Thc Pills!


Well-Known Member
ok so last weekend i made some hash oil using rubbing alcohol (50%) and yielded about 3.5 grams of stickkky brown resin and another gram or so of powder hash... well after smoking off all but around 2+ grams of sticky shit i decided i was going to try the thc pill thing again

last time i used around 3.5g of high grade marijuana and ended up with 36 pills.. had to take 3-4 to get how i wanted

so i figured the hash would work better, clarified some butter and diced up the hash into tiny blocks and then then put 3tbl spoons of clarified butter ontop of the hash and added some extra keif to make sure it worked :-)
(all of this was put into a porcelain ramiken... small sauce dish)

set the oven on 220 and left it in for 2 hours (i would of longer but it was late)
after 2 hours i let it cool a little and pulled off all the green butter with a 10cc syringe w/o the needle...

i put the butter into some 00 size gel caps that i had emptied (had some kind of cheap vitamins in em) to hold the caps in place as i filled them i just drilled 1/4" (i think) holes in a block of wood.. worked fine

after i had pulled off all the butter i was just left with some brown goo.. and i divided that into the pills using the tip of a knife.. put the caps on and let em sit in the frig for a little bit and i ended up with 28 1/2yellow 1/2 black pills.

i took ONE last night around 1:30AM and still felt great when i woke up after some WILD vivid dreams.:mrgreen:

takes about an hour to hit... im going to try to find my camera so u guys can see these.. they look pretty neat.

thanks for readin!



Well-Known Member
oh i smoked most of it! but i allready have enough shake and stems and dried fan leaf to make just as much more :-D :-)


Well-Known Member
yea i deff need to get some better rubbing alcohol this 50% isnt working as well as some 98% would.. although i THINK some cannabinoids are water soluable (dont quote me)

thanks for reading guys!


Well-Known Member
---talking about making the original hash----

yea it was 50% rubbing alcohol solution and that was evaporated off for about 3-4 hours to make the original hash. i had it in a glass dish on top of a glass dish full of water, i would keep the water hot by microwaving it and i had a fan pointed at the top to help it evaporate. the hash was decent...(not as good as the hash oil iv made with everclear since)

also its worth mentioning that during the evaporation it seems the alcohol evaporates off faster and what takes the most time is the water, with everclear and the same process it takes like 45 min to an hour


Well-Known Member
smoking rubbing alcohol won't make you go blind? i mean, its def not drinkable
Hey i watched an idiot chug a half a bottle of rubbing alcohol when i was in prison,i told this asshole not to do it but he did it anyway.

As soon as he stopped chugging it his breathing got all fucked up & he turned bright ass blue & was clawing at his neck,i thought he was going to die,after he got his breath back he went on some kind of a bad acid trip,he was seeing shit & talking to people who weren't in the room,he kept saying " bus driver,whats the deal with all those fire trucks over there " then he started flipping out about some invisibale dog shit on the floor.

He wasnt right in the head for a month after that episode.


Well-Known Member
y did u piss around with butter and put it in the oven?

best to make ya oil,then st8 into caps, then ya can drop them or smoke it.....