• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

TGA SUBCOOL realeasing prob the greatest strain in the world on attitude! PLUSHBERRY

Did it go something like this?

The environmental factors that influence the sex of the cannabis plant (or the flower in the case of hermaphrodites), are among other things:
The quantity of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed.
Level of temperatures.
Colour of the light used.
Length of daylight.
Stress, any form of stress, makes that more male individuals will originate from seed. Even the taking of cuttings from female cannabis plants may produce male or hermaphrodite cuttings.
To optimize the result, changes in one or more of the above-mentioned environmental factors for a certain period during marijuana growth, may be applied. During this time these environmental factors will deviate from the standard growing system for maximum harvest and quality, as described in nursery literature. The desired change(s) in the environmental factor(s) are started from the moment that the marijuana seedling has three pairs of real leaves (not counting the seed-lobes). This is the moment that male and/or female predisposition in florescence is being formed. After approximately two weeks the standard growing system can be reconverted to.
Of the 5 above-mentioned environmental factors the first three are the most practical:

  1. Level of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed: A heightening of the standard level of nitrogen makes for more female cannabis plants originating from the weed seeds. A lowering of the nitrogen level shows more male cannabis plants. A heightening of the level of potassium tends to show more male marijuana plants, while a lowering of the potassium level shows more female marijuana plants. A combination of a higher nitrogen level for the period of a week or two and a lowering of the potassium level is recommended.
  2. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed: a higher humidity makes for an increase in the number of female cannabis plants from weed seed, a lowering for an increase in male cannabis plants. The same is valid for the moistness of the seedbed.
  3. Level of temperatures: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female marijuana plants, higher temperatures for more male marijuana plants.
  4. Color of light: more blue light makes for female cannabis plants from seed, more red light makes for more male cannabis plants.
  5. Hours of daylight: few hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) makes for more female individuals, a long day (e.g. 18 hours) makes for more male cannabis plants.
Now let me just make a few adjustments here to this. You can do whatever you want to your cannabis plants in seedling stage and early vegetative stage of growth and it will not effect your final male to female ratios. The time when things should be near perfect is in or around the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth.
This is the CRITICAL TIME for getting those female ratios up and up. I realized this clearly when noticing how some cannabis plants hermed because of problems that occurred around this period of the cannabis plants development. If the problems occurred before this time - no herms. So for this reason I surmised that this is when the crucial gender selection is made by the marijuana plant.
Now I believe that the genders are set in the weed seed however the environment has a massive impact on how this is expressed in the final phenotypic expression of the cannabis plants gender. There are probably many genes that govern this, however lets get into how to up these female ratios.
The Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics agrees the sexual differentiation of cannabis is strongly influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and photoperiod. Anomalies also occur in floral development like the presence of reproductive structures of the opposite sex, or the development of bisexual inflorescences (monoecious phenotype).
At the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth make sure that your marijuana plants are free from stress. No pests attacks, no fungi attacks, no mold, no irregular photoperiod, not underwatered, not overwatered, not pruned or topped, a cannabis friendly soil mix, not recently transplanted, no small pots. If have these basic growing conditions under control then we can move onto the real forces of female production from standard weed seeds.
N:P:K and nutrients. What this simply boils down to is that you have the right nutrients present in the right ratios. A nutrient formulation that has roughly equal parts N, P and K is great but if the P levels go up or the N levels go down you are starting to look at a flowering type food for cannabis. If you do this then your odds of producing mostly females is greatly decreased. Make sure that you get those N, P and K levels to almost run from higher to lower amounts from N to P and K.
I have noticed that equal portions of N to P an K can help with the female ratios but the higher N is certainly more helpful. So around the 3rd of 4th week of growth make sure that the ratios are good and that P or K has not gone above the N and P or else more males will occur. Obviously this means to avoid overfeeding your cannabis plants around this time too.
Never let your medium dry out completely around the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative marijuana growth. If you make sure to water occasionally, but not to overwater your cannabis plants, you will get those female ratios on the up and up. Overwatering or drying out of the medium will only produce more males. For consistent results in getting more females keeps those mediums moist.
Humidity. Now this is the tricky one. High humidity levels only promote fungi and mold development and lowering humidity levels is the way to cure most of this rot but by keeping those humidity levels up in or around the 70 rH factor will help to produce more females. If you have a low humidity grow room then you should get to hold of a humidifier. Now high humidity levels like 70rH cause the medium to dry out a lot quicker so you got to keep this under control too. Keep those mediums moist and those rH levesl at 70. This will help to improve those female to male ratios. Again, getting them on the up and up.
If you run the 24/0 photoperiod then do not allow those temps to go anywhere above 85F unless you have an equatorial strain. 75F is the best but going a little lower is not a problem for helping those female ratios. If you can get in at around 65F then those females are going to be popping up all over the place. The problem with this is that some growers like to use the 18/6 photoperiod and when the lights are off the temps drop from around 65F to 50F and even less. Try not to be below 55F because this has the adverse effect on the plants producing more males than females. Again between 65F and 75F is where you want to be during the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth, the preference being 70F.
Invest in a MH Light for vegetative growth. Dump the HPS bulb for flowering later. I have noticed that HPS lighting during vegetative growth simply sends those males to female ratios all over the place. With MH lamps the females are everywhere. Invest in some MH HID lights. It makes all the difference in getting those females to show more often. This is worth repeating! MH Bulbs produce more females under optimal conditions especially if they are present during the 3rd and 4th week of vegetative growth. Surprising enough you can start seedlings under HPS and it will not have an effect on those female ratios. Again the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth is what is important here.
No stress during the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth. That is all there is to it. If you got your garden growing in optimal conditions without marijuana plant stress then the impressive 90% to 95% females start to emerge from standard cannabis seed packs. I find that topping is best done at the second to third week of vegetative growth but that this is a little stressful and can lead to those female ratios dropping again. Avoid topping or pruning if you are looking to up the female count.
What about cmh bulb or a mh conversion bulb in a hps system will that increase these ratios as if you were using a mh bulb?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've been around this forum for quite awhile, and have seen many people come, go, and stay. in my lurking i've also noticed personalties, yours included, and yet you assume because i don't have 1388 posts, like yourself, that i'm sub-par to you in some way and that i can't be "dropping names no less".

and though, you find it necessary to point out my lack of posts in connection to my "grand reappearance", haha wow dude again, i don't assume that because you have so many posts that your say in any matter is more important than the next guy seeking a respectable forum.

and so back to me, you noted something about beefs, i decided to lighten up the thread a little at the expense of "dropping the name" of a banned user. ooooooohhhh big deal. i'm sure i wasn't just trying to stroke my ego by doing so *cough* but continue with your bad attitude and obvious superiority complex.

and btw this is not a beef thread as you stated it was, nor should any beef threads exist, they only occur because of retardation. so stop trying to note^ things about other users, myself included, to comment on, besides what it is they say^^^^ and the only reason you did that was because there was nothing else about me for you to troll on. are you done?

i refuse to out-retard myself with you anymore. doesn't mean i'm out of a conversation but i'm not going to respond to "beef thread" "less than 30 posts in 3 years" "grand reappearence" "dropping names no less" "you're going to pop a cap in my ass" bs that you tried to bring up. (i think bricktop will recognize that last quote from a certain movie)
get a grip, guy. you lurk on a forum and rarely post, but for some reason found yourself drawn to this thread to alert us all of a known troll. many pardons for raising an eyebrow. and the name calling was quite tacky. there was no need for that. for someone who is "not responding" you sure have a lot to say.


Well-Known Member
Damn it, i'm conflicted... For Subcool to say this is his best tasting strain ever after Querkle and Vortex... I just have to try the strain, but I still don't believe the potency will be near those first two deep down. I may be way wrong, and it could very well be an amazingly potent strain, but I have not seen anything to support it being a stronger than average strain.... but maybe the high is fantastic... damn it i'm gonna wind up growing this I know it... you amazing breeders are making me broke.


Active Member
get a grip, guy. you lurk on a forum and rarely post, but for some reason found yourself drawn to this thread to alert us all of a known troll. many pardons for raising an eyebrow. and the name calling was quite tacky. there was no need for that. for someone who is "not responding" you sure have a lot to say.
maybe you're just reading into it wrong, because i'm not sweating this at all or losing my grip; w/e it is you said. for some reason you found it necessary to try to troll me. maybe you have that complex that many members of forums get when they have "x" amount of posts, and "x" amount of rep.

regardless, it's because of your mentality, you found it necessary to "raise an eyebrow" and tell me to now^ "get a grip", lawl again, from what was and still is, and will remain a rather innocent humorous comment, unless you love japanfreak and must defend his honor; i do not know.

so ad fin, i didn't insult you or do anything "tacky", merely went on what it is you said and the vocabulary you^^ decided to use. there was and still is no need for you to now act defensive, as if i'm getting off on you. quite the opposite actually as you keep trying to find something in my posts to troll on, except i strongly dislike self-thought of "super-members", especially the ones who try to do what you just did acting like they own the place "raising eyebrows" as if this is your forum and the such <---that may be a bit offensive but summarizes you perfectly:hump:

many pardons for raising an eyebrow.
i accept your apology.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
maybe you're just reading into it wrong, because i'm not sweating this at all or losing my grip; w/e it is you said. for some reason you found it necessary to try to troll me. maybe you have that complex that many members of forums get when they have "x" amount of posts, and "x" amount of rep.

regardless, it's because of your mentality, you found it necessary to "raise an eyebrow" and tell me to now^ "get a grip", lawl again, from what was and still is, and will remain a rather innocent humorous comment, unless you love japanfreak and must defend his honor; i do not know.

so ad fin, i didn't insult you or do anything "tacky", merely went on what it is you said and the vocabulary you^^ decided to use. there was and still is no need for you to now act defensive, as if i'm getting off on you. quite the opposite actually as you keep trying to find something in my posts to troll on, except i strongly dislike self-thought of "super-members", especially the ones who try to do what you just did acting like they own the place "raising eyebrows" as if this is your forum and the such <---that may be a bit offensive but summarizes you perfectly:hump:

i accept your apology.
but I'M the troll. just wondering, how long did it take you to type up that book you just wrote all about how much you're "not sweating this"? judging by the time of the original post and the time of the edit i'd say at least 5 minutes. "no sweat" indeed.

edit: on a humorous note, i just had to edit this post because my initial math was wrong. pardon again.


Active Member
but I'M the troll. just wondering, how long did it take you to type up that book you just wrote all about how much you're "not sweating this"? judging by the time of the original post and the time of the edit i'd say at least 7 minutes. "no sweat" indeed.
by asking your "just wondering" question on how long it took to write my "book", yes you are the troll, that is trolling. and it becomes more evident when you mention how the time of the original post and the edit time are 7 minutes apart, as if that matters. sounds like a troll.

and yeah i have a few open pages on my laptop, does that answer any of your concerns?


Well-Known Member
In almost every post i have read from you it has way to much thought put into it
Sorry, that reads funny to me. I too just want to read posts that have the least amount of thought put into them...like my own.

I really wanna taste the strains outta TGA and some of the others. I'm only set up to run two plants at a time, though. Regular seeds have not been good to me.

Brick Top

New Member
Im qouting words out of a mj book not another grower...Just like you read high nitrogen gives you more females i read you can tell sex from seed....
More than once I have read the claim that if the indentation on the narrow/more pointed end of a seed is perfectly round then the seed is female. I am not saying I believe it or disbelieve it. I am only saying that the claim has been made any number of times, and I do not mean just by people on sites like this voicing an opinion of a belief.

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top Did it go something like this?

The environmental factors that influence the sex of the cannabis plant (or the flower in the case of hermaphrodites), are among other things:
The quantity of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed.
Level of temperatures.
Colour of the light used.
Length of daylight.
Stress, any form of stress, makes that more male individuals will originate from seed. Even the taking of cuttings from female cannabis plants may produce male or hermaphrodite cuttings.
To optimize the result, changes in one or more of the above-mentioned environmental factors for a certain period during marijuana growth, may be applied. During this time these environmental factors will deviate from the standard growing system for maximum harvest and quality, as described in nursery literature. The desired change(s) in the environmental factor(s) are started from the moment that the marijuana seedling has three pairs of real leaves (not counting the seed-lobes). This is the moment that male and/or female predisposition in florescence is being formed. After approximately two weeks the standard growing system can be reconverted to.
Of the 5 above-mentioned environmental factors the first three are the most practical:

  1. Level of nitrogen and potassium of the seedbed: A heightening of the standard level of nitrogen makes for more female cannabis plants originating from the weed seeds. A lowering of the nitrogen level shows more male cannabis plants. A heightening of the level of potassium tends to show more male marijuana plants, while a lowering of the potassium level shows more female marijuana plants. A combination of a higher nitrogen level for the period of a week or two and a lowering of the potassium level is recommended.
  2. Humidity and moistness of the seedbed: a higher humidity makes for an increase in the number of female cannabis plants from weed seed, a lowering for an increase in male cannabis plants. The same is valid for the moistness of the seedbed.
  3. Level of temperatures: lower temperatures make for a larger number of female marijuana plants, higher temperatures for more male marijuana plants.
  4. Color of light: more blue light makes for female cannabis plants from seed, more red light makes for more male cannabis plants.
  5. Hours of daylight: few hours of daylight (e.g. 14 hours) makes for more female individuals, a long day (e.g. 18 hours) makes for more male cannabis plants.
Now let me just make a few adjustments here to this. You can do whatever you want to your cannabis plants in seedling stage and early vegetative stage of growth and it will not effect your final male to female ratios. The time when things should be near perfect is in or around the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth.
This is the CRITICAL TIME for getting those female ratios up and up. I realized this clearly when noticing how some cannabis plants hermed because of problems that occurred around this period of the cannabis plants development. If the problems occurred before this time - no herms. So for this reason I surmised that this is when the crucial gender selection is made by the marijuana plant.
Now I believe that the genders are set in the weed seed however the environment has a massive impact on how this is expressed in the final phenotypic expression of the cannabis plants gender. There are probably many genes that govern this, however lets get into how to up these female ratios.
The Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics agrees the sexual differentiation of cannabis is strongly influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and photoperiod. Anomalies also occur in floral development like the presence of reproductive structures of the opposite sex, or the development of bisexual inflorescences (monoecious phenotype).
At the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth make sure that your marijuana plants are free from stress. No pests attacks, no fungi attacks, no mold, no irregular photoperiod, not underwatered, not overwatered, not pruned or topped, a cannabis friendly soil mix, not recently transplanted, no small pots. If have these basic growing conditions under control then we can move onto the real forces of female production from standard weed seeds.
N:P:K and nutrients. What this simply boils down to is that you have the right nutrients present in the right ratios. A nutrient formulation that has roughly equal parts N, P and K is great but if the P levels go up or the N levels go down you are starting to look at a flowering type food for cannabis. If you do this then your odds of producing mostly females is greatly decreased. Make sure that you get those N, P and K levels to almost run from higher to lower amounts from N to P and K.
I have noticed that equal portions of N to P an K can help with the female ratios but the higher N is certainly more helpful. So around the 3rd of 4th week of growth make sure that the ratios are good and that P or K has not gone above the N and P or else more males will occur. Obviously this means to avoid overfeeding your cannabis plants around this time too.
Never let your medium dry out completely around the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative marijuana growth. If you make sure to water occasionally, but not to overwater your cannabis plants, you will get those female ratios on the up and up. Overwatering or drying out of the medium will only produce more males. For consistent results in getting more females keeps those mediums moist.
Humidity. Now this is the tricky one. High humidity levels only promote fungi and mold development and lowering humidity levels is the way to cure most of this rot but by keeping those humidity levels up in or around the 70 rH factor will help to produce more females. If you have a low humidity grow room then you should get to hold of a humidifier. Now high humidity levels like 70rH cause the medium to dry out a lot quicker so you got to keep this under control too. Keep those mediums moist and those rH levesl at 70. This will help to improve those female to male ratios. Again, getting them on the up and up.
If you run the 24/0 photoperiod then do not allow those temps to go anywhere above 85F unless you have an equatorial strain. 75F is the best but going a little lower is not a problem for helping those female ratios. If you can get in at around 65F then those females are going to be popping up all over the place. The problem with this is that some growers like to use the 18/6 photoperiod and when the lights are off the temps drop from around 65F to 50F and even less. Try not to be below 55F because this has the adverse effect on the plants producing more males than females. Again between 65F and 75F is where you want to be during the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth, the preference being 70F.
Invest in a MH Light for vegetative growth. Dump the HPS bulb for flowering later. I have noticed that HPS lighting during vegetative growth simply sends those males to female ratios all over the place. With MH lamps the females are everywhere. Invest in some MH HID lights. It makes all the difference in getting those females to show more often. This is worth repeating! MH Bulbs produce more females under optimal conditions especially if they are present during the 3rd and 4th week of vegetative growth. Surprising enough you can start seedlings under HPS and it will not have an effect on those female ratios. Again the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth is what is important here.
No stress during the 3rd to 4th week of vegetative growth. That is all there is to it. If you got your garden growing in optimal conditions without marijuana plant stress then the impressive 90% to 95% females start to emerge from standard cannabis seed packs. I find that topping is best done at the second to third week of vegetative growth but that this is a little stressful and can lead to those female ratios dropping again. Avoid topping or pruning if you are looking to up the female count.

What about cmh bulb or a mh conversion bulb in a hps system will that increase these ratios as if you were using a mh bulb?

I can't say, and I never really thought about it. I was only curious if what was unable to be remembered about how to increase the female to male percentage was the information I posted or if it was different.

But if I were to venture a guess I would say the exact type of bulb, MH, CMH, conversion MH would not likely matter as long as the color spectrum would remain the same as what is considered optimal ... which might not be possible to get from those other types of bulbs ... but if it would I would tend to believe the plants would not 'care' in the least what design the light source was ... and only 'care' about the light spectrum they received.

On another note .... even if the information, which came from Dutch Passion Seeds, is accurate ... it is really pretty much worthless to just about every single grower. If you pay attention to it as you read it the word optimal is used repeatedly, as in optimal conditions, optimal environment, optimal lighting, optimal amounts of moisture, optimal amounts of ferts in optimal proportions. It does not mean what each individual grower sees as being optimal but instead what would be optimal for each individual strains genetics. Few if any growers achieve 100% optimal conditions for a single strain let alone for any and every strain they will grow.

So to me, if the info is accurate, it is interesting ... but nearly useless to most, if not all, growers. It is like being told how to build a space shuttle when you lack the skills and the setup and the equipment to then do what you learned. There is no singular across the board for every genetic combination 100% optimal conditions/environment/feeding/fertilizing etc. etc. etc. Possibly the only thing that would be universal would be lighting, but possibly not even that. If one strains genetics are largely from a region with very high amounts of UV-B rays and another from an area of very low UV-B rays that might make a difference. People only see their importance during flower, but keep in mind in nature they are there each and every day a plant grows, in differing amounts in different regions, and it is possible that could factor in depending on a strains genetics.

It mentions temperature but again individual genetics would have to play a part. It says lower temperatures equates to more females, but how would that work in nature in landrace strains in equatorial or tropical regions? That would mean in those conditions most seeds would be males. Going back to the late 60's and early 70's when I grew strains from such regions using bagseed from those strains on average I did not end up with a larger number of males to females than any time I have purchased regular beans of crosses.

It seemed contradictory to me for it to say that higher moisture/humidity of the seedbed would create a higher population of females. If you again look at nature consider the jungle strains, those that grow in tropical regions, regions with lots of rain and humidity, but also high temperatures. The ground will be moist there, but the temperatures high, so wouldn't it be logical that the one counteract the other? If high heat equates to increased percentages of males and high moisture content of the seedbed equates to increased percentages of females, when both conditions exist, which wins, which overcomes the other, or do they cancel each other out and a mid-way balance point is reached?

Personally I believe the info from Dutch Passion is basically propaganda and a way to blame growers for having more males or more hermies. When they first made feminized seeds they called them "female seeds." Many people got hermies and now and then a true male would popl up, though not very often, so they switched to calling their seeds feminized, meaning very highly likely to be female but don't be shocked if you get some hermies and the odd male now and then ... but to keep from looking like they are in any way responsible they claim that if ever condition is "optimal" you can count on female plants 90% to 95% of the time from regular beans and feminized ones should be females for sure.

They know that very, very few, if any, growers will achieve absolutely optimal conditions and environment and maintain it throughout a grow ... so when growers do not get a high percentage of females or they get a number of hermies, well, that was the fault of the grower by not creating and maintaining optimal conditions and environment etc. etc. etc. and it absolves Dutch Passion from any unwanted negative results a grower might experience.

But that is only my opinion ... and nothing more.
I can't say, and I never really thought about it. I was only curious if what was unable to be remembered about how to increase the female to male percentage was the information I posted or if it was different.

But if I were to venture a guess I would say the exact type of bulb, MH, CMH, conversion MH would not likely matter as long as the color spectrum would remain the same as what is considered optimal ... which might not be possible to get from those other types of bulbs ... but if it would I would tend to believe the plants would not 'care' in the least what design the light source was ... and only 'care' about the light spectrum they received.

On another note .... even if the information, which came from Dutch Passion Seeds, is accurate ... it is really pretty much worthless to just about every single grower. If you pay attention to it as you read it the word optimal is used repeatedly, as in optimal conditions, optimal environment, optimal lighting, optimal amounts of moisture, optimal amounts of ferts in optimal proportions. It does not mean what each individual grower sees as being optimal but instead what would be optimal for each individual strains genetics. Few if any growers achieve 100% optimal conditions for a single strain let alone for any and every strain they will grow.

So to me, if the info is accurate, it is interesting ... but nearly useless to most, if not all, growers. It is like being told how to build a space shuttle when you lack the skills and the setup and the equipment to then do what you learned. There is no singular across the board for every genetic combination 100% optimal conditions/environment/feeding/fertilizing etc. etc. etc. Possibly the only thing that would be universal would be lighting, but possibly not even that. If one strains genetics are largely from a region with very high amounts of UV-B rays and another from an area of very low UV-B rays that might make a difference. People only see their importance during flower, but keep in mind in nature they are there each and every day a plant grows, in differing amounts in different regions, and it is possible that could factor in depending on a strains genetics.

It mentions temperature but again individual genetics would have to play a part. It says lower temperatures equates to more females, but how would that work in nature in landrace strains in equatorial or tropical regions? That would mean in those conditions most seeds would be males. Going back to the late 60's and early 70's when I grew strains from such regions using bagseed from those strains on average I did not end up with a larger number of males to females than any time I have purchased regular beans of crosses.

It seemed contradictory to me for it to say that higher moisture/humidity of the seedbed would create a higher population of females. If you again look at nature consider the jungle strains, those that grow in tropical regions, regions with lots of rain and humidity, but also high temperatures. The ground will be moist there, but the temperatures high, so wouldn't it be logical that the one counteract the other? If high heat equates to increased percentages of males and high moisture content of the seedbed equates to increased percentages of females, when both conditions exist, which wins, which overcomes the other, or do they cancel each other out and a mid-way balance point is reached?

Personally I believe the info from Dutch Passion is basically propaganda and a way to blame growers for having more males or more hermies. When they first made feminized seeds they called them "female seeds." Many people got hermies and now and then a true male would popl up, though not very often, so they switched to calling their seeds feminized, meaning very highly likely to be female but don't be shocked if you get some hermies and the odd male now and then ... but to keep from looking like they are in any way responsible they claim that if ever condition is "optimal" you can count on female plants 90% to 95% of the time from regular beans and feminized ones should be females for sure.

They know that very, very few, if any, growers will achieve absolutely optimal conditions and environment and maintain it throughout a grow ... so when growers do not get a high percentage of females or they get a number of hermies, well, that was the fault of the grower by not creating and maintaining optimal conditions and environment etc. etc. etc. and it absolves Dutch Passion from any unwanted negative results a grower might experience.

But that is only my opinion ... and nothing more.
thanks brick ill give that a try next round all cmh...+ rep when i can i gave out too much already


Well-Known Member
so brick...I've thrown this q at ya before and I'll do it one more time: in your opinion, what's the most potent strain available through ANY of the banks? indica/sativa/whatever (I prefer a sativa)
If I recall I think you mentioned herijuana the last time I asked ya, but it's out of stock.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I wish I could remember where I read it but there is a way to make the female to male ratio higher. It's in one of the environmental factors of where you are germing them and how. This is really going to drive me nuts!!! I read it in a forum or book somewhere, maybe frigging hightimes i can't remember now. SHIT!! I have some regular seeds I'm TRYING to get a male out of for breeding but for some reason I keep getting females.
Sorry if I'm bringing up old shit, but wasn't it Subcool who stated tht if your looking for a good male than having an environment that promotes more females is best and if your looking for a strong female than an environment that promotes males is best. If you do it that way than it's more likely the plant is a "true" male or female.

It has been said that all cannabis was originally the same, it is the environment that has changed the plants. DJ Short short says that you can coax sativa or indica properties out of your plants by manipulating the growing environment, so why is it so hard to believe that plants genetics aren't the only factor controlling it's overall characteristics? Think about it.

Brick Top

New Member
so brick...I've thrown this q at ya before and I'll do it one more time: in your opinion, what's the most potent strain available through ANY of the banks? indica/sativa/whatever (I prefer a sativa)
If I recall I think you mentioned herijuana the last time I asked ya, but it's out of stock.

Frankly I am not sure. That is in part because I am not sure how much I trust the claims of THC percentages. I have said that Herijuana is supposed to be "up to 25%."

Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream claims; "minimum THC levels of 25%". If anyone that is half credible is claiming higher, I do not know about it. And for their strain named LSD Barney's Farm claims 24% THC. .

But is sort of comes down to what sort of high someone prefers, a clear soaring head high, a body stone/couch-lock stone or something between the two more than just THC percentages ... plus unless the ratio/mixture/balance of cannabinoids is not right the highest THC percentage in the world won't get someone as high as something with a lower percentage and a better
ratio/mixture/balance of cannabinoids will.



Active Member
One more thing why does mj hermi then?
Simple female plants grown to long will have male flowers does this make it a hermi no!
It is just mj's way to try and preserve itself and make some seeds so it can go on living next year!
So in short if you believe mj can change its sex at the end of the life cycle why do you find it so hard to believe it can be done at the start of life answer that dude!
A plant with both female and male flowers IS a hermie! THAT is the definition of a a hermie! Doesn't matter if it happens early or late in the plant's life cycle!
A plant with both female and male flowers IS a hermie! THAT is the definition of a a hermie! Doesn't matter if it happens early or late in the plant's life cycle!
I gave up trying to explain to him he cant even answer my question so i just ignore him and highlanders cave..Especially highlander since i was surprised at his remarks just straight out calling me dumb but when asked a question he saw it and decided not to even comment lmao...


Well-Known Member
if i may interject, honestly i do not know about the claim made by bf about tangerine dream.
i smoked it at cannabis cup and i thought that strains like chocolope and LA woman blew it out of the water. as for tga im definitely looking forward to plushberry as i have nothing but praise for their strains!:weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
if i may interject, honestly i do not know about the claim made by bf about tangerine dream.
i smoked it at cannabis cup and i thought that strains like chocolope and LA woman blew it out of the water. as for tga im definitely looking forward to plushberry as i have nothing but praise for their strains!:weed::weed:
im getting ready on the plushberry on the first stock from the tude.