colchicine solution before planting. As colchicine
could be used


Well-Known Member
ok i like what your talking about. will you tell me in lamans terms how to do it with pot and were to buy colchicine and other things i would need to make a monster fast growing weed.


Active Member
Just a bit of warning, colchicine is extremely poisonous, with effects similar to arsenic poisoning, it is absorbed through and skin point or internal, so anyone thinking of using it, first it would be probably extremely hard to find im thinking, secondly i would think thier would be regulations upon a substance poisonous through skin absortion, and you would need to be extremely carefull upon aplication.

also i am not sure as to waether the applied areas could be harvested, as with some fruits and pesticides it may still contain the chemical, it is still in reasearch phase as i last heard, so anyone concitering it would need to do alot of personal reasearch to see if it can be used, where to aquire, and weather its worth it.

just some thoughts, dont want anyone getting hurt.

still a remarkable effect, as the plant gets cancer it accelerates into massive growth.
now i had a question do you all think that the seeds would carry the accelerated growth pattern if taken from a plant which has experienced the mutation??
as it is a cell mutation i would think that if applied early enough it could be passed down and produce a more quickly growing plant, just a though.

Happy Smoking! - Matt


Well-Known Member
polyploid cannabis really offer no improvement, it was once sought as the holy grail of cannabis in theory, but when it was done nothing improvement wise really happened...


Active Member
lol so the mutation had no general effect upon the thc producing genes?? then you would have to isolate them


Well-Known Member
LoL "plant scientist" (botanist). But if you did indeed insert the necessary gene to produce THC into another plant via bacterial vector it would pass it on to it's offspring, that's how Monsanto created it's RoundUp Ready crops. An interesting side effect would be that once released into the wild your hybrid would "infect" other plants of the same species via cross pollination causing a percentage of their offspring to produce THC as well.
He's talking about a virial vector rather than a bacterial vector, that, (like on, I think, ponsettias) won't transfer to seeds.

Edit: Ooops re-read that and that was exactly your point.... I'm high...

2nd Edit: Monsanto is the devil... incorporated.



Well-Known Member
yes you can isolate any enzyme from any living organism and it will create the substance that it makes in the organism in a petri dish. I read about genetically altered tabacco plants thats are make to manufacture the same enzyme that makes fireflys glow check it out... so basically it would be very very very plauseable to isolate the THC producing enzymes. While were at it... lets take all the enzymes that make cannabanoids and put them into to other plants!


Well-Known Member
The only problem would be making the non-cannabis plant produce cannabigerolic-acid which what Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase uses to make THC. You have put every enzyme that makes all the precursors of THC into its genetic make up. And that would be the tricky part.