THC Bomb Mothers in Flower.


Active Member
Thanks bro'ham.

I haven't forgot the update. I worked late yesterday so didn't get home until after the lights were off. Bummer. So, I am 95% sure I'll be home today, early enough to snap some flicks of the chicks.

Patience is a virtue. Thanks all for waiting.



Active Member
I have seen strains get crazy fan leaf colors in late flower. Is the purple in the bud too, or just in the leafs? They look great to me.

I got home late again! But, I had almost enough time to water everyone and rotate them too. 90% clear trichomes on the mothers. I tried to snap good pictures with my IPhone, but it's hard to steady the camera. The Droid takes a much better picture and has a bright flash. The HPS lights make for bad pictures too. I only left one light on because I ran into the dark period's time just a bit. I'f anyone has any bright ideas for steadying a cell phone to take a clear shot, I love to learn. I promise better pictures soon. Even if I have to buy a nice camera.

I moved the clone set-up from the mothers closet to under a giant aqurium's stand. Out of 15, I got 12 THC Bomb clones that are very healthy, no yellowing and roots that are entangled and 10 inches or better with very strong lateral root growth.

The larger room is very healthy! Yesterday all reservoirs got emptied and every plant had lower growth trimmed for the last time. This will be the last time anything is cut off them unless a fan leaf absolutely refuses to move. They all continue to get rotated 1/4 turn per day through-out flower. They have been growing a couple inches per day since the change in photoperiod. The tallest is over 2 feet now.

It may not be clear from the crappy clarity in the shots, but 12 White Lsd have been left un-topped to compare the yields to topped plants. The un-topped ones are, so far, inches shorter than the rest.

Fun fun...




Active Member
100% female ratio in the larger room. They all showed sex very early. Well done! I do like these genetics a lot in veg, I hope they are as pleasing to watch flower. The White L.S.D is a deep green with huge fan leaves for an indica. They continue their climb to the ceiling. I am impressed with the uniformity of the branch growth. The topped side looks like scrog canopy, but with 12 untrained plants.

I'm gonna get out this weekend and pick up a decent camera before Monday's update. The majority of trichomes on the mothers remain clear.



Active Member


Active Member
All the bud shots are of the two THC Bomb mothers in the closet. The last few were some night shots I took of the larger room. All of the non-bud shots would be the White LSD's.



Active Member
I thought I would focus on the larger room today, seeing as I just posted porn of the mothers last night.

All the girls showed sex within the first week of flower. All the pictures were taken today (10 days into flower). The THC Bombs, true to form begin to develop flowers almost immediately. The Bombs always have tons of preflowers through-out veg and once the flower cycle begins, the hairs grow crazy. The White L.S.D didn't show sex at all in veg, but are officially 100% female for all 3 dozen. The G13 Haze didn't show sex in veg either, but is between the Bomb and LSD for amount of hairs found.

I didn't top the G13 Haze, so the single pic of the un-topped plant is her. I tried to show the tag, but it was too bright in the room.

I also included a single pic of two different White L.S.D. girls: one topped, the other not topped, so you can see well the difference in growth pattern.

All plants have gotten at least a foot of new growth in the first week of flower and stems have bulked considerably. I can't find a single leaf with a problem.

The mothers hit week 9 today. I had planned to chop on June 1st which would be exactly 9 1/2 weeks; but, I am not convinced they will be done by then. Perhaps the mother take longer than usual I'm guessing, though I don't know the cause. I wont chop until the microscope tells me to.

-The Dude



Active Member
Can someone tell me how to caption individual photos down the page like other people do. I sometimes want to describe a single picture but can figure it out for the life of me.



Well-Known Member
You need to host them on a photo site, then link to them on in your posts. That way you can write whatever you want before or after them. I use photobucket (easy, mobile app, auto copies links when you click them).


Active Member
Can someone tell me how to caption individual photos down the page like other people do. I sometimes want to describe a single picture but can figure it out for the life of me.

When you go to attachments and drag your photo into the box below where you press done. There is also a tab that says insert into line # use that button instead of the done button.


Active Member
I am going to do Monday's update today because I wont be home tomorrow during their light cycle. Today is day 16 of flower for the 1800 watt room. I included a single shot of a White LSD and the G13 Haze as well. I begun upgrading the ppm of the nutrient levels today for the first time. They began at 1040 ppm and today were increased to 1140. Next nutrient feeding will read 1240; notice the pattern. I will do this until I notice the very tips of the fan leaves show signs of nute burn. Then I will level off at 100 ppm lower than the dose that burned them. Since I only feed every 72 hours, and I follow a water, feed, water, feed, etc schedule the supplemental nutes are essentially increased 100ppm per week of early flower until they level off. Some strains take more than others. This will be my first flower cycle pushing the White LSD or the G13 Haze so I am interested to see what they'll take.

The tallest plant is at 3ft. 9inches and they show signs of slowing down in regards to the early flower stretch. Bud formations has begun. The White LSD has very thick, straight hairs, while the Haze has very skinny, curly hairs that are more abundant than any of the other girls in the garden. The Haze has a very distinct yellow hue to her; not in a deficiency sense, more focused to the bud sites.

Stems are very thick with the single cola girls. The topped group has a fairly even canopy that is easily penetrated. The White LSD seems to give off a hell of a stretch in early flower, yet is not saturated with fan leaves. In spite of the height, the light makes it to most of the lower branches, which have progressed nicely into the lower canopy and begin bud formation themselves.

I harvested the THC Bomb mothers. They filled up 4 1/3 levels of my drying screen rack. I tried to include some good bud shots and macros in the update. I haven't weighed the wet weight.

The short plant is the result of the THC Bomb clone that rooted in nothing but a glass of distilled water. I have over a dozen White LSD clones that are well rooted and have grown a few nodes in the cloner. Now that the old mother are gone, I will transplant the top 6 into their permanent homes in the mother's closet. These will give birth to a few dozen clones to repopulate the flower room when it is done flowering.

The THC Bomb trio under the scrog are already starting to bud out thickly and have grown vertically from the screen-top an average of a foot.



