Thank you rollitup


Well-Known Member
Guys this is kind of two threads in one.
This first post is to say thank you for the fine info.
6 months ago i knew squat. i started reading your post and the fruits of my labor are showing

The widow a nd haze sprouted 11/27/08 and were put on 12/12 on 01/16/09

the seedlings sprouted 1-15-09

and the clones are three weeks.

They may not be the best, but without you it wouldn't be possible, so thanks.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good, bro! Just make sure ya learn as much as ya can, and pass it on!
Thats what its all about on Riu, i dont even know that much but what i do know i happily share with anyone. Everyone usually has at least one trick up there sleeve so with all the knoledge combined we cant go wrong!! Great looking plants keep it up!


Well-Known Member
guys i threw some bag seed in the ground.
i think they look kind of afgan or kush.
What do you think.

there is a widow in the center of two of the plants in question. they were planted at the same time for comparison.

they both sprouted 1-15-09



Well-Known Member
It could be any indica-dominant strain. It'd be hard to tell when they're in full bloom, much less in veg.


Well-Known Member
It could be any indica-dominant strain. It'd be hard to tell when they're in full bloom, much less in veg.

I think they must be some type of popular commercial strain.

I had 10 seedlings and all were like clones of the same plant.