Tga ace of spades


Well-Known Member
Money is tight and I can only afford to buy 2 seeds and I was wondering if you guys think I would get atleast one female? Thank you


Well-Known Member
Germ them colder. It tends to make more females. No heating mat. But that is just something subcool has said. Don't take my word for it!


Active Member
I popped two AOS on 7-1. I got two females and two phenotypes out of 2 seeds. One is much taller than the other. Both plants look amazing. I have never grown TGA gear before, so far I am very impressed with the vigor and look. I am hoping for a BCS phenotype.


Well-Known Member
You have a 50/50 chance like said above but understand that you could end up with all males. I say you get 2 ace seeds and a couple bag seed and run them all together. That way you are guaranteed to have at least one female