TGA , stretching and falling over please help!!!!


Well-Known Member
First, transplant each one to its own pot, even if its just a paper cup. Next, get a few straws from Mcdonald's or something (a juice box straw wont work)..and place each of the stems inside of the straw to help keep it straight. I wouldn't suggest changing the type of soil..I tried it once and it killed my plant.
Next time, get a fluorescent light about 6"-1' above seedlings... A CFL will put off more heat than T8, a T5 HO will put off more heat than a T8 as well... I like T8 fluorescents to get all up in the face of a seedling, but thats me... Here are my TGA's - Querkle and Qleaner, both "freebies" from seed. Camera is showing height of T8 panel:



For falling seedlings and young plants I cut a piece of straw, open it up and introduce the stem of the plant inside, so you have a piece of plastic straw holding the weight, I will then either introduce it inside the rockwool (you should probably be able to put more soil to cover most part of it). After a few weeks, when the stem has become more solid I will carefully remove the straw.

Notice that you have to fix the problem too, get the lights closer if they are stretching. If you need a picture I will take one to my Blueberry which is about to get the straw removed and had the same problem during the seedling phase.


Well-Known Member
seriously you need to all SHUT up please about the soil because its shit on top like a few bigger bits as in woodchip shit but as soon as you dig down its just soft premium soft black soil , it holds moisture and they are growing... they are just stretched..
First of all just chill out. All these people are trying to give you advice, so take it or leave it.

When they say a specific strain stretches a lot at the start, they're referring to the 12/12 transition, not the initial sprouting of a seedling. They're stretching because you're using a 600w hps and a mh lamp, which are almost 2 ft. away, thats way too much light for those little guys. The further the light the more they are going to stretch to get to the light, that's why you use one T-5 so you can get it close.

Planting them together like that will rip the roots when you go to transplant, they will start getting intertwined. And that soil does look like shit by the way.