THC Bomb Mothers in Flower.


Active Member
Today, I got around to building the screen for the large THC Bombs in the big room. It is 28 inches off the floor and has 2 inch square netting. The interior screen space is 1ft. 6inches by 2ft. 10inches. The materials to make it cost me under 5.00 dollars. The Bombs also got a thorough pruning of all the lower growth and a significant amount of fan leaves. Normally I do not hack them so much, but the screen is a different environment and needs a different type of growth. The stress should slow them down almost a week too; which, is needed for the White LSD to catch up to the height of the Bomb's screen. The whole purpose of the screen is to allow the rest of the room to catch up naturally.

I snapped some before and after pruning pictures. The after pics are how I normally would prune in case others wondered what "removing lower growth" looks like. I did additional pruning once they were under the screen that is not readily shown. I reaped 15 - 7inch branches for a test of the new clone bucket which should arrive tomorrow. They will have to be given away because I have no room for them. They are now in a tall glass of distilled water and will remain there until the cloner arrives.

The mothers' buds are starting to fatten and lengthen more and more each day. Frosty all over. Stinking up the room nicely. If I haven't mentioned it already: The mother on the left was trimmed pre-flower to have only half the bud sites of the mother on the right. They were grown this way through-out as well. The idea is to see if more bud sites really equals more bud, or, does the same yield only spread itself among the increased bud sites. Everyone knows that to top a branch will result in the closest young branches to the cut forming two new branches. If you top those two new colas, you can get 4, and so on... I trimmed the right mother with this in mind, through-out its life. The left mother remained unprunned mostly. The right mother is sucking MUCH more Nitrogen from the leaves and is dropping them at a much faster rate. Almost all fan leaves are completely yellow. The buds have significantly more red hairs already and are noticeably taller, yet not as fat as the left mothers' buds. The left mother has a slightly more compact and frosty appearance and retains most of the dark green leaf color.

The leaf pile is a total of everything cut off all three, even after the move under the screen.




Im about to start a thc bomb grow and im new at this, how do you know how much to water the seedlings? and what is that in pic 7>


Active Member
Vern, not sure what picture your referring to. In my last picture post, picture seven is a 1 1/2 ft. THC Bomb in veg before I pruned it and before I put them under their new screen. Water amounts depend on the size of the plant, room temperature, humidity and air circulation. Not to mention factoring in what the plants will naturally drink. More important than how much to feed, is what to feed them. The ph of water is very important. A oh level out of range will prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients and cause a salt buildup in the soil from the excess nutrients.

If your room is humid, you have no air circulation, or the temperatures are low, the water you give them will take longer to evaporate. The hotter, dryer or faster the air is moving, the faster it will evaporate. Understand? The amount of water you choose should be just enough to start dripping from the run-off holes in the bottom. This way you ensure that you have moistened all of the soil. Of course you must have something to catch the run-off. Also, the size of your container matters. The bigger the container, the larger the plant, the more water she'll need. I feed or water every 72 hours. I feed 1000ml per feed day. But, I have low temperatures, lots or air, full exhaust, 5 gallon pots, and a few lights which dry my soil faster.

You will have to decide amounts that are appropriate for you. I couldn't recommend anything while knowing nothing of your set-up. I again suggest a look at the basic growing Sticky threads. There is much to learn, its best to know it before the seeds get here. Good luck!



Active Member
Very simple construction. I bought 2 - 8ft by 1inch by 1inch boards. I already had the thread and a staple gun and a few 3 inch screws laying around. I simply cut the boards to make the square frame, then made identical length front legs at the height I wanted the screen to be, accommodating for the thickness of the square frame. Then, I simply used a level and marker to mark the spot on the wall that the side opposite the legs would rest on. Then, I cut 2 1inch by 1inch blocks and screwed them to the wall at my marks. After that, it was simply a matter of screwing the frame to the blocks on the wall and stapling the string to the frame at pre-marked, 2inch intervals. I considered using 4 legs but didn't want to go back to Home Depot from another board. The boards were 1.17 a piece, so 2.34 for everything. The construction was so simple, I didn't bother snapping pictures throughout. Designing one for yourself should be equally as easy and cheap.



Active Member
yeah when you spell it out its simple, i was wondering how you got the string to stick , staple gun ofc :D thnx duder


Active Member
A-fucking-men. China post sucks! I order almost everything online, and China always takes the longest, but is crazy cheap.


Well-Known Member
A-fucking-men. China post sucks! I order almost everything online, and China always takes the longest, but is crazy cheap.
HaHa! I hear this! I think their mail system consists of 6 people pulling a rickshaw.

Nice pic in the red light district. Your canopy is near perfect man. Looks as pretty as those brookies you posted. Peace


Active Member
hey duder been awhile, i see that IR gun in the background haha jealous, can i just say holy shit on those mothers in flowering! all the buds r so uniform and frosty, i cant wait to see all your little babies become that big, keep up the amazing work :leaf:


Active Member
Damn Duder you must make some nice cash with these grows got all this nice gear. Hey if you want PM me I have some more questions about your caregiver thing and like how much funds you get if you dont mind giving me a gist of what it is.


Active Member
Can't reveal funding. But, I do not hesitate, as some do, to invest in my garden. Nothing like having the right tools for the job. I think I have almost everything I need. I got everything for the cheap online and suggest bargain hunting. I found great deals on things which were for sale elsewhere, at much higher costs. A lot of the investments need only be made once. I sacrifice other things for the sake of the garden all the time. I aim for the best of medical grade pot. I choose patients carefully. Let's just say: they get what they pay for, but they will definitely pay for what they get.