Thank you RIU


Thank you everyone on this website that share their knowledge and experience to help out beginners like me. Thanks to you guys helpin me i have beautiful plants that looks like i might know what I'm doing, but i don't really. Heres some pics of Jock Horror from nirvana about 4-5 weeks flowwering.



Well-Known Member
Great looking plants man seems you have a good idea what your doing what kind of a set up do you have?


Thanks people. I have a pretty big room in the basement thats split in two. One for veg and one for flowering. I have four 400w hps in the flower room and 3 400w MH in veg. Im goin the organic rout and growing in peat moss, perlite, mushroom compost, lime, blood, bone, and kelp meal and I water with molasses every now and then. No extra nutes added in when I water. I use a reusable cloth walmart shopping bag for the pots. I was gonna use smart pots but I figured I could try these first since they only cost me .50 cents and seem to be made very similar.


Well-Known Member
i grew out an auto jock horror, freeby from attitude. it was a joke of a plant as you will see in the pic but my god did that thing smell soooooo good.

btw, i yielded ...........wait for it ......

1.5 grams LOL



Well-Known Member
and before you go dismissing my experience LOL

that plant was sitting right next to, and treated just as well as this .....


Well-Known Member
Lol hey man some plants just aren't meant to be gorgeous I also laughed at the first pic but it reminded me of mine when I first started :D


Well-Known Member
that second one is a qwerkle. yeah people loved to laugh at that plant man. i showed a patient once and he had tears from laughing so hard. he thought i played a joke and cut off a branch and stuck it in the dirt.


Well-Known Member
Lol that's funny man well hey as long as they pay off in one way or another...btw to the op sounds like a great setup man sure would put mine to shame keep up the good work


Thanks again. Hey Rzza. How did you like querkle? I have one of those vegging right now. Praying its a female