Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

i am as outraged as anyone about all these crimes against nature including the crimes against humanity as a result of unconstitutional laws that ignore our basic human rights, but i also know that it is all do to our own lack of vigilance to maintain such rights

Well said. And, no, I do not harbor any ill will towards you or your family. I feel like I've done everything I can to stay vigilant, and "maintain my rights". Maybe I'm not screaming loud enough. .. But, don't worry. I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. +Rep
Well said. And, no, I do not harbor any ill will towards you or your family. I feel like I've done everything I can to stay vigilant, and "maintain my rights". Maybe I'm not screaming loud enough. .. But, don't worry. I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. +Rep

i'm relieved bout my kin :) and giving big rep* for all the rest! :D
Many mean and disgruntled police officers have happily ruined many lives over a harmless plant which can grow in a yard like a rose. Not all on the police forces are cruel, DNA relatives included, but the message should be to limit power against cannabis reform and employ the people who could not attain lucrative employment because they test + for cannabis..

The DoJ system has ruined many lives, this needs to change.

When I've known COKE-HEAD junkies and steroid freaks with badges, people should be worried. I guess the ROIDs stay in the piss-test for a week or so and the Cocaine is about the same, and yet people can't be hired if they test + 6 months later for ingesting the ganja.
Many mean and disgruntled police officers have happily ruined many lives over a harmless plant which can grow in a yard like a rose. Not all on the police forces are cruel, DNA relatives included, but the message should be to limit power against cannabis reform and employ the people who could not attain lucrative employment because they test + for cannabis..

The DoJ system has ruined many lives, this needs to change.

When I've known COKE-HEAD junkies and steroid freaks with badges, people should be worried. I guess the ROIDs stay in the piss-test for a week or so and the Cocaine is about the same, and yet people can't be hired if they test + 6 months later for ingesting the ganja.

no doubt :(
everything is a mess...
it all started when someone thought they were within their rights to outlaw a plant...
it all continues because we still haven't insisted that we have every right to grow and use plants and that no one has the right to outlaw such...
^^^ Some of us have insisted...and thank you for your service.

i know that bro, and thank you for your service...
its only when i come into contact with folks like you and others here that i even have the will to fight on, and i post here in the hopes that its a reciprocal dynamic...
i wish though that those of us who would, could somehow get together and insist in such a way as to awaken the sleeping giant that is all the rest of us...
i know that bro, and thank you for your service...
its only when i come into contact with folks like you and others here that i even have the will to fight on, and i post here in the hopes that its a reciprocal dynamic...
i wish though that those of us who would, could somehow get together and insist in such a way as to awaken the sleeping giant that is all the rest of us...

let them arrest parents of an epileptic child for using cbd oil.

game. set. match.
let them arrest parents of an epileptic child for using cbd oil.

game. set. match.

No, it will be spun, and from there the parents and their supporters will be marginalized. It is not difficult at all to arrange public opinion when you have the resources.
No, it will be spun, and from there the parents and their supporters will be marginalized. It is not difficult at all to arrange public opinion when you have the resources.

canndo i dont disagree, but i have also seen the reverse effect with almost no resources.
once i received a call from an out of state 'stranger' named marty tilden, he had aids and was not doing well.
he called to tell me that the seattle office of the dea (still dont know why they went after him) had just forced entrance into his apartment and taken his plants and lights etc, they left him with a joint...they even took his ss check that had just been cashed...
he asked for help, so i rode the 'green tortes' bus line from cali to seattle and set him back up with plants and lights etc and had a press conference doing it.
we called the dea right there in front of the network affiliate cameras and the dea just kept hanging up on us, then the news guy called and the hung up on him...
long story short, it was the top tv and print news story in seattle that day and into the next...marty was never fucked with again by those bastards...he passed on a few years later.
so basically we fucked them with there own night stick...everything was donated including the cost of transpo, but the whole thing ended up costing i think between $500 and $1000...
canndo i dont disagree, but i have also seen the reverse effect with almost no resources.
once i received a call from an out of state 'stranger' named marty tilden, he had aids and was not doing well.
he called to tell me that the seattle office of the dea (still dont know why they went after him) had just forced entrance into his apartment and taken his plants and lights etc, they left him with a joint...they even took his ss check that had just been cashed...
he asked for help, so i rode the 'green tortes' bus line from cali to seattle and set him back up with plants and lights etc and had a press conference doing it.
we called the dea right there in front of the network affiliate cameras and the dea just kept hanging up on us, then the news guy called and the hung up on him...
long story short, it was the top tv and print news story in seattle that day and into the next...marty was never fucked with again by those bastards...he passed on a few years later.
so basically we fucked them with there own night stick...everything was donated including the cost of transpo, but the whole thing ended up costing i think between $500 and $1000...

This is the way it works. There is a story of how the Health insurance companies managed to get the majority of citizens to turn away from their own self interest. Those companies have the second most effective PR firms in the country if not the world (best are still those working for big tobbacco). They sent spies in to the first showing of "Sicko". The companies knew they had several months before it was to get wide showing so they devised a campaign that is with us today. "we have the best health care in the world". They used patriotism, pride and ignorance (we are far from the best in almost every way). By the time the movie got wide attention, citizens had already been manipulated.

It is easy to manipulate opinions if there is money enough to do so.
The County issued our tittle and summary, it will appear in Wednesdays paper here (record bee) and then we are good to go on commencing gathering signatures...we have 60 days to get at least 2,115...


The county council has prepared the following tittle and summary of the chief purpose and points of the proposed measure:



This initiative measure asserts that human beings are naturally endowed with the fundamental self-evident right to have and grow the natural plants of this earth and the naturally occurring seeds thereof and that these rights are held in perpetuity outside of the constitutional responsibility of a government to protect an individual's right to engage in commerce. This measure seeks to exempt all Lake County residents within the unincorporated areas of the County from any County permitting or other County ordinances that would limit an individual's outside and/or greenhouse home gardening efforts or abilities as described in the initiative and would declare any law, to the extent it would specifically deny these human rights, to be unconstitutional under both the federal and state constitutions. This measure would require, in the event any neighbor complaints occur as a result of the right to have and grow the natural plants of this earth, which complaints are not related to a specific, medically- verifiable toxic health risk to the public, that the parties involved would be sent to mediation provided by the County of Lake. This initiative measure would require that all who exercise the rights described in the measure must take reasonable care to prevent environmental destruction and to mitigate foreseen negative impacts on the natural environments. The Lake County Environmental Health Department would be required by this measure to act as the administrative authority as to complaints by neighbors and foreseen negative environmental impacts should mitigation be neglected by an individual engaging in the gardening practices described in this measure, but that authority is restricted to circumstances where a verifiable neighbor or resident of the County signs a written complaint and officially registers it with the County. This initiative measure will require that any law, to the extent that it would specifically deny or disparage the human right to garden as described therein, (and not withstanding an individual in violation of using illegal garden chemicals), must be set aside unless it can be determined either that the individual circumstance is occurring within the context of commerce related activities as defined by this measure or if the individual's violation of the environmental obligations described in this measure rises to the violation of a criminal statute. This measure provides that it will not apply in circumstances where a private rental or lease agreement exists pertaining to the use or occupancy of private land unless it is otherwise specifically enumerated within such an agreement or unless the agreement does not specify any terms and conditions regarding outside or greenhouse gardening.

The initiative measure provides that if any provision of the ordinance or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application.
Dated: March 21, 2014 ANITA L. GRANT, County Counsel, County of Lake

  • Is this the documentary?

did someone fart?
anywho, our legal ad (requirement) is in the paper today, later today i will be filing proof of such with the county and the signature gathering begins...
signature gathering update:

We started officially collecting sigs last Friday and its going even better then we expected.
People of all walks of life, including people who have nothing to do with cannabis, are signing.
Folks eyes really light up when they hear that this proposed measure seeks to restore their natural right to garden.
Seniors and Veterans seem to be some of the most excited about this measure.
Many folks have already jumped out of the norml campaign and are instead supporting our efforts.
At the rate we are getting sigs, we should be able to well surpass the required number of 2115 before May 28th in order to qualify for the ballot.
More to come...
let them arrest parents of an epileptic child for using cbd oil.

game. set. match.

100% agreed! In the past we haven't been taken seriously. Stoners don't carry much influence in state capitals and DC. We now have soccer moms in our corner. You don't fuck with a mom and her child. The most dangerous animal is a female with a cub.
All the best DNA, get them signatures. GO MAN!!

Thanks! We have been collecting sigs for about 8 days (today being the 9th), it rained on most of those days, but we kept at it and have reached about 500 sigs at this point (2,115 officially needed = practically at least 3000 needed). We are hoping to do better in the nice weather which has now moved in :)
(i should repeat that)
Folks eyes really light up when they hear that this proposed measure seeks to restore their natural right to garden.
Seniors and Veterans seem to be some of the most excited about this measure.
Many folks have already jumped out of the norml campaign and are instead supporting our efforts.
Last edited:
Hey folks, just popped in to update on our sig count so far...we are a little over 2,000 and its going great in spite of norml sending their local goons around to our petitioners telling them to take the petition and get the F out of town :) I guess they are not only offended by freedom but also by democracy...but I already knew that going in, as it's not at all my first rodeo with such folks...
Anywho we need 2,115 valid sigs to qualify for the November ballot so we are aiming to get at least 4,000...currently getting between 200 and 300 a day...
I'll be back to update when we are done petitioning...
Hey folks, just popped in to update on our sig count so far...we are a little over 2,000 and its going great in spite of norml sending their local goons around to our petitioners telling them to take the petition and get the F out of town :) I guess they are not only offended by freedom but also by democracy...but I already knew that going in, as it's not at all my first rodeo with such folks...

NORML is getting in your face? Why?
NORML is getting in your face? Why?

Sad to say they have teemed up with some of the big and (nefarious) growers here that are trying to further control the local market and get richer then they already are by passing their initiative "The Medical Marijuana Control Act" which limits patients to 4 plants (if on less than an acre) two less plants then even 420 which allows 6 plants, not to mention 215 which makes such issues strictly between you and your doc...and of course if your on 20 acres you could grow 48 plants under their proposed measure etc...
Long story short, we are proposing freedom, human rights and responsibility while they are offering a plastic blow up doll that will continue to screw us all out of the previously mentioned...