Sorry, but I might ramble a bit. I started a thread called the Smartest of the Smart. Well, the smartest of
all stopped using his intelligence over the Sedition laws. This guy -
With an IQ between 250 and 300, Sidis has one of the highest intelligence quotients ever recorded.
Entering Harvard at the ago of 11, he was fluent in more than 40 languages by the time he graduated and worked his way into adulthood.
Embittered over a 1918 arrest under the Sedition Act, Sidis spent the years from 1921 till his death at 46 in 1944 running adding machines and doing only menial tasks.
Today went to Wiki (I hate wiki, but I'm too lazy to go elsewhere today) says this about Sedition
The difference between sedition and treason consists primarily in the subjective ultimate object of the violation to the public peace.
Sedition does not consist of levying war against a government nor of adhering to its enemies, giving enemies aid, and giving enemies comfort.
Nor does it consist, in most representative democracies, of peaceful protest against a government, nor of attempting to change the government by democratic means (such as direct democracy or constitutional convention).
Sedition is the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power. Treason is the violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or state, giving aid to enemies, or levying war against one's state. Sedition is encouraging one's fellow citizens to rebel against their state, whereas treason is actually betraying one's country by aiding and abetting another state. Sedition laws somewhat equate to terrorism and public order laws.
So sedition laws and what obama signed would make Occupy completely illegal and anything else that is similar.
What will history write about these times?
I love my country, but I fear my government. Looks like Sidis was ultimately right.