spent the whole fucking day yesterday running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get a generator to get me through a power outage.. ended up having to buy one.. but I didn't have enough money & I got declined on the store's credit card app..

found a sweet 8000 watt one on clearance for a grand, went to go pick up a buddy who was gonna use his card for me, got him back to the store like 20 min. later AND THE DAMN THING WAS SOLD!!

so it's 8:50pm, store closes @ 9... my lights are due to come on @ 9... so we say "fuck it" & buy the basic 5000 watt 750 dollar pussy model... get it home.. unpack it.. add oil... all w/o a flashlight!!... it's like 9:20... I drag the thing out on my deck to fill it up w/ gas & all the lights in my house come on RIGHT as I'm unscrewing the gas cap.. me & my buddy both just start laughing out loud.. the timing was just stupid funny.. so what do we do? we start cracking beers & celebrating.. (prematurely it turns out) fast forward 2-3 hours later.. we just finish a grubbin' chicken dinner & the power goes out again!!! I proceed to go on a half-drunken, 25 min. mission to get this generator up & running.. I could only get the rooms on half-power on 110v cause of the pussy-fart generator i was using... totally ghetto-rigged with a bunch of zip-strips & extension cords.. the outage lasted about 5-6 hours.. then I was able to get back to normal.. woke up the next morning & took back the generator.. got my money back.. so anyways, as far as the grow itself goes, I cut down the crates the beds were sitting on to lower the canopy away from the lights a bit... I have to stake up side branches daily cause they're flopping over due to the weight of the budz.. I picked up some floranectar too that I just used in the last feeding a couple days ago... still need to get new filters for the R/O... I think that's everything... these nugs stink soooo good you guys!!