Thanks to Sub,and ALL Weed Nerds for taking my skills to the next level

I don't know the owner, or his habits, I was just going off what subcool said... But 32 thousand dollars and no breaks? This place run right, could be very profitable I think... But the prices have to be reasonable.
I wonder why the owner doesn't come here anymore?.. That seems odd... I know they wanted to charge me 20 thousand dollars for a forum like this one Subcool has... + 12 thousand a year just to advertise... I would have gladly donated say a few 100 like I did at Weed Watch just to be nice. I think a lot of people would have given something, but there wasn't any other option that was offered.

the owner while not active inposts he does all the backstage work so technically he does come online
Ive had the pleasure of meeting subcool, he a cool ass dude. For all u haters out there that hate on tga and subcool... fuck u and get the fuck off riu. This man to me is an awesome teacher that puts all hos know on the web for everyone to use.. for free. Imma a diehard weednerd. And will foreverever be in debt to subcool. Hes taught me almost everything i know.. To sub... HATERS = MOTIVATION.. Dust that shit off and use that negative energy to motivate u..
I love all my haters. As they push me to wprk harder.

Ohhh yeah here is some grape ape grown in super soil..

Haters eat ur heart out..






So yeahhh. Sub thanks for everything uve done for our community. Weed nerd 4 lyfe

Guess what, not everyone is going to love TGA or subcool. Deal with it. Peoples preferences on strains are subjective, and sub has chosen to put himself (and his wife) out there, and as a result are public figures of sorts. It comes with the territory. Subs a big boy, so I'm sure he can handle this. If not then maybe he's in the wrong line of work. I can understand souring on people that are blatantly just out to put the guy down .... but if someone has a legitimate beef with a transaction, or feels wronged by TGA, or just flat out doesn't care for the genetics that they've grown/smoked, then how does that make one a "hater"?

I've been called a "hater" more times in the last two weeks than I care to remember. It's friggin ridiculous, and makes you sound like a 5 year old. I have grown out 20 seeds of TGA genetics, and I haven't found one that *I* consider a keeper. I have a patient that loves a pheno of Cheesequake that I ran across, so it remains in my garden. It smells nice, looks nice, tastes nice, and is an easy plant to work with, but it lacks a punch. Just like every other TGA seed I've germinated, and every other variety I've smoked elsewhere (except for JTR... that was pretty potent).

Sub devoted an entire thread to ripping DJ Shorts genetics for not finding a keeper in 10 seeds that he ran. Those were his observations. He also referred to DJ as "an arrogant person who sucks at marketing and only about 10% of his gear is a keeper found."

Here's the thread:

Does that make subcool a "hater" too, or was he just sharing his subjective opinion on another man and his genetics? You can't have it both ways.
Sub, others...
I joined RIU primarily for the Weed Nerd. % 99 of my few posts have been in Sub's corner. He is leaving...then goes my reason for being a member here. See you at some cannabis event, Sub. Oregon Weed Nerd, here :) I will see you around. If not youtube, then hopefully we'll meet up somewhere on the west coast, I am sure. Until then, I will be growing dank with TGA soil and genetics. I do hope Sub, this is just the end of the beginning and not the beginning of the end. I got nothing to say to the haters other than a big fuck you!
Peace and love. Peace and love.
Guess what, not everyone is going to love TGA or subcool. Deal with it. Peoples preferences on strains are subjective, and sub has chosen to put himself (and his wife) out there, and as a result are public figures of sorts. It comes with the territory. Subs a big boy, so I'm sure he can handle this. If not then maybe he's in the wrong line of work. I can understand souring on people that are blatantly just out to put the guy down .... but if someone has a legitimate beef with a transaction, or feels wronged by TGA, or just flat out doesn't care for the genetics that they've grown/smoked, then how does that make one a "hater"?

I've been called a "hater" more times in the last two weeks than I care to remember. It's friggin ridiculous, and makes you sound like a 5 year old. I have grown out 20 seeds of TGA genetics, and I haven't found one that *I* consider a keeper. I have a patient that loves a pheno of Cheesequake that I ran across, so it remains in my garden. It smells nice, looks nice, tastes nice, and is an easy plant to work with, but it lacks a punch. Just like every other TGA seed I've germinated, and every other variety I've smoked elsewhere (except for JTR... that was pretty potent).

Sub devoted an entire thread to ripping DJ Shorts genetics for not finding a keeper in 10 seeds that he ran. Those were his observations. He also referred to DJ as "an arrogant person who sucks at marketing and only about 10% of his gear is a keeper found."

Here's the thread:

Does that make subcool a "hater" too, or was he just sharing his subjective opinion on another man and his genetics? You can't have it both ways.

I remember Subcool recommending DJ's book, which I bought, and was strongly disappointed with. Maybe Sub was just being nice?
Guess what, not everyone is going to love TGA or subcool. Deal with it. Peoples preferences on strains are subjective, and sub has chosen to put himself (and his wife) out there, and as a result are public figures of sorts. It comes with the territory. Subs a big boy, so I'm sure he can handle this. If not then maybe he's in the wrong line of work. I can understand souring on people that are blatantly just out to put the guy down .... but if someone has a legitimate beef with a transaction, or feels wronged by TGA, or just flat out doesn't care for the genetics that they've grown/smoked, then how does that make one a "hater"?

I've been called a "hater" more times in the last two weeks than I care to remember. It's friggin ridiculous, and makes you sound like a 5 year old. I have grown out 20 seeds of TGA genetics, and I haven't found one that *I* consider a keeper. I have a patient that loves a pheno of Cheesequake that I ran across, so it remains in my garden. It smells nice, looks nice, tastes nice, and is an easy plant to work with, but it lacks a punch. Just like every other TGA seed I've germinated, and every other variety I've smoked elsewhere (except for JTR... that was pretty potent).

Sub devoted an entire thread to ripping DJ Shorts genetics for not finding a keeper in 10 seeds that he ran. Those were his observations. He also referred to DJ as "an arrogant person who sucks at marketing and only about 10% of his gear is a keeper found."

Here's the thread:

Does that make subcool a "hater" too, or was he just sharing his subjective opinion on another man and his genetics? You can't have it both ways.
while i dont normally agree with you well said

it also looks horrible when someone genuinely gives a real complaint and they get attacked by a bunch of users who follow sub avidly
this happens way too much sub is a big boy he can handle his own complaints properly and professionally he doesnt need 150 users attacking someone who has an issue or concern
I remember Subcool recommending DJ's book, which I bought, and was strongly disappointed with. Maybe Sub was just being nice?

Did you read the thread I linked? Obviously not. Sub credits DJ Short with much of the breeding knowledge that he uses to this day.

But you're right. Sub was probably just being nice. :shock:
And FWIW, I really support the organics that are being promoted by TGA ... and there are a lot of really kick-ass growers sharing their TGA work and knowledge on this sub-forum, but this whole "hater" thing is getting really old. Different strokes
I'm a little upset a lot of us took the time to talk to each other about how we felt about the current situation so this morning I'm typing out aheart felt post I go to post it and it doesn't let me only to find out the thread was deleted as I was typing now I understand if Sub doesn't want to be apart of our community but don't come around only to delete our threads, your going to end up hurting some of the people that do respect you
I'm a little upset a lot of us took the time to talk to each other about how we felt about the current situation so this morning I'm typing out aheart felt post I go to post it and it doesn't let me only to find out the thread was deleted as I was typing now I understand if Sub doesn't want to be apart of our community but don't come around only to delete our threads, your going to end up hurting some of the people that do respect you

heis deleting ALL his threads and personally
the `message to sub`threads need to stop its getting annoying personally pm him
I hear what your saying but if hes going to leave then just leave don't come around everyday and delete other peoples threads
Subs made up his mind and all this ace kissing I don't feel will change anything. Like frenchy said show him what he has taught you. let the guy breath for just a second. If sub feels he needs to check out that's his choice. He knows he is respected by some and not by others it's been well established. What I see him doin is removing himself out of all this stuff right here. This is more drama than the soaps my mom watches.
were is the link were he actually talks about leaving? are is it in one of his vids?

It's in a small thread in his forum... i also started a temp nerd thread after he closed the original and he closed it saying he's leaving.

Sub leaving is disappointing... I don't really have a problem with it -- it's his life, although he is pretty much letting the haters win... I'm more disappointed that he has just disappeared and there's nothing about the future as far as where he is gonna be... if you look at the tga facebook page you'd never know anything had happened, and I'm really not that interested if facebook is where it ends up not sure why sub would be either since they're just a tool of the government. I'm hoping he's getting his own forums going but it'd be nice if he'd just say so if that's the case instead of leaving everyone in limbo wondering what the fuck is going on.
It's a mistake to get involved emotionally with someone that you have financial dealings with, that isn't your wife... It amazes me how some people expect so much more then what they pay for... Your buying some seeds to grow, that's more or less it. Anything beyond that, is pretty silly I think ;)