Well-Known Member
GREAT advice @radrolley, thanks! At least most of the advice is sound-- installing an a/c in an apartment in Anchorage in March when its 25 degrees F immediately following legalization, uhhhh, might just be more suspicious than reeking of dank lol!What I do to block smell is 24/7 run an inline fan running with a carbon filter venting outdoors. The carbon filter is kept outside the grow. It's nice because it never stays smokey, constant fresh air without opening a window. I do more of a sealed room in the grow area but If I had independent exhaust I would also put carbon filters on them. For me it's convenient because I run this air through my hoods to cool my lights. The carbon filter is placed outside the grow in the living room area. This way no matter what my entire place always has negative pressure even when any inline fans kick on to cool the room during winter. Many people like me are immune to the smell because we are around it all the time. I just borrow a trusted friends nose to scout all around my place for odors. I' m told once inside it smells big time but never outside. If you need to hide your exhaust going out your windows just gut out an old air conditioner have it vent through that. Not everyone removes their AC in the winter I notice all over town anyway. But I also wouldn't be surprised if there was at least a grow or 2 on every city block anyway. One very important thing to pay attention to with having strong negative pressure is your furnace exhaust. If too strong it will suck it in through the flute of the chimney. Always have a reliable carbon monoxide monitor. It can kill you.
Fortunately I think I have odor dialed for the dry, and the amt of setup was minimal. Right at lights on I chopped 70% of the plant and 2 others, pulled most of the fan leaves and hung the buds on lines in cardboard boxes. Then I placed the boxes immediately against my tent's passive vent, where there's minimal but some air circulation. This means airflow goes from the room into the tent, bringing all the smells with it, where its filtered and vented. When lights are on (night) I keep the door open and hot filtered air blows out the tent into our living room in an open loop. When lights are off (day) the door stays closed, and the tent's carbon filter more or less filters the whole room in a mostly closed loop. Discerning noses tell me they smell nothing... but who knows. Alaska is adult legal, so I face no real risk, except loss of home if my landlord's not down. But I'm not asking him, and worst case moving is something we (me and my lady) can live with.
Words, words words... lets show some pix eh?!

Here's a few TGA The Void. Flowered last summer.