That awkward guerilla moment

be ez

Well-Known Member
I got off to a bit of a late start this year and today I decided to setup a spot for 10 plants in a thick wooded area off a biking trail in the country. I had dropped off soil in the bush off of the main trail close to my spot a week or so ago and had it all covered up with a camo tarp like always.

Soooo anyways I got out there today and moved the first bag through the area to my spot no problem but on my way back with the second bag I got a weird feeling all of a sudden and to my shock as I looked up and out through the trees THERES A FUCKING HIKER STARING RIGHT AT ME!!! Like right off to the side about 40 meters away and BOOOM direct eye contact in a total WTF moment. I had no clue what to do, this was deep off the trail and I was obviously carry a fucking bag of soil on my back. Not really thinking I threw the soil off my back into a bush next to me and just kept on walking as casual as possible. It was the most fucking awkward moment not to mention I was sketched to all hell that some idiot is this far off the trail near where I considered safe to plant.

So for now I'm going back to moving material at night unless I'm in the absolute middle of no where.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Do you guys move soil during the day?


I got off to a bit of a late start this year and today I decided to setup a spot for 10 plants in a thick wooded area off a biking trail in the country. I had dropped off soil in the bush off of the main trail close to my spot a week or so ago and had it all covered up with a camo tarp like always.

Soooo anyways I got out there today and moved the first bag through the area to my spot no problem but on my way back with the second bag I got a weird feeling all of a sudden and to my shock as I looked up and out through the trees THERES A FUCKING HIKER STARING RIGHT AT ME!!! Like right off to the side about 40 meters away and BOOOM direct eye contact in a total WTF moment. I had no clue what to do, this was deep off the trail and I was obviously carry a fucking bag of soil on my back. Not really thinking I threw the soil off my back into a bush next to me and just kept on walking as casual as possible. It was the most fucking awkward moment not to mention I was sketched to all hell that some idiot is this far off the trail near where I considered safe to plant.

So for now I'm going back to moving material at night unless I'm in the absolute middle of no where.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Do you guys move soil during the day?
He was probably looking for some bomb spots to plant his shit LOL


Well-Known Member
"I just can't seem to find that 'geocache' have you found it?"
That's what I would have said, and then stare at my phone, like it's giving you directions...
Fukkn sux... sorry to hear that...
Good Luck...

be ez

Well-Known Member
well, if someone saw you in your current location I would find a new one.
I was considering it but it's pretty fucking out there... I've used it for the past 3 years with no problems and I only saw him half way through the walk, not like he was sitting in the patch or anything. If I hadn't been holding soil I wouldn't have been as worried.

"I just can't seem to find that 'geocache' have you found it?"
That's what I would have said, and then stare at my phone, like it's giving you directions...
LMAO I hate those damn geocachers
Could have worked minus the soil... "I just brought the soil because I couldn't find my chair this morning"
Those guys are the reason I don't grow in the provincial park near by

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I was considering it but it's pretty fucking out there... I've used it for the past 3 years with no problems and I only saw him half way through the walk, not like he was sitting in the patch or anything. If I hadn't been holding soil I wouldn't have been as worried.
well, obviously it's your call.

It can't be too out there if you saw a hiker, you were holding a bag of soil and now this guy knows someone is growing dope in the general area. You are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

Don't get me wrong you could be fine. Worst case he calls the law. He could come back around harvest and steal your shit. Or you could be fine. Who knows? Either way to me it isn't worth the risk.

I know I wouldn't use the same spot for three years in a row.

Good luck bro. Hope it works out for ya.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I would think about maybe getting a large backpack to carry your bags of soil inside. Then you will look like another hiker if you're spotted in the future.

be ez

Well-Known Member
well, obviously it's your call.

It can't be too out there if you saw a hiker, you were holding a bag of soil and now this guy knows someone is growing dope in the general area. You are kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

Don't get me wrong you could be fine. Worst case he calls the law. He could come back around harvest and steal your shit. Or you could be fine. Who knows? Either way to me it isn't worth the risk.

I know I wouldn't use the same spot for three years in a row.

Good luck bro. Hope it works out for ya.
Yea bud I definetly hear ya. We have a new mandatory minimum up here on 6 plants or over so I'm more worried about the law than being ripped.
Most of the reason I was so shocked is because I would never expect to see anyone out there like that, Id have the dirt in a backpack had I thought I would see someone. In three years I've only seen 1 other person while on the way to checking my plants there; it's one of my goto smaller sites.


Well-Known Member
Choose your spots in the fall, then use all winter and spring to amend the soil using a daypack to carry small amounts and a camera as cover.

The camera works ALL the time(multiple trips as well), and even law enforcement assumes you have photography equipment in the daypack...then do the opposite come harvest with your finished product.



Staff member
ahaha sorry I just pictured like a young guy just dropping the bag like a little bit of trash ahahahahahahha

be ez

Well-Known Member
ahaha sorry I just pictured like a young guy just dropping the bag like a little bit of trash ahahahahahahha
In hindsight it wasn't the smartest haha...
Just dropped it and kept on like nothing happened


Staff member
Basically the most suspicious thing I could have done haha :eyesmoke:
exactly why im still laughing about this hahahahahaha . nothing like saying I DIDNT DO IT by dropping the evidence and running away hahahahah oh my . thanks for the giggles I bet you though if he /she did notice he probably thought you were just some weirdo and not a huge pot grower. lol


Staff member
OR a serious environmentalist. just wear save the planet t-shirts next time.

be ez

Well-Known Member
thanks for the giggles I bet you though if he /she did notice he probably thought you were just some weirdo and not a huge pot grower. lol
I also began picking flowers for effect hahahaa
I'm not a great quick thinker :dunce:


Staff member
I also began picking flowers for effect hahahaa
I'm not a great quick thinker :dunce:
oh dear god hahahahahahahaha I wanna hangout with you hahahahahahahahahah did you put your hands behind your back and whistle all nonchalant too?


Well-Known Member
Damn I just grow in the backyard illegally, I get fly overs about everyday. Have never had a problem even with 30+ plants.

be ez

Well-Known Member
oh dear god hahahahahahahaha I wanna hangout with you hahahahahahahahahah did you put your hands behind your back and whistle all nonchalant too?
If youre ever up in Canada give me a shout haha I'll be the one in the forest with a bag of soil at my feet picking daisys