TGA Subcool RIPPED BUBBA problems


these are ripped bubba from seed. In happy frog soil for entire life. week 4-ish in veg and now displaying problems. looked through a ton of guides but still not sure what problem is.

happy frog soil runoff ph at 6.0

no nutrients used ever

only given plain r.o. water ph is 6.5

anyone familiar with jack the ripper or pre 98 bubba or ripped bubba please chime in

thanks :)



Active Member
It looks like very early signs of micronutrient deficiency, I'd start feeding them a little and see if they respond.


thx for the reply.

the only reason i havent hit them with calmag is because subcool says the ripped bubba doesnt like nutes early on.

thanks all feedback is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Nah. You don't often get micronute defficiencies in Happy Frog.

It looks like the plant was underwatered and may have damage from that. Has it ever got too dry?


i dont think it ever dried out too much...never drooped at all, leaves always straight or reaching up.

could it be from transplant? root damage? its been two weeks since transplant from 1 gal to 3 gal...they've been growing vigorously for 2 weeks in fresh happy frog now this...



Well-Known Member
Root damage is most definitely probable.

It doesn't look like a nutrient deficiency or burn because the rest of the leaf/plant seems relatively unaffected. It has some dried green pigmentation, meaning the chlorophyll was trapped in the drying leaf.

It looks good otherwise. Keep an eye on it but don't change much of anything for now, especially if all the others are doing well.


thanks a lot.

you are probably right; the new growth seems unaffected and strong, but you never know....

i will just keep giving them the plain r.o. water for the next few days and keep reporting back.

anyone else feel free to try and diagnose.

if anyone wants to see it i can put up a continuing grow log of this 10 pack of ripped bubba. also going are some GGG afghan haze bastards.

let me know if y'all wanna see them!

thx everyone :)


Active Member
Looks good honestly. If less than 50% of my plant is affected by something, then I dont worry about it. I will clone into party cups for 1-2 weeks, then a 1 gal with roots original for 3 weeks and then transplant into 5gal smart pots with 50% super soil in the pots. Veg for 1-2 more weeks in the 5gal and then switch to flower. If my youngin's show any small issues, I know most of that foliage will be gone by the time flowering starts because of my training and pruning, so it wont even show in a few weeks. Also, small issues (less than 50% of the plant affected) will go away when I transplant into super soil because I know it is mixed properly for my strains. It has everything they need to last them all through flower. Something else to remember is that damaged leaves usually do not heal or change back to healthy leaves. Even if it is just minor issues.

In short, if less than 50% of the plant is affected and it doesn't look progressive, I wouldn't worry too much. Just make sure you get everything ready before flowering begins. Best of luck bro.