That's The Ticket!..

I am the guy that says people should pay for what they use. It's nice you remember that.

Are you saying that your beloved nanny state owns all the naturally occurring fish?

Only amateurs that can't sail the high seas or trek into the wilderness fish for stocked fish. The last time you took your Pink Princess zebco reel fishing pole down to the stocked pond, you weren't really fishing, you were participating in a cluster fuck, that's not fishing anymore than having a shitty salad at Wendys is gardening.

Who owns a naturally occurring fish and why should a person pay somebody that doesn't own them, if that person wants something to eat? Are you so enslaved you think ALL the fish in the world are owned by some group of dipshits?

Is it possible a person could have a pond on their own land, stocked by fish they own, what then, Princess? Should they pay Al Gore?
YOu dont need a license to fish your own private pond
WHy do you act like such a dick?
They take all the money for licensing and put it back into the enviroment.
They stock the lakes, restore habitat

Land of the free doesnt mean deplete the enviroment buddie
Unless you're an illegal immigrant. Just come over and have all the anchor babies you want and steal all the veggies out of people's gardens you want.
Unless you're an illegal immigrant. Just come over and have all the anchor babies you want and steal all the veggies out of people's gardens you want.

did you get fired from subway in favor of an illegal immigrant, bignbushy?

you sound all bitter.
No, another person or group of persons making an edict doesn't require me to do anything.

If I want to eat fish, I'll catch a fish and eat it. If I want to eat a wild animal I'll eat it. That reminds me, I have to bait the bird feeders again, man those blue jays are delicious!

I don't have to pay some dipshits sucking down coffee and texting their girlfriends while driving around in a truck all day looking for places to whack off while counting down the days until their pension kicks in.

Sorry, I'm not doing that.

People were "required" to hand over runaway slaves at one time, I'd have told the slave catchers to pound sand,what would you have done? Handed over the runaway?

fail yeti..i'd be part of the underground railroad, too:wink:
fishing licenses only cover a portion of their budget. rest comes from a variety of other sources.

Maybe they get a slice of the assets they seize when they "help out" the drug warrior piggies?

Doesn't that just make you swoon for those men in uniform ?
I think the Dept of natural resources in Wisconsin is self funded

Oxymoron. If it were self funded that would imply all the funds come from them, or their just and consensual transactions with other willing participants. Which isn't the case.

I think what you meant was they have a given turf and all that they can heist in that area they get to keep and disperse that booty amongst their gang.

The King of England's foresters also prevented Robin Hood and his merry men from eating a deer now and then, because the king claimed to own ALL the deer. Nothing has changed, except the king is now a coercive bureaucracy.