TGA subcool?


Well-Known Member
i never lie,why are you calling me a holy roller? i despise religion...
That was not directed at you, sorry if it seemed that way.

Eta: I like hearing the good the bad and the ugly. It's like when people say you can find fire I'm CC gear but on the other hand you also hear the horror stories. Makes it easier to me where I'd like to spend my money


Well-Known Member
See honesty. It's never a bad thing. Had an awesome cut, lost it, went to revisit and had similar experience as others with some of TGA gear. No reason for you to take it personally my Holy Rolling friend
This is actually why the ace of spades and plushberry were discontinued is those were the 2 strains in his lineup notorious for throwing nanners. The likelihood of intersexing was linked to the Black cherry soda mom he was using in these crosses, which is why he no longer sells those crosses even though some people raved about them.


Well-Known Member
This is actually why the ace of spades and plushberry were discontinued is those were the 2 strains in his lineup notorious for throwing nanners. The likelihood of intersexing was linked to the Black cherry soda mom he was using in these crosses, which is why he no longer sells those crosses even though some people raved about them.
Shhhhhhh!!!! I'm about to germinate a pack of Plushberry. :-)

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i'll occasionally respond to threads about sub's gear. i have personally never grown out any of his stuff. i know some that have, and most don't grow it twice. it's prob. not fair to sub for me to bash his stuff w/o growing it, and trying it for myself. you can't be in business as long as he has, and sell total bunk. (personally, i'm more interested in smell/taste-flavor, than i am in strength. i've always had a low tolerance, so it doesn't need to be the cadillac of strains for me to get buzzed.) as i said, i've heard about the all show thing, but i never heard any bitching about herms though, from folks i know. i guess i should at least try growing his stuff once, so i can say i have. i've never met him/talked to him, but i have some on-line experience with him. i first cyber-met him at meduser's site, years ago. i found him to be an obnoxious a-hole! but we all have our opinions. (i later had more cyber chat with him.) we were discussing B.O.G. that's bushy old grower, for those that don't know who bog is. i learned to grow from bog, and found him to be a very laid back, cool dude! i've never heard him bad mouth sub. he even gave sub some kudo's for teaching him some grow stuff, which i thought was pretty cool, considering they are marketplace rivals. the same cannot be said for sub though. he tried to diminish bog in my eyes with a couple rude comments. i think these things may have caused me to be over-critical of sub. so to be fair, don't just take my word for it, ask around or even try his gear. (but i still think he's a richard, lol!!!)


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed trolling sub before he left, the guy seems like a polarizing figure and in my opinion comes across as an ass.

My friend who's care giver only grows TGA, a self proclaimed "weed nerd", certainly not the connotation nerd plays in mind except the whole aspergers thing. He doesn't know shit about botony. So the guys alright, and I call him a good grower, but man his selections just seem, weak. Usually looks good as long as they don't grind it all up before hand, always smells good and taste good but lacks the depth of a high I enjoy on any end of the spectrum. Last time I smoke his chernoboyl which was probably the best he's ever brought over or sold to my friend. Just not the kind of ganja I seek. I enjoy different highs and all that but the space queen he had was really weak sauce, I remember being like okay, when will this hit me? We just smoked two bowls and it seems like nothing.

Different strokes, but I don't see myself growing any TGA unless someone I trust says it's solid and I can smoke it before I get a cut. Definitely not bothering with beans.


Well-Known Member
And to be honest the chernobyl was good, I wouldn't kick it out of the garden on the first run, but anything I have pretty much exceeds it or in the worst case is only a grade better (my blueberry hill comes to mind in terms of high, it's well balanced, not extreme on either ends of the spectrum, a good day smoke, I have no idea if it looked as good as blueberry hill but it did taste and smell better)


Well-Known Member
I have had quite a few decent smokes from TGA that a dispensary used to grow here.

Cheesquake, timewreck, Chernobyl to name a few....

but they are suckin ass now