THC Decay / Halflife


Well-Known Member
i know a lot of you are pros at storing weed/seeds. so i'll skip all the witty banter and cut to it:

I've read through some of the posts here and the consensus is that if you keep your weed in a dark / dry / cool place it will keep its potency for up to two years (someone please correct me if im misguided here)

anyways, being the eternal nerd/student that i am, i did some research and read that THC has a half life of 14-17 days depending upon the strand. that doesnt seem very long for me...

so why am i obsessing over this?

im wondering if what i read has any weight to it.. what do you guys think?

kant? fdd?


Well-Known Member
sure but theres no real way to find out easily how much thc content is in each plant cause theres so many variables, it wuold be hard to find a 'baseline' # .


Well-Known Member
well im not looking to count the nanograms of thc. i just wanted to know if anyone else out there noticed a difference in weed that was kept for a while and stuff thats just been cured. which also brings in the debate that the longer you cure your weed, the better it is. (like wine, someone told me this at a dispensary)


Well-Known Member
I think what you've read is THC in your body has a half-life of xxx days/weeks/whatever.

I would call it lifespan rather than half-life (since it is not a radioactive isotope).

It is true that curing mellows out the smoke, but i think whatever THC was in the plant at harvest is what you get. There are ways to optimize potency (harvest in the morning/dark) decrease potency (like dry in the sun or oven) but increasing potency after harvest seems to remain in the mythical realm.

and if you dry and cure correctly, your weed could/should stay potent for years.