even a blind man could see this med can you??? I can see a lot of things. I see a government intent on waging war instead of taking care of it's citizenry. I see a government sending troops into battle and re-deploying them 3-4-5 times into the killing zone and then cutting Veterans benefits. I see CEOs making such extravagant salaries while people are being locked out of factories and jobs are being shipped overseas faster than greased lightening. You want to talk about the old America, My America, where a man had a shot at a decent living without a college degree, I'll talk about that one. You are right, we (the government and corporations) have created a class of do nothing lazy assholes. When there are no jobs or hope of jobs you kind of lose focus. Kinda like "When you're up to your ass in aligators, it's hard to remember you came here to drain the swamp". With the globalization of corporations, there are not enough jobs to supply the citizens, let alone all the cheap labor from down under. So scream at me if you will about lazy no-good do-nothings, but your innattention to the corporate shennanigans has let this transpire, So don't shoot the messenger, just look for truth in the madness!