Well-Known Member
That Peach/Poop pheno is one of my favorites!So far this is the best lookin' vortex I have. First time growin' this pheno out. I just love the way it stretches and branching. Hard to explain I guess, I'm not great at trying to explain myself let alone do it typing.
She's on day 52 and almost everything I see is cloudy. I'll give it a few more days. Doesn't smell like my other vortex that is all lemons. There's citruis w/ a bad mango smell kinda. I suck at describing smells. She was 21" tall on day 1 and is now up to 38". The pic of the vegging plant is the same pheno and she is at 28" and is going into bud in a day or 2. I wish I would have been growing large plants many moons ago.
I'm goign to do another hunt soon, mine was just waaaay too hard to trim (even though the yield was great). Hope to find that thick bud pheno w/ that peach/poo smell