TGA By Others


Well-Known Member
That space madness looks badass. If you process the whole plant into hash do you do anything special with the bud material to make sure you get as much out of it as possible?


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of Jilly Bean at day 30 of 12/12. I have never grown a TGA strain I picked up these 2 clones from a a grower here in AZ. I ended up killing off one Jilly Bean because she wasnt budding and looked weak, not talking shit about TGA because these werent grown from seed by me. Anyways the other Jilly bean looks great and is really doing well here are a couple pics. Two 1000W HPS, Canna Coco, House and Garden nutes and the rest of the additives, sealed room with co2.



Well-Known Member
Finally got my TGA stuff up and singin. CheeseQuake @ 28DSCF9696.jpgOh ya!
Already starting to frost up. Will post again in a week or two. Thanks Subcool !


Well-Known Member
That space madness looks badass. If you process the whole plant into hash do you do anything special with the bud material to make sure you get as much out of it as possible?
This plant went from flower to veg to flower so the buds are small but as you can see from the resin canoe below there is plenty of hash to be collected

I will remove the fan leaves and save anything with sugar on it for processing



Well-Known Member
TC, before the plant material goes into the water, do you break up the flowers first or do you throw the flowers in whole?


Well-Known Member
Took my apollo down and cut it up to go into jars... guess what's for dinner? 3.625 oz (101.5g) from a plant only vegged 1.5mo - you should see the cuttings... the 2nd run is going to be so much huger based on plant size (their base stems and main stems are almost as wide at the start of flower as most of the first gen was at the finish) and they're getting put into much bigger containers. I'm going to wait for it to cure a week before I start smoking on it much but I love how the first plant has turned out as it's been curing it has definitely gotten more potent. If this pheno is not as potent it's going to be a disappointment despite better yield.


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Active Member
Can someone that is familar with the super soil mix or anyone that has there own similar to Subcools help me with the conversion for what it would take. I am growing 8 plants total that will be in big pots there will be more scattered throughout the country side just for fun but anyway. The 8 plants will be going in 45 gallon smart pots that i bought there well three are smart pots the other 5 are ez roots or something pretty much the same as smart pots just a few bucks cheaper. I have some strains that should finish by end of sept to a few weeks into oct this is what i have so far for my soil mix and what i was thinking of using comments or tips would be helpful. I have bought like 28 bags of soil 10 or 12 will be mixed into the super soil mix in the kiddy pool i bought and cooked for a month while the plants fill there 7 galon smart pots. heres what i have so far i will put it in a list so its easier to see what i have and what i should add
10-12 bags roots organic 707 mix
50 lbs of live earthworm castings
5 lbs of blood meal 12-0-0
5 lbs peruvian bat guano 0-5-0
5 lbs fish meal
1 cup epsom salt
1 cup lime
1 bag alaskan forrest humus
2 tbs powder humic acid
2/3 cup azomite
2.5 small bags of mykos from extreme gardening
Thats what i have right now that i was going to mix in the next few days if i need to add anything that will help as this is my first time doing the supersoil mix. I consider myself a conneseur and i am my own toughest critic using fox farm nuts with my stuff i can tell with the flavor and the way the smoke hits the lungs that i used nutes on it. Also i found a good number of the dispensarys in the city do also. I have smoked the organic grown buds before in Califorina and it was bomb. I had some Super silver Haze from Eugene Oregon the year it won the Cannabis cup in Amsterdam that was all organic and it was amazing. Im new to the organic growing and have been reading every skunk magazine i can get my hands on and learning all i can.