That almost ended badly...


Well-Known Member
I was trying to push a plug in an outlet but this stupid child safety thing inside makes it almost impossible. I thought id try and see if i could push it down with something else besides the plug itself, something thin and hard, like these tweezers lying in reachable range. So, theres two ends on tweezers and two holes in the outlet, i can try to push both in at the same time...
Then it hit me as i was about to try... putting metal rods in an outlet is a bad idea. Man i was pretty close to doing it..


Well-Known Member
I put a twist tie, the things that secure a bag of bread, in an outlet when i was a kid, gave me little jolt but i survived. If you ever felt an electric fence it felt like that.

Killa Man

Well-Known Member
i use to do that shit with silverware when i was a kid...try putting your finger in an ampty light socket, im sure a lot of growers accidently do this on a regular basis...shit is almost paralyzing at first!


I was trying to push a plug in an outlet but this stupid child safety thing inside makes it almost impossible. I thought id try and see if i could push it down with something else besides the plug itself, something thin and hard, like these tweezers lying in reachable range. So, theres two ends on tweezers and two holes in the outlet, i can try to push both in at the same time...
Then it hit me as i was about to try... putting metal rods in an outlet is a bad idea. Man i was pretty close to doing it..

thats fuckin awesome vv... had a long, fairly f'd day, and you just made me and my wife laugh our asses off.... +rep for realizing before it was too late :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've been electrocuted a few times. The worst is when I was rolling up an old extension cord and somehow when I went to unplug it the current went through the cord through my body and across my chest, left hand to right hand, it paralyzed me until my arm spasmed and dropped the cord, which broke the circuit. All of the other times have been much more minor, though one other time I was frozen, but that was only one arm.

Killa Man

Well-Known Member
electrocution is a wierd ass pain...its almost like the angel of death massaging your nerves in wave like motions


I've been electrocuted a few times. The worst is when I was rolling up an old extension cord and somehow when I went to unplug it the current went through the cord through my body and across my chest, left hand to right hand, it paralyzed me until my arm spasmed and dropped the cord, which broke the circuit. All of the other times have been much more minor, though one other time I was frozen, but that was only one arm.

damn 110v are good for that... 110 will hold on to you, 220 will throw you... i was working with an electrician 2yrs ago; we were at a bowling alley and i f'd up and got hit by the "stinger line"... carries well over 600v; scary shit:finger: