that smells like... pot

Day to Daze

Active Member
with 36 plants (18 big bud and 18 AK48) growing in a 1st floor bedroom i have not problem with smell yet..

but when these sexy bitches hit puberty and start filling out .. im worried about the smell ... i wasnt planning on a carbon filter... the airs being blown into a hole in the wall which used to be a fireplace.. so the air is being dispursed over my house.. but in built up area in a semi-detatched house is the whole town going to smell it??

or should i be rushing to go buy a carbon filter??

any have experiance growing many plants without one?

cheers in advance

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
get a filter man. it'll stink sure enough :)

when the smell is inside my flat, be it that i've had the plants out etc, and someone comments, well hell, that would be this lovely jar of weed i picked up last weekend, simple as that :) but i've read a lot of users who've caught some grief from neighbours and such over smell outside of the building

Day to Daze

Active Member
yeah im allready on about 800pound for the tent so far... know an average price for a filter for that amount of bud?