Those look GREAT!Querkle
View attachment 3567519
Jack's Cleaner 2
View attachment 3567521
Dr Who
View attachment 3567522
View attachment 3567523
The biggest change that anyone can make is to quit eating out and start cooking your own food with your own individual spices. Even taco mix has a bunch of bullshit ingredients like preservatives. If you make, say Mexican or Italian foods you can look on your favorite package and just replicate the spices and skip the fake food ingredients. My three kids (twin 18 yr old girls; 22 year old son) all loved Mickey D's until about age five. Each realized and said, "I don't want it anymore. I feel sick after." Because I spoiled my kids with home cooked breakfast even, as well as lunch and dinner way over 95% of the time. It's simple. Quit soda. Even diet. Quit eating out-crap ingredients-and you will never get "the stomach flu" again. It's really food poisoning and ususally from chicken. #1 food disease agent in making people sick. A gov't agency tracks it. I quit pills for herniated vertebrae and other injuries. They don't work right after awhile anyway and then you're hooked and have to got through withdrawals to get off. Doctors say "taper-off" and that's why everyone relapses. Tapering off may never end. Cold turkey quitting narcotic prescription drugs will make you sick three weeks but then it's over. Go for walks if you're way out of shape. Easy does it. You can reverse bad health. Shit, my ex-dad in biker gang guy quit methamphetamine and whisky at 65. Felt so good he bought a new Harley at age 70 because he felt like he's gonna live forever now so get an electric start and replace the '78 Harley beast.And fruits thats all the sugar anyone needs....
I'm flipping out too on my room I'm building in a new 1913 trashed house. It's got lots of variety of plants and TGA strains and TGA crosses after two years of UNABLE TO GROW. And divorce papers where my ex specifically had me banned til last June from "possessing, using, or growing marijuana". Til my girls were 18. They did not even live with me anymore, but a B-word be a B-word, so she put the screws to me. Even with a MMJ 215 card from the great state of California in the Bay Area. Liberal Judges? Bullshit. They take kids from parents in divorce over marijuana. I skipped court for this reason and still got banned. It's back on now. Idk what 'helper X Querkle is like but I love all the stuff I cross with's all been great. 9lb is lanky and also very slow to begin budding after going into 12 hour room to 9/10 of my testers are all above ground, but one of the helper x querkle
which i think is nearly there too, just a little bit behind the rest
REALLY need to find the charger for my digital cam and start snapping photos
so excited for this run i can't even put into words, lets watch the magic happen !
I only cracked about ten strains of pure TGA. Then four other strains that are 1/4-1/2 TGA as I mix in other strains as different males appear. I'm making pure, unseeded, buds of a dozen different strains from TGA and some Clone-Only plants which are magically covered in sparkly resins and nowhere near finishing yet. We're sacrificing a medium sized Sherbet clone's buds out of the room one by one. It budded faster than anything. Grew faster than anything. Very excellent Cookie strain. A Blue Dream is getting thick enough to sacrifice buds too. The rest get to finish. Otherwise I burn $200 a week with my adult son included. I'm going to use TGA tester strain Purple Deathstar pollen and make seeds on my next batch. Had three males & saved the last one to bloom which was also the shortest. It's a Weed Nerd theory...late male bloomers have special recessive traits. I'm waiting on a few more slow-to-show TGA plants like a Deep Purple that, opposed to the attempt to speed up the slow growing Urkle...this one is noticeably slower that Clone-only Urkle. Which I think is cool. Platinum GSC-Clone only, is also pretty slow to grow and pretty slow to start flowering after hitting a 12 hour cycle. Somebody's pics made me sprout two Chernobyl which I will replicate in seeds somehow. And more 3D. I got some Space Candy TGA testers too, five, but the one I tried to pop did not pop. That was on me. I messed up $200 of seeds sprouting from being rusty after two years of no-grow. I got my mojo back on the next batch up to...95%? I sprouted a B-Load of Third Dimension crosses I made with a 'rotten/baby-poo' odor 3D that was also pathetically slow and prone to mold. It went: 3D(2nd pheno) X (The Purps X Durban Poison) then those resulting seeds' female was crossed with a male (SFVOG Kush, clone-only X male Chemdawg IV). One of the sparkliest crosses got vegged to almost five feet. (Durban X 3D) X same (SFVOG Kush clone-only X ChemDawgIV) with a clone-only Urkle X (SFVOGK X Chem) also hitting five feet in a seven gallon. My female to male ratio is 8/9 to 1.You have over 100 TGA beans? What are you waiting on? lol If I were in your shoes, I would crack those testers asap and got something different than that JinxProof Genetics stuff.
I make seeds because in the 80's, yes, I'm 51 with 35 years on the daily, we had the original short purple, called African Indica by the growers who had it in Mendocino. Until I had kids. Then...I lost the varieties I had. Short and bloomed a month early outdoors. Then, all I found to grow for ten years was a yuck-flavor, anise, Durban. I did a strain search ten years before I started finding the pro seeds for sale in our MMJ places in the SF Bay Area. Where these insane clones come out of as well. I'm sorry to make anyone jealous. I risked growing outdoors many years. For 18 I lived next to a cop. I grew first right where he could see it to force him to be a narc or a neighbor. He chose neighbor. And warned me when PG&E was coming. Too stoned. What? "In my yard. Up on that pole. Looking into YOUR YARD...maybe you need to move SOMETHING.." OK, wide awake now. 10-4. Move my then-totally-illegal plants out of sight. They won't even come in your place now if you keep a clip board of This:ugh you guys, enough with the seeds!!! jealous!!! i won't be able to pick any up until at least late january/early february. least i got a few cuts to run in the meantime. Jacks cleaner 2 is looking good right near 4.5wks. this one has very little stretch in flower it seems.... i put them in smaller thinking they were going to stretch more... but to my surprise they didn't! they smell like bubblegum right now... the double bubble bubble gum lol. my buddy said they get lemony later in flower.
My X-Rays and MRI's are so bad that it's basically chronic pain from wrecking about 1,000 times on bicycles. BMX jumping til age 37, MTB riding, Road riding, Cyclocross and we ride road bikes on mountain bike and single track trails, for about 40 years now for me. I have almost broke my neck and back, 10-15 concussions, 20 foot to the dome, hit by cars six times (never cited-I ride legally), and massive BMX jumps have hard landings and if you wreck you break bones. I've broke in no order...a toe, a foot, an ankle, a patella, a scapula, a finger, my tailbone, and I got neck and back herniated discs with soft tissue sticking out...yeah, it's not just PTSD and stress or allergies. One good XRay or MRI report is all I bring. When I bring too much doctor says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa,,this one is enough...and what's all this other stuff...?" Then..."WAIT, WHAT?! YOU STILL WORK!?!!?" Yes was the answer. He said, "Well, you're the only one still working with this many injuries. You're disabled. You must be in a a lot of pain." I am. But hard drugs suck. I had them seven years.
Mean "MTB"? If so, mountain biking!Bonjour
What is btm?
Btm is bottom mtb mountain bikeMean "MTB"? If so, mountain biking!
the helper x querkle should be a really nice strain, on IG i believe sub posted something a little while ago saying the helper is martian mean green x super silver haze, so I'm very excited haven't seen phenos of martian mean green in my area in over 5 yearsI'm flipping out too on my room I'm building in a new 1913 trashed house. It's got lots of variety of plants and TGA strains and TGA crosses after two years of UNABLE TO GROW. And divorce papers where my ex specifically had me banned til last June from "possessing, using, or growing marijuana". Til my girls were 18. They did not even live with me anymore, but a B-word be a B-word, so she put the screws to me. Even with a MMJ 215 card from the great state of California in the Bay Area. Liberal Judges? Bullshit. They take kids from parents in divorce over marijuana. I skipped court for this reason and still got banned. It's back on now. Idk what 'helper X Querkle is like but I love all the stuff I cross with's all been great. 9lb is lanky and also very slow to begin budding after going into 12 hour room to bloom.
I only cracked about ten strains of pure TGA. Then four other strains that are 1/4-1/2 TGA as I mix in other strains as different males appear. I'm making pure, unseeded, buds of a dozen different strains from TGA and some Clone-Only plants which are magically covered in sparkly resins and nowhere near finishing yet. We're sacrificing a medium sized Sherbet clone's buds out of the room one by one. It budded faster than anything. Grew faster than anything. Very excellent Cookie strain. A Blue Dream is getting thick enough to sacrifice buds too. The rest get to finish. Otherwise I burn $200 a week with my adult son included. I'm going to use TGA tester strain Purple Deathstar pollen and make seeds on my next batch. Had three males & saved the last one to bloom which was also the shortest. It's a Weed Nerd theory...late male bloomers have special recessive traits. I'm waiting on a few more slow-to-show TGA plants like a Deep Purple that, opposed to the attempt to speed up the slow growing Urkle...this one is noticeably slower that Clone-only Urkle. Which I think is cool. Platinum GSC-Clone only, is also pretty slow to grow and pretty slow to start flowering after hitting a 12 hour cycle. Somebody's pics made me sprout two Chernobyl which I will replicate in seeds somehow. And more 3D. I got some Space Candy TGA testers too, five, but the one I tried to pop did not pop. That was on me. I messed up $200 of seeds sprouting from being rusty after two years of no-grow. I got my mojo back on the next batch up to...95%? I sprouted a B-Load of Third Dimension crosses I made with a 'rotten/baby-poo' odor 3D that was also pathetically slow and prone to mold. It went: 3D(2nd pheno) X (The Purps X Durban Poison) then those resulting seeds' female was crossed with a male (SFVOG Kush, clone-only X male Chemdawg IV). One of the sparkliest crosses got vegged to almost five feet. (Durban X 3D) X same (SFVOG Kush clone-only X ChemDawgIV) with a clone-only Urkle X (SFVOGK X Chem) also hitting five feet in a seven gallon. My female to male ratio is 8/9 to 1.