Thai Skunk and Easiest way to grow marijuana Journal


This grow project is based off of the research and notes from videos on youtube ------>

(please view video before reading and commenting)

In slide 1-5; I purchase an easy and cheap hydroponic system for less than $40, from ebay called Prepara Power Plant Mini, I follow the instruction in the manual, I place one cap full of Super Thrive and the solution that came with the Power plant Mini into the water system ( 20 drops of the power pant solution in the water). Once I placed the seeds in and soaked the sponge, I place a bit of plastic rap over the top and place a slit of paper at the top.

Light: I choose to not burn my sprouts, so I'm only using sun light during the day and using only two 100 watt non soft white lights, during the night

Current news- In less than a week, the three seeds I planted, germinated and sprouted

Lets hope for a great harvest :peace:



Update 6/23/09: so all my thai skunk plants died, because they received to much heat and light (they were only seedings after all). But lucky enough, while smoking bongsmilie some bud I found 48 seeds in my stash of kush (this was both and bad but more good, cause now I can grow more and I did). So I decide to do the same process but with different lighting and apply different nutrients.

I elminated my 300 watt cfl for a 25 watt blue cfl and I decide to use the high quality nutrients (Advance Nutrients sensi grow A and B). The results proved later to be effective as you can see below:leaf::leaf::leaf:

one of the pictures is from 1 week and the other is from 1.5 weeks



Active Member
one week later 7/1/09
I know this thread is dead but im just wondering how did your final results turn out? what kind of yield did you get. Im thinking about the same setup just to get some plants to clone and get a tiny bit of killer from it too.


UPDATE?!?!?!?!!?!?!? yeah dude I'm resurrecting this thread Lazarus style. we wanna know how that killer weed turned out!